@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2008 Evan Martin <martine@danga.com>
""" A git-command for integrating reviews on Rietveld ."""
""" A git-command for integrating reviews on Rietveld and Gerrit ."""
from distutils . version import LooseVersion
from multiprocessing . pool import ThreadPool
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import commit_queue
import dart_format
import fix_encoding
import gclient_utils
import gerrit_util
import git_cache
import git_common
import git_footers
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ def ask_for_data(prompt):
def git_set_branch_value ( key , value ) :
branch = Changelist( ) . Ge tBranch( )
branch = GetCurren tBranch( )
if not branch :
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ def git_set_branch_value(key, value):
def git_get_branch_default ( key , default ) :
branch = Changelist( ) . Ge tBranch( )
branch = GetCurren tBranch( )
if branch :
git_key = ' branch. %s . %s ' % ( branch , key )
( _ , stdout ) = RunGitWithCode ( [ ' config ' , ' --int ' , ' --get ' , git_key ] )
@ -813,23 +814,61 @@ class Settings(object):
def ShortBranchName ( branch ) :
""" Convert a name like ' refs/heads/foo ' to just ' foo ' . """
return branch . replace ( ' refs/heads/ ' , ' ' )
return branch . replace ( ' refs/heads/ ' , ' ' , 1 )
def GetCurrentBranchRef ( ) :
""" Returns branch ref (e.g., refs/heads/master) or None. """
return RunGit ( [ ' symbolic-ref ' , ' HEAD ' ] ,
stderr = subprocess2 . VOID , error_ok = True ) . strip ( ) or None
def GetCurrentBranch ( ) :
""" Returns current branch or None.
For refs / heads / * branches , returns just last part . For others , full ref .
branchref = GetCurrentBranchRef ( )
if branchref :
return ShortBranchName ( branchref )
return None
class Changelist ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , branchref = None , issue = None , auth_config = None ) :
""" Changelist works with one changelist in local branch.
Supports two codereview backends : Rietveld or Gerrit , selected at object
creation .
Not safe for concurrent multi - { thread , process } use .
def __init__ ( self , branchref = None , issue = None , codereview = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Create a new ChangeList instance.
If issue is given , the codereview must be given too .
If ` codereview ` is given , it must be ' rietveld ' or ' gerrit ' .
Otherwise , it ' s decided based on current configuration of the local branch,
with default being ' rietveld ' for backwards compatibility .
See _load_codereview_impl for more details .
* * kwargs will be passed directly to codereview implementation .
# Poke settings so we get the "configure your server" message if necessary.
global settings
if not settings :
# Happens when git_cl.py is used as a utility library.
settings = Settings ( )
settings . GetDefaultServerUrl ( )
if issue :
assert codereview , ' codereview must be known, if issue is known '
self . branchref = branchref
if self . branchref :
self . branch = ShortBranchName ( self . branchref )
else :
self . branch = None
self . rietveld_server = None
self . upstream_branch = None
self . lookedup_issue = False
self . issue = issue or None
@ -839,14 +878,44 @@ class Changelist(object):
self . patchset = None
self . cc = None
self . watchers = ( )
self . _auth_config = auth_config
self . _props = None
self . _remote = None
self . _rpc_server = None
def auth_config ( self ) :
return self . _auth_config
self . _codereview_impl = None
self . _load_codereview_impl ( codereview , * * kwargs )
def _load_codereview_impl ( self , codereview = None , * * kwargs ) :
if codereview :
codereview = codereview . lower ( )
if codereview == ' gerrit ' :
self . _codereview_impl = _GerritChangelistImpl ( self , * * kwargs )
elif codereview == ' rietveld ' :
self . _codereview_impl = _RietveldChangelistImpl ( self , * * kwargs )
else :
assert codereview in ( ' rietveld ' , ' gerrit ' )
# Automatic selection.
assert not self . issue
# Check if this branch is associated with Rietveld => Rieveld.
self . _codereview_impl = _RietveldChangelistImpl ( self , * * kwargs )
if self . GetIssue ( force_lookup = True ) :
tmp_rietveld = self . _codereview_impl # Save Rietveld object.
