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2 Commits (103ae03aa11aabd8fe180a761ce4a9033fbe23a8)

Author SHA1 Message Date c6a2ee6930 Adds SSO auth to gsutil
Code path:
1. plugins.sso_auth is imported, which adds the AuthHandler class to the global state.
2. HasConfiguredCredentials() in gslib/ is called by gsutil, and will return true if "prodaccess" exists on the system, which tells the system that we don't want a no-op auth handler.
3. When a command is called, all the auth handlers are cycled through and sso_auth.SSOAuth is called, which calls a stubby command to emit a gaiamint'ed oauth2 access token, which is then used as the Authorization Header

if --bypass_prodaccess is passed in, then:
1. HasConfiguredCredentials() will bypass the check for prodaccess, as if it didn't exist.
2. plugins.sso_auth does not get imported.
Which will essentially cause gsutil to behave as if this patch never existed.

So the expected behavior is:
=.boto file does not exist, prodaccess exists, but unauthenticated=
Failure: No handler was ready to authenticate. 3 handlers were checked. ['OAuth2Auth', 'HmacAuthV1Handler', 'SSOAuth'] Check your credentials.

=.boto file exists, prodaccess exists, but unauthenticated=
sso_auth will raise NotReadyToAuthenticate, and the .boto file will be used instead

=.boto file exists, prodaccess exists, authenticated=
sso_auth will be run _after_ the default gsutil authenticator, which causes the sso_auth to be used over whatever the default authentication is.

bypass_prodaccess is passed in by default to upload_to_google_storage because we expect people who use upload_to_google_storage to not need prodaccess and have their own boto file already.  Also the sso_auth plugin will only request a readonlyi token, which will not work for uploading.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
11 years ago 8efca395c0 Added gsutil/gslib to depot_tools/third_party
This is needed for
Which uses gsutil to download objects from Google Storage based on SHA1 sums

Continuation of:
Rietveld didn't like a giant CL with all of gsutil (kept crashing on upload),
The CL is being split into three parts

Related: (gsutil/boto) (gsutil/)


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago