#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Wrapper around git blame that ignores certain commits. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import logging import os import subprocess2 import sys import git_common import git_dates logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) class Commit(object): """Info about a commit.""" def __init__(self, commithash): self.commithash = commithash self.author = None self.author_mail = None self.author_time = None self.author_tz = None self.committer = None self.committer_mail = None self.committer_time = None self.committer_tz = None self.summary = None self.boundary = None self.previous = None self.filename = None def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return '' % self.commithash BlameLine = collections.namedtuple( 'BlameLine', 'commit context lineno_then lineno_now modified') def parse_blame(blameoutput): """Parses the output of git blame -p into a data structure.""" lines = blameoutput.split('\n') i = 0 commits = {} while i < len(lines): # Read a commit line and parse it. line = lines[i] i += 1 if not line.strip(): continue commitline = line.split() commithash = commitline[0] lineno_then = int(commitline[1]) lineno_now = int(commitline[2]) try: commit = commits[commithash] except KeyError: commit = Commit(commithash) commits[commithash] = commit # Read commit details until we find a context line. while i < len(lines): line = lines[i] i += 1 if line.startswith('\t'): break try: key, value = line.split(' ', 1) except ValueError: key = line value = True setattr(commit, key.replace('-', '_'), value) context = line[1:] yield BlameLine(commit, context, lineno_then, lineno_now, False) def print_table(table, colsep=' ', rowsep='\n', align=None, out=sys.stdout): """Print a 2D rectangular array, aligning columns with spaces. Args: align: Optional string of 'l' and 'r', designating whether each column is left- or right-aligned. Defaults to left aligned. """ if len(table) == 0: return colwidths = None for row in table: if colwidths is None: colwidths = [len(x) for x in row] else: colwidths = [max(colwidths[i], len(x)) for i, x in enumerate(row)] if align is None: # pragma: no cover align = 'l' * len(colwidths) for row in table: cells = [] for i, cell in enumerate(row): padding = ' ' * (colwidths[i] - len(cell)) if align[i] == 'r': cell = padding + cell elif i < len(row) - 1: # Do not pad the final column if left-aligned. cell += padding cells.append(cell) try: print(*cells, sep=colsep, end=rowsep, file=out) except IOError: # pragma: no cover # Can happen on Windows if the pipe is closed early. pass def pretty_print(parsedblame, show_filenames=False, out=sys.stdout): """Pretty-prints the output of parse_blame.""" table = [] for line in parsedblame: author_time = git_dates.timestamp_offset_to_datetime( line.commit.author_time, line.commit.author_tz) row = [line.commit.commithash[:8], '(' + line.commit.author, git_dates.datetime_string(author_time), str(line.lineno_now) + ('*' if line.modified else '') + ')', line.context] if show_filenames: row.insert(1, line.commit.filename) table.append(row) print_table(table, align='llllrl' if show_filenames else 'lllrl', out=out) def get_parsed_blame(filename, revision='HEAD'): blame = git_common.blame(filename, revision=revision, porcelain=True) return list(parse_blame(blame)) def hyper_blame(ignored, filename, revision='HEAD', out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr): # Map from commit to parsed blame from that commit. blame_from = {} def cache_blame_from(filename, commithash): try: return blame_from[commithash] except KeyError: parsed = get_parsed_blame(filename, commithash) blame_from[commithash] = parsed return parsed try: parsed = cache_blame_from(filename, git_common.hash_one(revision)) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e: err.write(e.stderr) return e.returncode new_parsed = [] # We don't show filenames in blame output unless we have to. show_filenames = False for line in parsed: # If a line references an ignored commit, blame that commit's parent # repeatedly until we find a non-ignored commit. while line.commit.commithash in ignored: if line.commit.previous is None: # You can't ignore the commit that added this file. break previouscommit, previousfilename = line.commit.previous.split(' ', 1) parent_blame = cache_blame_from(previousfilename, previouscommit) if len(parent_blame) == 0: # The previous version of this file was empty, therefore, you can't # ignore this commit. break # line.lineno_then is the line number in question at line.commit. # TODO(mgiuca): This will be incorrect if line.commit added or removed # lines. Translate that line number so that it refers to the position of # the same line on previouscommit. lineno_previous = line.lineno_then logging.debug('ignore commit %s on line p%d/t%d/n%d', line.commit.commithash, lineno_previous, line.lineno_then, line.lineno_now) # Get the line at lineno_previous in the parent commit. assert lineno_previous > 0 try: newline = parent_blame[lineno_previous - 1] except IndexError: # lineno_previous is a guess, so it may be past the end of the file. # Just grab the last line in the file. newline = parent_blame[-1] # Replace the commit and lineno_then, but not the lineno_now or context. logging.debug(' replacing with %r', newline) line = BlameLine(newline.commit, line.context, lineno_previous, line.lineno_now, True) # If any line has a different filename to the file's current name, turn on # filename display for the entire blame output. if line.commit.filename != filename: show_filenames = True new_parsed.append(line) pretty_print(new_parsed, show_filenames=show_filenames, out=out) return 0 def main(args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='git hyper-blame', description='git blame with support for ignoring certain commits.') parser.add_argument('-i', metavar='REVISION', action='append', dest='ignored', default=[], help='a revision to ignore') parser.add_argument('revision', nargs='?', default='HEAD', metavar='REVISION', help='revision to look at') parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='FILE', help='filename to blame') args = parser.parse_args(args) try: repo_root = git_common.repo_root() except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e: stderr.write(e.stderr) return e.returncode # Make filename relative to the repository root, and cd to the root dir (so # all filenames throughout this script are relative to the root). filename = os.path.relpath(args.filename, repo_root) os.chdir(repo_root) # Normalize filename so we can compare it to other filenames git gives us. filename = os.path.normpath(filename) filename = os.path.normcase(filename) ignored = set() for c in args.ignored: try: ignored.add(git_common.hash_one(c)) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e: # Custom error message (the message from git-rev-parse is inappropriate). stderr.write('fatal: unknown revision \'%s\'.\n' % c) return e.returncode return hyper_blame(ignored, filename, args.revision, out=stdout, err=stderr) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover with git_common.less() as less_input: sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:], stdout=less_input))