Cleanup: Merge a bunch of redundent env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat' statements.

- replace some RunCommand(['git', ...]) calls with RunGit().
- replace Settings._GetConfig('') _GetRietveldConfig('foo').
- merge and cache calls to git rev-parse --show-cdup.
- merge some calls to git merge-base.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
experimental/szager/collated-output 11 years ago
parent 2504f2ed7c
commit 8b0553c1f9

@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ def DieWithError(message):
def GetNoGitPagerEnv():
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
return env
def RunCommand(args, error_ok=False, error_message=None, **kwargs):
return subprocess2.check_output(args, shell=False, **kwargs)
@ -83,15 +89,12 @@ def RunGit(args, **kwargs):
def RunGitWithCode(args, suppress_stderr=False):
"""Returns return code and stdout."""
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
if suppress_stderr:
stderr = subprocess2.VOID
stderr = sys.stderr
out, code = subprocess2.communicate(['git'] + args,
return code, out[0]
@ -239,11 +242,9 @@ def print_stats(similarity, find_copies, args):
# --no-ext-diff is broken in some versions of Git, so try to work around
# this by overriding the environment (but there is still a problem if the
# git config key "diff.external" is used).
env = os.environ.copy()
env = GetNoGitPagerEnv()
if 'GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF' in env:
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
if find_copies:
similarity_options = ['--find-copies-harder', '-l100000',
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
self.default_server = None = None
self.root = None
self.relative_root = None
self.is_git_svn = None
self.svn_branch = None
self.tree_status_url = None
@ -292,20 +293,23 @@ class Settings(object):
if not self.default_server:
self.default_server = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(
self._GetConfig('rietveld.server', error_ok=True))
self._GetRietveldConfig('server', error_ok=True))
if error_ok:
return self.default_server
if not self.default_server:
error_message = ('Could not find settings file. You must configure '
'your review setup by running "git cl config".')
self.default_server = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(
self._GetConfig('rietveld.server', error_message=error_message))
self._GetRietveldConfig('server', error_message=error_message))
return self.default_server
def GetRelativeRoot(self):
if self.relative_root is None:
self.relative_root = RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip()
return self.relative_root
def GetRoot(self):
if not self.root:
self.root = os.path.abspath(RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip())
return self.root
return os.path.abspath(self.GetRelativeRoot())
def GetIsGitSvn(self):
"""Return true if this repo looks like it's using git-svn."""
@ -328,15 +332,12 @@ class Settings(object):
# regexp matching the git-svn line that contains the URL.
git_svn_re = re.compile(r'^\s*git-svn-id: (\S+)@', re.MULTILINE)
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
# We don't want to go through all of history, so read a line from the
# pipe at a time.
# The -100 is an arbitrary limit so we don't search forever.
cmd = ['git', 'log', '-100', '--pretty=medium']
proc = subprocess2.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, env=env)
proc = subprocess2.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE,
url = None
for line in proc.stdout:
match = git_svn_re.match(line)
@ -391,24 +392,23 @@ class Settings(object):
if not self.tree_status_url:
error_message = ('You must configure your tree status URL by running '
'"git cl config".')
self.tree_status_url = self._GetConfig('rietveld.tree-status-url',
self.tree_status_url = self._GetRietveldConfig(
'tree-status-url', error_ok=error_ok, error_message=error_message)
return self.tree_status_url
def GetViewVCUrl(self):
if not self.viewvc_url:
self.viewvc_url = self._GetConfig('rietveld.viewvc-url', error_ok=True)
self.viewvc_url = self._GetRietveldConfig('viewvc-url', error_ok=True)
return self.viewvc_url
def GetBugPrefix(self):
return self._GetConfig('rietveld.bug-prefix', error_ok=True)
return self._GetRietveldConfig('bug-prefix', error_ok=True)
def GetDefaultCCList(self):
return self._GetConfig('', error_ok=True)
return self._GetRietveldConfig('cc', error_ok=True)
def GetDefaultPrivateFlag(self):
return self._GetConfig('rietveld.private', error_ok=True)
return self._GetRietveldConfig('private', error_ok=True)
def GetIsGerrit(self):
"""Return true if this repo is assosiated with gerrit code review system."""
@ -422,6 +422,9 @@ class Settings(object):
self.git_editor = self._GetConfig('core.editor', error_ok=True)
return self.git_editor or None
def _GetRietveldConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
return self._GetConfig('rietveld.' + param, **kwargs)
def _GetConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
return RunGit(['config', param], **kwargs).strip()
@ -534,6 +537,9 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
return remote, upstream_branch
def GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream(self):
return RunGit(['merge-base', self.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip()
def GetUpstreamBranch(self):
if self.upstream_branch is None:
remote, upstream_branch = self.FetchUpstreamTuple(self.GetBranch())
@ -735,17 +741,13 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
if not self.GitSanityChecks(upstream_branch):
DieWithError('\nGit sanity check failure')
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
root = RunCommand(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'], env=env).strip()
root = settings.GetRelativeRoot()
if not root:
root = '.'
absroot = os.path.abspath(root)
# We use the sha1 of HEAD as a name of this change.
name = RunCommand(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], env=env).strip()
name = RunGitWithCode(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])[1].strip()
# Need to pass a relative path for msysgit.
files = scm.GIT.CaptureStatus([root], '.', upstream_branch)
@ -766,10 +768,8 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
# If the change was never uploaded, use the log messages of all commits
# up to the branch point, as git cl upload will prefill the description
# with these log messages.
description = RunCommand(['git',
'log', '--pretty=format:%s%n%n%b',
'%s...' % (upstream_branch)],
args = ['log', '--pretty=format:%s%n%n%b', '%s...' % (upstream_branch)]
description = RunGitWithCode(args)[1].strip()
if not author:
author = RunGit(['config', '']).strip() or None
@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ def FindCodereviewSettingsFile(filename='codereview.settings'):
inherit_ok_file = 'inherit-review-settings-ok'
cwd = os.getcwd()
root = os.path.abspath(RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip())
root = settings.GetRoot()
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, inherit_ok_file)):
root = '/'
while True:
@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ def CMDpresubmit(parser, args):
base_branch = args[0]
# Default to diffing against the common ancestor of the upstream branch.
base_branch = RunGit(['merge-base', cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip()
base_branch = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
committing=not options.upload,
@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
base_branch = args[0]
# Default to diffing against common ancestor of upstream branch
base_branch = RunGit(['merge-base', cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip()
base_branch = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
args = [base_branch, 'HEAD']
# Apply watchlists on upload.
@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ def SendUpstream(parser, args, cmd):
# We might be in a directory that's present in this branch but not in the
# trunk. Move up to the top of the tree so that git commands that expect a
# valid CWD won't fail after we check out the merge branch.
rel_base_path = RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip()
rel_base_path = settings.GetRelativeRoot()
if rel_base_path:
@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory):
# Switch up to the top-level directory, if necessary, in preparation for
# applying the patch.
top = RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip()
top = settings.GetRelativeRoot()
if top:
@ -1992,9 +1992,6 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory):
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
DieWithError('Git patch mungling failed.')
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
# We use "git apply" to apply the patch instead of "patch" so that we can
# pick up file adds.
@ -2007,7 +2004,7 @@ def PatchIssue(issue_arg, reject, nocommit, directory):
elif IsGitVersionAtLeast('1.7.12'):
subprocess2.check_call(cmd, env=env,
subprocess2.check_call(cmd, env=GetNoGitPagerEnv(),
stdin=patch_data, stdout=subprocess2.VOID)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
DieWithError('Failed to apply the patch')
@ -2030,11 +2027,8 @@ def CMDrebase(parser, args):
# git svn dcommit.
# It's the only command that doesn't use parser at all since we just defer
# execution to git-svn.
env = os.environ.copy()
# 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
env['GIT_PAGER'] = 'cat'
return['git', 'svn', 'rebase'] + args, env=env)
return RunGitWithCode(['svn', 'rebase'] + args)[1]
def GetTreeStatus(url=None):
@ -2125,9 +2119,7 @@ def CMDtry(parser, args):
# Process --bot and --testfilter.
if not
# Get try slaves from files if not specified.
change = cl.GetChange(
RunGit(['merge-base', cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip(),
change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream(), None) = presubmit_support.DoGetTrySlaves(
@ -2254,7 +2246,7 @@ def CMDdiff(parser, args):
if not issue:
DieWithError('No issue found for current branch (%s)' % branch)
TMP_BRANCH = 'git-cl-diff'
base_branch = RunGit(['merge-base', cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip()
base_branch = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
# Create a new branch based on the merge-base
RunGit(['checkout', '-q', '-b', TMP_BRANCH, base_branch])
@ -2292,7 +2284,7 @@ def CMDowners(parser, args):
base_branch = args[0]
# Default to diffing against the common ancestor of the upstream branch.
base_branch = RunGit(['merge-base', cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), 'HEAD']).strip()
base_branch = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
change = cl.GetChange(base_branch, None)
return owners_finder.OwnersFinder(
@ -2315,7 +2307,7 @@ def CMDformat(parser, args):
# git diff generates paths against the root of the repository. Change
# to that directory so clang-format can find files even within subdirs.
rel_base_path = RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip()
rel_base_path = settings.GetRelativeRoot()
if rel_base_path:

