@ -1627,8 +1627,10 @@ def upload_branch_deps(cl, args):
'"git cl upload".')
ask_for_data('[Press enter to continue or ctrl-C to quit]')
# Add a default patchset title to all upload calls.
args.extend(['-t', 'Updated patchset dependency'])
# Add a default patchset title to all upload calls in Rietveld.
if not settings.GetIsGerrit():
args.extend(['-t', 'Updated patchset dependency'])
# Record all dependents that failed to upload.
failures = {}
# Go through all dependents, checkout the branch and upload.
@ -2010,7 +2012,11 @@ def GerritUpload(options, args, cl, change):
change_desc = ChangeDescription(
options.message or CreateDescriptionFromLog(args))
if not change_desc.description:
print "Description is empty; aborting."
print "\nDescription is empty. Aborting..."
return 1
if options.title:
print "\nPatch titles (-t) are not supported in Gerrit. Aborting..."
return 1
if options.squash:
@ -2351,7 +2357,8 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
parser.add_option('-f', action='store_true', dest='force',
help="force yes to questions (don't prompt)")
parser.add_option('-m', dest='message', help='message for patchset')
parser.add_option('-t', dest='title', help='title for patchset')
parser.add_option('-t', dest='title',
help='title for patchset (Rietveld only)')
parser.add_option('-r', '--reviewers',
action='append', default=[],
help='reviewer email addresses')