@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def GetCachedFile(filename, max_age=60*60*24*3, use_root=False):
directory to the root repository .
Note : The cache will be inconsistent if the same file is retrieved with both
use_root = True and use_root = False on the same file . Don ' t be stupid.
use_root = True and use_root = False . Don ' t be stupid.
if filename not in FILES_CACHE :
@ -153,9 +153,16 @@ def GetCachedFile(filename, max_age=60*60*24*3, use_root=False):
url_path = dir_info [ " URL " ]
content = " "
while True :
# Look for the codereview.settings file at the current level.
svn_path = url_path + " / " + filename
content , rc = RunShellWithReturnCode ( [ " svn " , " cat " , svn_path ] )
# First, look for a locally modified version of codereview.settings.
content , rc = RunShellWithReturnCode ( [ " svn " , " status " , filename ] )
if not rc and content . startswith ( ' M ' ) :
content = ReadFile ( filename )
rc = 0
else :
# Then look in the repository
svn_path = url_path + " / " + filename
content , rc = RunShellWithReturnCode ( [ " svn " , " cat " , svn_path ] )
if not rc :
# Exit the loop if the file was found. Override content.
@ -1077,7 +1084,8 @@ def Change(change_info, args):
IGNORE_PATHS = ( os . path . join ( " webkit " , " api " ) , )
# Valid extensions for files we want to lint.
CPP_EXTENSIONS = ( " cpp " , " cc " , " h " )
LINT_REGEX = r " (.* \ .cpp|.* \ .cc|.* \ .h) "
def Lint ( change_info , args ) :
""" Runs cpplint.py on all the files in |change_info| """
@ -1094,12 +1102,22 @@ def Lint(change_info, args):
# Process cpplints arguments if any.
filenames = cpplint . ParseArguments ( args + change_info . GetFileNames ( ) )
white_list = GetCodeReviewSetting ( " LINT_REGEX " )
if not white_list :
white_list = LINT_REGEX
white_regex = re . compile ( white_list )
black_list = GetCodeReviewSetting ( " LINT_IGNORE_REGEX " )
if not black_list :
black_list = LINT_IGNORE_REGEX
black_regex = re . compile ( black_list )
for file in filenames :
if len ( [ file for suffix in CPP_EXTENSIONS if file . endswith ( suffix ) ] ) :
if len ( [ file for prefix in IGNORE_PATHS if file . startswith ( prefix ) ] ) :
print " Ignoring non-Google styled file %s " % file
if white_regex . match ( file ) :
if black_regex . match ( file ) :
print " Ignoring file %s " % file
else :
cpplint . ProcessFile ( file , cpplint . _cpplint_state . verbose_level )
else :
print " Skipping file %s " % file
print " Total errors found: %d \n " % cpplint . _cpplint_state . error_count
os . chdir ( previous_cwd )