# Check if this branch has Gerrit issue associated => Gerrit.
self . _codereview_impl = _GerritChangelistImpl ( self , * * kwargs )
if self . GetIssue ( force_lookup = True ) :
# OK, no issue is set for this branch.
# If Gerrit is set repo-wide => Gerrit.
if settings . GetIsGerrit ( ) :
self . _codereview_impl = tmp_rietveld
def GetCCList ( self ) :
""" Return the users cc ' d on this CL.
@ -874,8 +943,7 @@ class Changelist(object):
def GetBranch ( self ) :
""" Returns the short branch name, e.g. ' master ' . """
if not self . branch :
branchref = RunGit ( [ ' symbolic-ref ' , ' HEAD ' ] ,
stderr = subprocess2 . VOID , error_ok = True ) . strip ( )
branchref = GetCurrentBranchRef ( )
if not branchref :
return None
self . branchref = branchref
@ -919,11 +987,12 @@ class Changelist(object):
remote = ' origin '
upstream_branch = ' refs/heads/trunk '
else :
DieWithError ( """ Unable to determine default branch to diff against.
Either pass complete " git diff " - style arguments , like
git cl upload origin / master
or verify this branch is set up to track another ( via the - - track argument to
" git checkout -b ... " ) . """ )
DieWithError (
' Unable to determine default branch to diff against. \n '
' Either pass complete " git diff " -style arguments, like \n '
' git cl upload origin/master \n '
' or verify this branch is set up to track another \n '
' (via the --track argument to " git checkout -b ... " ). ' )
return remote , upstream_branch
@ -1062,68 +1131,26 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
cwd = url ) . strip ( )
return url
def GetIssue ( self ):
def GetIssue ( self , force_lookup = False ):
""" Returns the issue number as a int or None if not set. """
if self . issue is None and not self . lookedup_issue :
issue = RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _IssueSetting ( ) ] , error_ok = True ) . strip ( )
if force_lookup or ( self . issue is None and not self . lookedup_issue ) :
issue = RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _codereview_impl . IssueSetting ( ) ] ,
error_ok = True ) . strip ( )
self . issue = int ( issue ) or None if issue else None
self . lookedup_issue = True
return self . issue
def GetRietveldServer ( self ) :
if not self . rietveld_server :
# If we're on a branch then get the server potentially associated
# with that branch.
if self . GetIssue ( ) :
rietveld_server_config = self . _RietveldServer ( )
if rietveld_server_config :
self . rietveld_server = gclient_utils . UpgradeToHttps ( RunGit (
[ ' config ' , rietveld_server_config ] , error_ok = True ) . strip ( ) )
if not self . rietveld_server :
self . rietveld_server = settings . GetDefaultServerUrl ( )
return self . rietveld_server
def GetGerritServer ( self ) :
