@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ future when a hypothetical VS2015 is released, the 2013 script will be
maintained , and a new 2015 script would be added .
import ctypes . wintypes
import hashlib
import json
import optparse
@ -38,15 +37,17 @@ import time
BASEDIR = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
sys . path . append ( os . path . join ( BASEDIR , ' .. ' ) )
DEPOT_TOOLS_PATH = os . path . join ( BASEDIR , ' .. ' )
sys . path . append ( DEPOT_TOOLS_PATH )
import download_from_google_storage
GetFileAttributes = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetFileAttributesW
GetFileAttributes . argtypes = ( ctypes . wintypes . LPWSTR , )
GetFileAttributes . restype = ctypes . wintypes . DWORD
if sys . platform != ' cygwin ' :
import ctypes . wintypes
GetFileAttributes = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetFileAttributesW
GetFileAttributes . argtypes = ( ctypes . wintypes . LPWSTR , )
GetFileAttributes . restype = ctypes . wintypes . DWORD
def IsHidden ( file_path ) :
@ -194,6 +195,17 @@ def main():
help = ' write information about toolchain to FILE ' )
options , args = parser . parse_args ( )
if sys . platform == ' cygwin ' :
# This script requires Windows Python, so invoke with depot_tools' Python.
def winpath ( path ) :
return subprocess . check_output ( [ ' cygpath ' , ' -w ' , path ] ) . strip ( )
python = os . path . join ( DEPOT_TOOLS_PATH , ' python.bat ' )
cmd = [ python , winpath ( __file__ ) ]
if options . output_json :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --output-json ' , winpath ( options . output_json ) ] )
cmd . extend ( args )
sys . exit ( subprocess . call ( cmd ) )
# We assume that the Pro hash is the first one.
desired_hashes = args
if len ( desired_hashes ) == 0 :