@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
'config', '--local', '--get-regexp', '^svn-remote\\.'],),
(('', None), 0)),
((['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'],), ''),
((['git', 'svn', 'info'],), ''),
'config', 'branch.master.rietveldissue', '1'],), ''),
@ -319,8 +318,8 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
def _dcommit_calls_3(cls):
return [
def _dcommit_calls_3(cls, is_first_call):
calls = [
'diff', '--no-ext-diff', '--stat', '--find-copies-harder',
'-l100000', '-C50', 'fake_ancestor_sha',
@ -334,7 +333,12 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
((['git', 'branch', '-D', 'git-cl-commit'],), ''),
((['git', 'show-ref', '--quiet', '--verify',
'refs/heads/git-cl-cherry-pick'],), ''),
((['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'],), '\n'),
if is_first_call:
calls += [
((['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'],), '\n'),
calls += [
((['git', 'checkout', '-q', '-b', 'git-cl-commit'],), ''),
((['git', 'reset', '--soft', 'fake_ancestor_sha'],), ''),
((['git', 'commit', '-m',
@ -346,7 +350,8 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
(('', None), 0)),
((['git', 'checkout', '-q', 'working'],), ''),
((['git', 'branch', '-D', 'git-cl-commit'],), ''),
return calls
def _cmd_line(description, args, similarity, find_copies, private):
@ -509,14 +514,14 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
self._dcommit_calls_1() +
self._git_sanity_checks('fake_ancestor_sha', 'working') +
self._dcommit_calls_normal() +
def test_dcommit_bypass_hooks(self):
self.calls = (
self._dcommit_calls_1() +
self._dcommit_calls_bypassed() +
git_cl.main(['dcommit', '--bypass-hooks'])