# We don't support multiple Gerrit servers, and assume it to be same as
# origin, except with a '-review' suffix for first subdomain.
parts = urlparse . urlparse ( self . GetRemoteUrl ( ) ) . netloc . split ( ' . ' )
parts [ 0 ] = parts [ 0 ] + ' -review '
return ' https:// %s ' % ' . ' . join ( parts )
def GetIssueURL ( self ) :
""" Get the URL for a particular issue. """
if not self . GetIssue ( ) :
issue = self . GetIssue ( )
if not issue :
return None
if settings . GetIsGerrit ( ) :
return ' %s / %s ' % ( self . GetGerritServer ( ) , self . GetIssue ( ) )
return ' %s / %s ' % ( self . GetRietveldServer ( ) , self . GetIssue ( ) )
return ' %s / %s ' % ( self . _codereview_impl . GetCodereviewServer ( ) , issue )
def GetDescription ( self , pretty = False ) :
if not self . has_description :
if self . GetIssue ( ) :
issue = self . GetIssue ( )
try :
self . description = self . RpcServer ( ) . get_description ( issue ) . strip ( )
except urllib2 . HTTPError as e :
if e . code == 404 :
DieWithError (
( ' \n While fetching the description for issue %d , received a '
' 404 (not found) \n '
' error. It is likely that you deleted this '
' issue on the server. If this is the \n '
' case, please run \n \n '
' git cl issue 0 \n \n '
' to clear the association with the deleted issue. Then run '
' this command again. ' ) % issue )
else :
DieWithError (
' \n Failed to fetch issue description. HTTP error %d ' % e . code )
except urllib2 . URLError as e :
print >> sys . stderr , (
' Warning: Failed to retrieve CL description due to network '
' failure. ' )
self . description = ' '
self . description = self . _codereview_impl . FetchDescription ( )
self . has_description = True
if pretty :
wrapper = textwrap . TextWrapper ( )
@ -1134,7 +1161,7 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
def GetPatchset ( self ) :
""" Returns the patchset number as a int or None if not set. """
if self . patchset is None and not self . lookedup_patchset :
patchset = RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _ PatchsetSetting( ) ] ,
patchset = RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _ codereview_impl. PatchsetSetting( ) ] ,
error_ok = True ) . strip ( )
self . patchset = int ( patchset ) or None if patchset else None
self . lookedup_patchset = True
@ -1142,47 +1169,29 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
def SetPatchset ( self , patchset ) :
""" Set this branch ' s patchset. If patchset=0, clears the patchset. """
patchset_setting = self . _codereview_impl . PatchsetSetting ( )
if patchset :
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _PatchsetSetting ( ) , str ( patchset ) ] )
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , patchset_setting , str ( patchset ) ] )
self . patchset = patchset
else :
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , ' --unset ' , self . _PatchsetSetting ( ) ] ,
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , ' --unset ' , patchset_setting ] ,
stderr = subprocess2 . PIPE , error_ok = True )
self . patchset = None
def GetMostRecentPatchset ( self ) :
return self . GetIssueProperties ( ) [ ' patchsets ' ] [ - 1 ]
def GetPatchSetDiff ( self , issue , patchset ) :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . get (
' /download/issue %s _ %s .diff ' % ( issue , patchset ) )
def GetIssueProperties ( self ) :
if self . _props is None :
issue = self . GetIssue ( )
if not issue :
self . _props = { }
else :
self . _props = self . RpcServer ( ) . get_issue_properties ( issue , True )
return self . _props
def GetApprovingReviewers ( self ) :
return get_approving_reviewers ( self . GetIssueProperties ( ) )
def AddComment ( self , message ) :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . add_comment ( self . GetIssue ( ) , message )
def SetIssue ( self , issue = None ) :
""" Set this branch ' s issue. If issue isn ' t given, clears the issue. """
issue_setting = self . _codereview_impl . IssueSetting ( )
codereview_setting = self . _codereview_impl . GetCodereviewServerSetting ( )
if issue :
self . issue = issue
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _IssueSetting ( ) , str ( issue ) ] )
if not settings . GetIsGerrit ( ) and self . rietveld_server :
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , self . _RietveldServer ( ) , self . rietveld_server ] )
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , issue_setting , str ( issue ) ] )
codereview_server = self . _codereview_impl . GetCodereviewServer ( )
if codereview_server :
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , codereview_setting , codereview_server ] )
else :
current_issue = self . GetIssue ( )
if current_issue :
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , ' --unset ' , self . _IssueSetting ( ) ] )
RunGit ( [ ' config ' , ' --unset ' , issue_setting ] )
self . issue = None
self . SetPatchset ( None )
@ -1232,6 +1241,184 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
author ,
upstream = upstream_branch )
def UpdateDescription ( self , description ) :
self . description = description
return self . _codereview_impl . UpdateDescriptionRemote ( description )
def RunHook ( self , committing , may_prompt , verbose , change ) :
""" Calls sys.exit() if the hook fails; returns a HookResults otherwise. """
try :
return presubmit_support . DoPresubmitChecks ( change , committing ,
verbose = verbose , output_stream = sys . stdout , input_stream = sys . stdin ,
default_presubmit = None , may_prompt = may_prompt ,
rietveld_obj = self . _codereview_impl . GetRieveldObjForPresubmit ( ) )
except presubmit_support . PresubmitFailure , e :
DieWithError (
( ' %s \n Maybe your depot_tools is out of date? \n '
' If all fails, contact maruel@ ' ) % e )
