# Copyright (c) 2012 Andy Davidoff http://www.disruptek.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010 Jason R. Coombs http://www.jaraco.com/ # Copyright (c) 2008 Chris Moyer http://coredumped.org/ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import urllib import uuid from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection from boto.fps.exception import ResponseErrorFactory from boto.fps.response import ResponseFactory import boto.fps.response __all__ = ['FPSConnection'] decorated_attrs = ('action', 'response') def add_attrs_from(func, to): for attr in decorated_attrs: setattr(to, attr, getattr(func, attr, None)) return to def complex_amounts(*fields): def decorator(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): for field in filter(kw.has_key, fields): amount = kw.pop(field) kw[field + '.Value'] = getattr(amount, 'Value', str(amount)) kw[field + '.CurrencyCode'] = getattr(amount, 'CurrencyCode', self.currencycode) return func(self, *args, **kw) wrapper.__doc__ = "{0}\nComplex Amounts: {1}".format(func.__doc__, ', '.join(fields)) return add_attrs_from(func, to=wrapper) return decorator def requires(*groups): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): hasgroup = lambda x: len(x) == len(filter(kw.has_key, x)) if 1 != len(filter(hasgroup, groups)): message = ' OR '.join(['+'.join(g) for g in groups]) message = "{0} requires {1} argument(s)" \ "".format(getattr(func, 'action', 'Method'), message) raise KeyError(message) return func(*args, **kw) message = ' OR '.join(['+'.join(g) for g in groups]) wrapper.__doc__ = "{0}\nRequired: {1}".format(func.__doc__, message) return add_attrs_from(func, to=wrapper) return decorator def needs_caller_reference(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): kw.setdefault('CallerReference', uuid.uuid4()) return func(*args, **kw) wrapper.__doc__ = "{0}\nUses CallerReference, defaults " \ "to uuid.uuid4()".format(func.__doc__) return add_attrs_from(func, to=wrapper) def api_action(*api): def decorator(func): action = ''.join(api or map(str.capitalize, func.func_name.split('_'))) response = ResponseFactory(action) if hasattr(boto.fps.response, action + 'Response'): response = getattr(boto.fps.response, action + 'Response') def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): return func(self, action, response, *args, **kw) wrapper.action, wrapper.response = action, response wrapper.__doc__ = "FPS {0} API call\n{1}".format(action, func.__doc__) return wrapper return decorator class FPSConnection(AWSQueryConnection): APIVersion = '2010-08-28' ResponseError = ResponseErrorFactory currencycode = 'USD' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.currencycode = kw.pop('CurrencyCode', self.currencycode) kw.setdefault('host', 'fps.sandbox.amazonaws.com') AWSQueryConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kw) def _required_auth_capability(self): return ['fps'] @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('SettlementAmount') @requires(['CreditInstrumentId', 'SettlementAmount.Value', 'SenderTokenId', 'SettlementAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def settle_debt(self, action, response, **kw): """Allows a caller to initiate a transaction that atomically transfers money from a sender's payment instrument to the recipient, while decreasing corresponding debt balance. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TransactionId']) @api_action() def get_transaction_status(self, action, response, **kw): """Gets the latest status of a transaction. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['StartDate']) @api_action() def get_account_activity(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns transactions for a given date range. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TransactionId']) @api_action() def get_transaction(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns all details of a transaction. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @api_action() def get_outstanding_debt_balance(self, action, response): """Returns the total outstanding balance for all the credit instruments for the given creditor account. """ return self.get_object(action, {}, response) @requires(['PrepaidInstrumentId']) @api_action() def get_prepaid_balance(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the balance available on the given prepaid instrument. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @api_action() def get_total_prepaid_liability(self, action, response): """Returns the total liability held by the given account corresponding to all the prepaid instruments owned by the account. """ return self.get_object(action, {}, response) @api_action() def get_account_balance(self, action, response): """Returns the account balance for an account in real time. """ return self.get_object(action, {}, response) @needs_caller_reference @requires(['PaymentInstruction', 'TokenType']) @api_action() def install_payment_instruction(self, action, response, **kw): """Installs a payment instruction for caller. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @needs_caller_reference @requires(['returnURL', 'pipelineName']) def cbui_url(self, **kw): """Generate a signed URL for the Co-Branded service API given arguments as payload. """ sandbox = 'sandbox' in self.host and 'payments-sandbox' or 'payments' endpoint = 'authorize.