@ -962,7 +962,8 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
def _Capture(self, args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.checkout_path)
kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess2.PIPE)
return subprocess2.check_output(['git'] + args, **kwargs).strip()
env = scm.GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs)
return subprocess2.check_output(['git'] + args, env=env, **kwargs).strip()
def _UpdateBranchHeads(self, options, fetch=False):
"""Adds, and optionally fetches, "branch-heads" refspecs if requested."""
@ -983,22 +984,11 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
kwargs.setdefault('stdout', self.out_fh)
kwargs['filter_fn'] = self.filter
kwargs.setdefault('print_stdout', False)
# Don't prompt for passwords; just fail quickly and noisily.
# By default, git will use an interactive terminal prompt when a username/
# password is needed. That shouldn't happen in the chromium workflow,
# and if it does, then gclient may hide the prompt in the midst of a flood
# of terminal spew. The only indication that something has gone wrong
# will be when gclient hangs unresponsively. Instead, we disable the
# password prompt and simply allow git to fail noisily. The error
# message produced by git will be copied to gclient's output.
env = kwargs.get('env') or kwargs.setdefault('env', os.environ.copy())
env.setdefault('GIT_ASKPASS', 'true')
env.setdefault('SSH_ASKPASS', 'true')
env = scm.GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs)
cmd = ['git'] + args
header = "running '%s' in '%s'" % (' '.join(cmd), cwd)
return gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(cmd, **kwargs)
return gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(cmd, env=env, **kwargs)
class SVNWrapper(SCMWrapper):