# Forward methods to codereview specific implementation.
def CloseIssue ( self ) :
return self . _codereview_impl . CloseIssue ( )
def GetStatus ( self ) :
return self . _codereview_impl . GetStatus ( )
def GetCodereviewServer ( self ) :
return self . _codereview_impl . GetCodereviewServer ( )
def GetApprovingReviewers ( self ) :
return self . _codereview_impl . GetApprovingReviewers ( )
def GetMostRecentPatchset ( self ) :
return self . _codereview_impl . GetMostRecentPatchset ( )
def __getattr__ ( self , attr ) :
# This is because lots of untested code accesses Rietveld-specific stuff
# directly, and it's hard to fix for sure. So, just let it work, and fix
# on a cases by case basis.
return getattr ( self . _codereview_impl , attr )
class _ChangelistCodereviewBase ( object ) :
""" Abstract base class encapsulating codereview specifics of a changelist. """
def __init__ ( self , changelist ) :
self . _changelist = changelist # instance of Changelist
def __getattr__ ( self , attr ) :
# Forward methods to changelist.
# TODO(tandrii): maybe clean up _GerritChangelistImpl and
# _RietveldChangelistImpl to avoid this hack?
return getattr ( self . _changelist , attr )
def GetStatus ( self ) :
""" Apply a rough heuristic to give a simple summary of an issue ' s review
or CQ status , assuming adherence to a common workflow .
Returns None if no issue for this branch , or specific string keywords .
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetCodereviewServer ( self ) :
""" Returns server URL without end slash, like " https://codereview.com " . """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def FetchDescription ( self ) :
""" Fetches and returns description from the codereview server. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetCodereviewServerSetting ( self ) :
""" Returns git config setting for the codereview server. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def IssueSetting ( self ) :
""" Returns name of git config setting which stores issue number. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def PatchsetSetting ( self ) :
""" Returns name of git config setting which stores issue number. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetRieveldObjForPresubmit ( self ) :
# This is an unfortunate Rietveld-embeddedness in presubmit.
# For non-Rietveld codereviews, this probably should return a dummy object.
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def UpdateDescriptionRemote ( self , description ) :
""" Update the description on codereview site. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def CloseIssue ( self ) :
""" Closes the issue. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetApprovingReviewers ( self ) :
""" Returns a list of reviewers approving the change.
Note : not necessarily committers .
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetMostRecentPatchset ( self ) :
""" Returns the most recent patchset number from the codereview site. """
raise NotImplementedError ( )
class _RietveldChangelistImpl ( _ChangelistCodereviewBase ) :
def __init__ ( self , changelist , auth_config = None , rietveld_server = None ) :
super ( _RietveldChangelistImpl , self ) . __init__ ( changelist )
assert settings , ' must be initialized in _ChangelistCodereviewBase '
settings . GetDefaultServerUrl ( )
self . _rietveld_server = rietveld_server
self . _auth_config = auth_config
self . _props = None
self . _rpc_server = None
def GetAuthConfig ( self ) :
return self . _auth_config
def GetCodereviewServer ( self ) :
if not self . _rietveld_server :
