#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import json import re import sys from collections import defaultdict import git_common as git FOOTER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*([\w-]+): (.*)$') CHROME_COMMIT_POSITION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^([\w/-]+)@{#(\d+)}$') GIT_SVN_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('^([^\s@]+)@(\d+)') def normalize_name(header): return '-'.join([ word.title() for word in header.strip().split('-') ]) def parse_footer(line): """Returns footer's (key, value) if footer is valid, else None.""" match = FOOTER_PATTERN.match(line) if match: return (match.group(1), match.group(2)) else: return None def parse_footers(message): """Parses a git commit message into a multimap of footers.""" _, _, parsed_footers = split_footers(message) footer_map = defaultdict(list) if parsed_footers: # Read footers from bottom to top, because latter takes precedense, # and we want it to be first in the multimap value. for (k, v) in reversed(parsed_footers): footer_map[normalize_name(k)].append(v.strip()) return footer_map def split_footers(message): """Returns (non_footer_lines, footer_lines, parsed footers). Guarantees that: (non_footer_lines + footer_lines) == message.splitlines(). parsed_footers is parse_footer applied on each line of footer_lines. """ message_lines = list(message.splitlines()) footer_lines = [] for line in reversed(message_lines): if line == '' or line.isspace(): break footer_lines.append(line) else: # The whole description was consisting of footers, # which means those aren't footers. footer_lines = [] footer_lines.reverse() footers = map(parse_footer, footer_lines) if not footer_lines or not all(footers): return message_lines, [], [] return message_lines[:-len(footer_lines)], footer_lines, footers def get_footer_svn_id(branch=None): if not branch: branch = git.root() svn_id = None message = git.run('log', '-1', '--format=%B', branch) footers = parse_footers(message) git_svn_id = get_unique(footers, 'git-svn-id') if git_svn_id: match = GIT_SVN_ID_PATTERN.match(git_svn_id) if match: svn_id = match.group(1) return svn_id def get_footer_change_id(message): """Returns a list of Gerrit's ChangeId from given commit message.""" return parse_footers(message).get(normalize_name('Change-Id'), []) def add_footer_change_id(message, change_id): """Returns message with Change-ID footer in it. Assumes that Change-Id is not yet in footers, which is then inserted at earliest footer line which is after all of these footers: Bug|Issue|Test|Feature. """ assert 'Change-Id' not in parse_footers(message) return add_footer(message, 'Change-Id', change_id, after_keys=['Bug', 'Issue', 'Test', 'Feature']) def add_footer(message, key, value, after_keys=None): """Returns a message with given footer appended. If after_keys is None (default), appends footer last. Otherwise, after_keys must be iterable of footer keys, then the new footer would be inserted at the topmost position such there would be no footer lines after it with key matching one of after_keys. For example, given message='Header.\n\nAdded: 2016\nBug: 123\nVerified-By: CQ' after_keys=['Bug', 'Issue'] the new footer will be inserted between Bug and Verified-By existing footers. """ assert key == normalize_name(key), 'Use normalized key' new_footer = '%s: %s' % (key, value) top_lines, footer_lines, parsed_footers = split_footers(message) if not footer_lines: if not top_lines or top_lines[-1] != '': top_lines.append('') footer_lines = [new_footer] elif not after_keys: footer_lines.append(new_footer) else: after_keys = set(map(normalize_name, after_keys)) # Iterate from last to first footer till we find the footer keys above. for i, (key, _) in reversed(list(enumerate(parsed_footers))): if normalize_name(key) in after_keys: footer_lines.insert(i + 1, new_footer) break else: footer_lines.insert(0, new_footer) return '\n'.join(top_lines + footer_lines) def get_unique(footers, key): key = normalize_name(key) values = footers[key] assert len(values) <= 1, 'Multiple %s footers' % key if values: return values[0] else: return None def get_position(footers): """Get the commit position from the footers multimap using a heuristic. Returns: A tuple of the branch and the position on that branch. For example, Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#292272} would give the return value ('refs/heads/master', 292272). If Cr-Commit-Position is not defined, we try to infer the ref and position from git-svn-id. The position number can be None if it was not inferrable. """ position = get_unique(footers, 'Cr-Commit-Position') if position: match = CHROME_COMMIT_POSITION_PATTERN.match(position) assert match, 'Invalid Cr-Commit-Position value: %s' % position return (match.group(1), match.group(2)) svn_commit = get_unique(footers, 'git-svn-id') if svn_commit: match = GIT_SVN_ID_PATTERN.match(svn_commit) assert match, 'Invalid git-svn-id value: %s' % svn_commit # V8 has different semantics than Chromium. if re.match(r'.*https?://v8\.googlecode\.com/svn/trunk', match.group(1)): return ('refs/heads/candidates', match.group(2)) if re.match(r'.*https?://v8\.googlecode\.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge', match.group(1)): return ('refs/heads/master', match.group(2)) # Assume that any trunk svn revision will match the commit-position # semantics. if re.match('.*/trunk.*$', match.group(1)): return ('refs/heads/master', match.group(2)) # But for now only support faking branch-heads for chrome. branch_match = re.match('.*/chrome/branches/([\w/-]+)/src$', match.group(1)) if branch_match: # svn commit numbers do not map to branches. return ('refs/branch-heads/%s' % branch_match.group(1), None) raise ValueError('Unable to infer commit position from footers') def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument('ref', nargs='?', help="Git ref to retrieve footers from." " Omit to parse stdin.") g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('--key', metavar='KEY', help='Get all values for the given footer name, one per ' 'line (case insensitive)') g.add_argument('--position', action='store_true') g.add_argument('--position-ref', action='store_true') g.add_argument('--position-num', action='store_true') g.add_argument('--json', help="filename to dump JSON serialized headers to.") opts = parser.parse_args(args) if opts.ref: message = git.run('log', '-1', '--format=%B', opts.ref) else: message = '\n'.join(l for l in sys.stdin) footers = parse_footers(message) if opts.key: for v in footers.get(normalize_name(opts.key), []): print v elif opts.position: pos = get_position(footers) print '%s@{#%s}' % (pos[0], pos[1] or '?') elif opts.position_ref: print get_position(footers)[0] elif opts.position_num: pos = get_position(footers) assert pos[1], 'No valid position for commit' print pos[1] elif opts.json: with open(opts.json, 'w') as f: json.dump(footers, f) else: for k in footers.keys(): for v in footers[k]: print '%s: %s' % (k, v) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('interrupted\n') sys.exit(1)