{0}.amazon.com'.format(sandbox) base = '/cobranded-ui/actions/start' validpipelines = ('SingleUse', 'MultiUse', 'Recurring', 'Recipient', 'SetupPrepaid', 'SetupPostpaid', 'EditToken') assert kw['pipelineName'] in validpipelines, "Invalid pipelineName" kw.update({ 'signatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256', 'signatureVersion': '2', }) kw.setdefault('callerKey', self.aws_access_key_id) safestr = lambda x: x is not None and str(x) or '' safequote = lambda x: urllib.quote(safestr(x), safe='~') payload = sorted([(k, safequote(v)) for k, v in kw.items()]) encoded = lambda p: '&'.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in p]) canonical = '\n'.join(['GET', endpoint, base, encoded(payload)]) signature = self._auth_handler.sign_string(canonical) payload += [('signature', safequote(signature))] payload.sort() return 'https://{0}{1}?{2}'.format(endpoint, base, encoded(payload)) @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('TransactionAmount') @requires(['SenderTokenId', 'TransactionAmount.Value', 'TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def reserve(self, action, response, **kw): """Reserve API is part of the Reserve and Settle API conjunction that serve the purpose of a pay where the authorization and settlement have a timing difference. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('TransactionAmount') @requires(['SenderTokenId', 'TransactionAmount.Value', 'TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def pay(self, action, response, **kw): """Allows calling applications to move money from a sender to a recipient. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TransactionId']) @api_action() def cancel(self, action, response, **kw): """Cancels an ongoing transaction and puts it in cancelled state. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @complex_amounts('TransactionAmount') @requires(['ReserveTransactionId', 'TransactionAmount.Value', 'TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def settle(self, action, response, **kw): """The Settle API is used in conjunction with the Reserve API and is used to settle previously reserved transaction. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @complex_amounts('RefundAmount') @requires(['TransactionId', 'RefundAmount.Value', 'CallerReference', 'RefundAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def refund(self, action, response, **kw): """Refunds a previously completed transaction. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['RecipientTokenId']) @api_action() def get_recipient_verification_status(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the recipient status. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['CallerReference'], ['TokenId']) @api_action() def get_token_by_caller(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the details of a particular token installed by this calling application using the subway co-branded UI. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['UrlEndPoint', 'HttpParameters']) @api_action() def verify_signature(self, action, response, **kw): """Verify the signature that FPS sent in IPN or callback urls. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @api_action() def get_tokens(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns a list of tokens installed on the given account. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TokenId']) @api_action() def get_token_usage(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the usage of a token. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TokenId']) @api_action() def cancel_token(self, action, response, **kw): """Cancels any token installed by the calling application on its own account. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('FundingAmount') @requires(['PrepaidInstrumentId', 'FundingAmount.Value', 'SenderTokenId', 'FundingAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def fund_prepaid(self, action, response, **kw): """Funds the prepaid balance on the given prepaid instrument. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['CreditInstrumentId']) @api_action() def get_debt_balance(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the balance corresponding to the given credit instrument. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('AdjustmentAmount') @requires(['CreditInstrumentId', 'AdjustmentAmount.Value', 'AdjustmentAmount.CurrencyCode']) @api_action() def write_off_debt(self, action, response, **kw): """Allows a creditor to write off the debt balance accumulated partially or fully at any time. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['SubscriptionId']) @api_action() def get_transactions_for_subscription(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the transactions for a given subscriptionID. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['SubscriptionId']) @api_action() def get_subscription_details(self, action, response, **kw): """Returns the details of Subscription for a given subscriptionID. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @needs_caller_reference @complex_amounts('RefundAmount') @requires(['SubscriptionId']) @api_action() def cancel_subscription_and_refund(self, action, response, **kw): """Cancels a subscription. """ message = "If you specify a RefundAmount, " \ "you must specify CallerReference." assert not 'RefundAmount.Value' in kw \ or 'CallerReference' in kw, message return self.get_object(action, kw, response) @requires(['TokenId']) @api_action() def get_payment_instruction(self, action, response, **kw): """Gets the payment instruction of a token. """ return self.get_object(action, kw, response)