# If we're on a branch then get the server potentially associated
# with that branch.
if self . GetIssue ( ) :
rietveld_server_setting = self . GetCodereviewServerSetting ( )
if rietveld_server_setting :
self . _rietveld_server = gclient_utils . UpgradeToHttps ( RunGit (
[ ' config ' , rietveld_server_setting ] , error_ok = True ) . strip ( ) )
if not self . _rietveld_server :
self . _rietveld_server = settings . GetDefaultServerUrl ( )
return self . _rietveld_server
def FetchDescription ( self ) :
issue = self . GetIssue ( )
assert issue
try :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . get_description ( issue ) . strip ( )
except urllib2 . HTTPError as e :
if e . code == 404 :
DieWithError (
( ' \n While fetching the description for issue %d , received a '
' 404 (not found) \n '
' error. It is likely that you deleted this '
' issue on the server. If this is the \n '
' case, please run \n \n '
' git cl issue 0 \n \n '
' to clear the association with the deleted issue. Then run '
' this command again. ' ) % issue )
else :
DieWithError (
' \n Failed to fetch issue description. HTTP error %d ' % e . code )
except urllib2 . URLError as e :
print >> sys . stderr , (
' Warning: Failed to retrieve CL description due to network '
' failure. ' )
return ' '
def GetMostRecentPatchset ( self ) :
return self . GetIssueProperties ( ) [ ' patchsets ' ] [ - 1 ]
def GetPatchSetDiff ( self , issue , patchset ) :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . get (
' /download/issue %s _ %s .diff ' % ( issue , patchset ) )
def GetIssueProperties ( self ) :
if self . _props is None :
issue = self . GetIssue ( )
if not issue :
self . _props = { }
else :
self . _props = self . RpcServer ( ) . get_issue_properties ( issue , True )
return self . _props
def GetApprovingReviewers ( self ) :
return get_approving_reviewers ( self . GetIssueProperties ( ) )
def AddComment ( self , message ) :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . add_comment ( self . GetIssue ( ) , message )
def GetStatus ( self ) :
""" Apply a rough heuristic to give a simple summary of an issue ' s review
or CQ status , assuming adherence to a common workflow .
@ -1279,26 +1466,11 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
return ' reply '
return ' waiting '
def RunHook ( self , committing , may_prompt , verbose , change ) :
""" Calls sys.exit() if the hook fails; returns a HookResults otherwise. """
try :
return presubmit_support . DoPresubmitChecks ( change , committing ,
verbose = verbose , output_stream = sys . stdout , input_stream = sys . stdin ,
default_presubmit = None , may_prompt = may_prompt ,
rietveld_obj = self . RpcServer ( ) )
except presubmit_support . PresubmitFailure , e :
DieWithError (
( ' %s \n Maybe your depot_tools is out of date? \n '
' If all fails, contact maruel@ ' ) % e )
def UpdateDescription ( self , description ) :
self . description = description
def UpdateDescriptionRemote ( self , description ) :
return self . RpcServer ( ) . update_description (
self . GetIssue ( ) , self . description )
def CloseIssue ( self ) :
""" Updates the description and closes the issue. """
return self . RpcServer ( ) . close_issue ( self . GetIssue ( ) )
def SetFlag ( self , flag , value ) :
@ -1322,25 +1494,110 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
if not self . _rpc_server :
self . _rpc_server = rietveld . CachingRietveld (
self . Get Rietveld Server( ) ,
self . Get Codereview Server( ) ,
self . _auth_config or auth . make_auth_config ( ) )
return self . _rpc_server
def _ IssueSetting( self ) :
def IssueSetting( self ) :
""" Return the git setting that stores this change ' s issue. """
return ' branch. %s .rietveldissue ' % self . GetBranch ( )
def _ PatchsetSetting( self ) :
def PatchsetSetting( self ) :
""" Return the git setting that stores this change ' s most recent patchset. """
return ' branch. %s .rietveldpatchset ' % self . GetBranch ( )
def _RietveldServer ( self ) :
def GetCodereviewServerSetting ( self ) :
""" Returns the git setting that stores this change ' s rietveld server. """
branch = self . GetBranch ( )
if branch :
return ' branch. %s .rietveldserver ' % branch
return None
def GetRieveldObjForPresubmit ( self ) :
return self . RpcServer ( )
class _GerritChangelistImpl ( _ChangelistCodereviewBase ) :
def __init__ ( self , changelist , auth_config = None ) :
