@ -339,6 +339,40 @@ class Dependency(GClientKeywords, gclient_utils.WorkItem):
def run ( self , revision_overrides , command , args , work_queue , options ) :
""" Runs ' command ' before parsing the DEPS in case it ' s a initial checkout
or a revert . """
def maybeGetParentRevision ( options ) :
""" If we are performing an update and --transitive is set, set the
revision to the parent ' s revision. If we have an explicit revision
do nothing . """
if command == ' update ' and options . transitive and not options . revision :
_ , revision = gclient_utils . SplitUrlRevision ( self . parsed_url )
if not revision :
options . revision = revision_overrides . get ( self . parent . name )
if options . verbose and options . revision :
print ( " Using parent ' s revision date: %s " % options . revision )
# If the parent has a revision override, then it must have been
# converted to date format.
assert ( not options . revision or
gclient_utils . IsDateRevision ( options . revision ) )
def maybeConvertToDateRevision ( options ) :
""" If we are performing an update and --transitive is set, convert the
revision to a date - revision ( if necessary ) . Instead of having
- r 101 replace the revision with the time stamp of 101 ( e . g .
" { 2011-18-04} " ) .
This way dependencies are upgraded to the revision they had at the
check - in of revision 101. """
if ( command == ' update ' and
options . transitive and
options . revision and
not gclient_utils . IsDateRevision ( options . revision ) ) :
revision_date = scm . GetRevisionDate ( options . revision )
revision = gclient_utils . MakeDateRevision ( revision_date )
if options . verbose :
print ( " Updating revision override from %s to %s . " %
( options . revision , revision ) )
revision_overrides [ self . name ] = revision
assert self . _file_list == [ ]
if not self . should_process :
@ -362,8 +396,10 @@ class Dependency(GClientKeywords, gclient_utils.WorkItem):
# Create a shallow copy to mutate revision.
options = copy . copy ( options )
options . revision = revision_overrides . get ( self . name )
maybeGetParentRevision ( options )
scm = gclient_scm . CreateSCM ( self . parsed_url , self . root_dir ( ) , self . name )
scm . RunCommand ( command , options , args , self . _file_list )
maybeConvertToDateRevision ( options )
self . _file_list = [ os . path . join ( self . name , f . strip ( ) )
for f in self . _file_list ]
self . processed = True
@ -1043,6 +1079,11 @@ def CMDsync(parser, args):
' has multiple solutions configured and will work even '
' if the src@ part is skipped. Note that specifying '
' --revision means your safesync_url gets ignored. ' )
parser . add_option ( ' -t ' , ' --transitive ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' When a revision is specified (in the DEPS file or '
' with the command-line flag), transitively update '
' the dependencies to the date of the given revision. '
' Only supported for SVN repositories. ' )
parser . add_option ( ' -H ' , ' --head ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' skips any safesync_urls specified in '
' configured solutions and sync to head instead ' )