# auth_config is Rietveld thing, kept here to preserve interface only.
super ( _GerritChangelistImpl , self ) . __init__ ( changelist )
self . _change_id = None
self . _gerrit_server = None # e.g. https://chromium-review.googlesource.com
self . _gerrit_host = None # e.g. chromium-review.googlesource.com
def _GetGerritHost ( self ) :
# Lazy load of configs.
self . GetCodereviewServer ( )
return self . _gerrit_host
def GetCodereviewServer ( self ) :
if not self . _gerrit_server :
# If we're on a branch then get the server potentially associated
# with that branch.
if self . GetIssue ( ) :
gerrit_server_setting = self . GetCodereviewServerSetting ( )
if gerrit_server_setting :
self . _gerrit_server = RunGit ( [ ' config ' , gerrit_server_setting ] ,
error_ok = True ) . strip ( )
if self . _gerrit_server :
self . _gerrit_host = urlparse . urlparse ( self . _gerrit_server ) . netloc
if not self . _gerrit_server :
# We assume repo to be hosted on Gerrit, and hence Gerrit server
# has "-review" suffix for lowest level subdomain.
parts = urlparse . urlparse ( self . GetRemoteUrl ( ) ) . netloc . split ( ' . ' )
parts [ 0 ] = parts [ 0 ] + ' -review '
self . _gerrit_host = ' . ' . join ( parts )
self . _gerrit_server = ' https:// %s ' % self . _gerrit_host
return self . _gerrit_server
def IssueSetting ( self ) :
""" Return the git setting that stores this change ' s issue. """
return ' branch. %s .gerritissue ' % self . GetBranch ( )
def PatchsetSetting ( self ) :
""" Return the git setting that stores this change ' s most recent patchset. """
return ' branch. %s .gerritpatchset ' % self . GetBranch ( )
def GetCodereviewServerSetting ( self ) :
""" Returns the git setting that stores this change ' s Gerrit server. """
branch = self . GetBranch ( )
if branch :
return ' branch. %s .gerritserver ' % branch
return None
def GetRieveldObjForPresubmit ( self ) :
class ThisIsNotRietveldIssue ( object ) :
def __getattr__ ( self , attr ) :
print (
' You aren \' t using Rietveld at the moment, but Gerrit. \n '
' Using Rietveld in your PRESUBMIT scripts won \' t work. \n '
' Please, either change your PRESUBIT to not use rietveld_obj. %s , \n '
' or use Rietveld for codereview. \n ' % attr )
raise NotImplementedError ( )
return ThisIsNotRietveldIssue ( )
def GetStatus ( self ) :
# TODO(tandrii)
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def GetMostRecentPatchset ( self ) :
data = gerrit_util . GetChangeDetail ( self . _GetGerritHost ( ) , self . GetIssue ( ) ,
return data [ ' revisions ' ] [ data [ ' current_revision ' ] ] [ ' _number ' ]
def FetchDescription ( self ) :
data = gerrit_util . GetChangeDetail ( self . _GetGerritHost ( ) , self . GetIssue ( ) ,
return data [ ' revisions ' ] [ data [ ' current_revision ' ] ] [ ' commit_with_footers ' ]
def UpdateDescriptionRemote ( self , description ) :
# TODO(tandrii)
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def CloseIssue ( self ) :
# TODO(tandrii)
raise NotImplementedError ( )
class ChangeDescription ( object ) :
""" Contains a parsed form of the change description. """
@ -1886,6 +2143,7 @@ def CMDstatus(parser, args):
changes = (
Changelist ( branchref = b , auth_config = auth_config )
for b in branches . splitlines ( ) )
# TODO(tandrii): refactor to use CLs list instead of branches list.
branches = [ c . GetBranch ( ) for c in changes ]
alignment = max ( 5 , max ( len ( b ) for b in branches ) )
print ' Branches associated with reviews: '
@ -2001,7 +2259,7 @@ def CMDcomments(parser, args):
except ValueError :
DieWithError ( ' A review issue id is expected to be a number ' )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , auth_config= auth_config )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , codereview= ' rietveld ' , auth_config= auth_config )
if options . comment :
cl . AddComment ( options . comment )
@ -2380,8 +2638,10 @@ def GetTargetRef(remote, remote_branch, target_branch, pending_prefix):
def RietveldUpload ( options , args , cl , change ) :
""" upload the patch to rietveld. """
upload_args = [ ' --assume_yes ' ] # Don't ask about untracked files.
upload_args . extend ( [ ' --server ' , cl . GetRietveldServer ( ) ] )
upload_args . extend ( auth . auth_config_to_command_options ( cl . auth_config ) )
upload_args . extend ( [ ' --server ' , cl . GetCodereviewServer ( ) ] )
# TODO(tandrii): refactor this ugliness into _RietveldChangelistImpl.
upload_args . extend ( auth . auth_config_to_command_options (
cl . _codereview_impl . GetAuthConfig ( ) ) )
if options . emulate_svn_auto_props :
upload_args . append ( ' --emulate_svn_auto_props ' )
@ -2624,9 +2884,9 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
# during the actual upload.
if not settings . GetIsGerrit ( ) and auth_config . use_oauth2 :
authenticator = auth . get_authenticator_for_host (
cl . Get Rietveld Server( ) , auth_config )
cl . Get Codereview Server( ) , auth_config )
if not authenticator . has_cached_credentials ( ) :
raise auth . LoginRequiredError ( cl . Get Rietveld Server( ) )
raise auth . LoginRequiredError ( cl . Get Codereview Server( ) )
# Apply watchlists on upload.
change = cl . GetChange ( base_branch , None )
@ -3220,12 +3480,13 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory, auth_config):
# consequences of the caller not checking this could be dire.
assert ( not git_common . is_dirty_git_tree ( ' apply ' ) )
# TODO(tandrii): implement for Gerrit.
if type ( issue_arg ) is int or issue_arg . isdigit ( ) :
# Input is an issue id. Figure out the URL.
issue = int ( issue_arg )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , auth_config= auth_config )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , codereview= ' rietveld ' , auth_config= auth_config )
patchset = cl . GetMostRecentPatchset ( )
patch_data = cl . GetPatchSetDiff( issue , patchset )
patch_data = cl . _codereview_impl. GetPatchSetDiff( issue , patchset )
else :
# Assume it's a URL to the patch. Default to https.
issue_url = gclient_utils . UpgradeToHttps ( issue_arg )
@ -3234,8 +3495,8 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory, auth_config):
DieWithError ( ' Must pass an issue ID or full URL for '
' \' Download raw patch set \' ' )
issue = int ( match . group ( 2 ) )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , auth_config= auth_config )
cl . rietveld_server = match . group ( 1 )
cl = Changelist ( issue = issue , codereview= ' rietveld ' ,
rietvled_server = match . group ( 1 ) , auth_config = auth_config )
patchset = int ( match . group ( 3 ) )
patch_data = urllib2 . urlopen ( issue_arg ) . read ( )
@ -3279,7 +3540,8 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory, auth_config):
' patch from issue %(i)s at patchset '
' %(p)s (http://crrev.com/ %(i)s #ps %(p)s ) '
% { ' i ' : issue , ' p ' : patchset } ) ] )
cl = Changelist ( auth_config = auth_config )
cl = Changelist ( codereview = ' rietveld ' , auth_config = auth_config ,
rietveld_server = cl . GetCodereviewServer ( ) )
cl . SetIssue ( issue )
cl . SetPatchset ( patchset )
print " Committed patch locally. "