Update CMDgitmodules to set `gclient-recursedeps` in .gitmodules file.

Note there's not presubmit checking that this stays in sync, but I think recursdeps is not updated often enough that it's a high priority. We will also need to run `gclient gitmodules` for all repos we care about to update the .gitmodules file after this lands.

Bug: b/368607402, b/371352079
Change-Id: Iac90f0f45a30e2c1fdccf6053f07ec34c4139df1
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/tools/depot_tools/+/5903942
Reviewed-by: Josip Sokcevic <sokcevic@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joanna Wang <jojwang@chromium.org>
Joanna Wang 5 months ago committed by LUCI CQ
parent 9157dd872e
commit 68237d3317

@ -3292,6 +3292,9 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
This command should be run in the root directory of the repo.
It will create or update the .gitmodules file and include
`gclient-condition` values. Commits in gitlinks will also be updated.
If you are running this command to set `gclient-recursedeps` for the first
time, you will need to delete the .gitmodules file (if any) before running
this command.
if gclient_utils.IsEnvCog():
raise gclient_utils.Error(
@ -3337,11 +3340,24 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
# some old branch which contains already contains submodules with .git.
# This check makes the transition easier.
strip_git_suffix = True
# Users may have an outdated depot_tools which doesn't set
# gclient-recursedeps, which may undo changes made by an up-to-date `gclient
# gitmodules` run. Users may also have an up-to-date depot_tools but an
# outdated chromium/src without gclient-recursedeps set which would cause
# confusion when they run `gclient gitmodules` and see unexpected
# gclient-recursedeps in the diff. We only want to set gclient-recursedeps
# if it's already set in the .gitmodules file or if there is no existing
# .gitmodules file so we know `gclient gitmodules` is being run for the
# first time.
set_recursedeps = True
if os.path.exists(options.output_gitmodules):
dot_git_pattern = re.compile('^(\s*)url(\s*)=.*\.git$')
with open(options.output_gitmodules) as f:
strip_git_suffix = not any(dot_git_pattern.match(l) for l in f)
set_recursedeps = any(
'gclient-recursedeps' in l for l in f)
recursedeps = ls.get('recursedeps')
with open(options.output_gitmodules, 'w', newline='') as f:
for path, dep in ls.get('deps').items():
if path in options.skip_dep:
@ -3354,6 +3370,7 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
logging.error('error on %s; %s, not adding it', path,
isRecurseDeps = recursedeps and path in recursedeps
if prefix_length:
path = path[prefix_length:]
@ -3366,6 +3383,8 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
f.write(f'[submodule "{path}"]\n\tpath = {path}\n\turl = {url}\n')
if 'condition' in dep:
f.write(f'\tgclient-condition = {dep["condition"]}\n')
if isRecurseDeps and set_recursedeps:
f.write('\tgclient-recursedeps = true\n')
# Windows has limit how long, so let's chunk those calls.
if len(cache_info) >= 100:
subprocess2.call(['git', 'update-index', '--add'] + cache_info)

@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
class FakeRepos(FakeReposBase):
"""Implements populateGit()."""
def populateGit(self):
# Testing:
@ -839,7 +839,11 @@ deps = {
"dep_type": "cipd",
}""" % {
recursedeps = [
]""" % {
'hash_2': self.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][0],
'hash_3': self.git_hashes['repo_3'][1][0],
@ -872,13 +876,18 @@ deps = {
"dep_type": "cipd",
}""" % {
recursedeps = [
""" % {
'hash_2': self.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][0],
'hash_3': self.git_hashes['repo_3'][1][0],
# gitmodules already present, test migration
# gitmodules already present, test migration, .git suffix
@ -992,6 +1001,33 @@ deps = {
'origin': 'git/repo_23@3\n'
# gitmodules already present, test migration, gclient-recursedeps
use_relative_paths = True
git_dependencies = "SYNC"
deps = {
"bar": {
"url": 'https://example.googlesource.com/repo@%(hash)s',
recursedeps = [
]""" % {
'hash': self.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][0],
[submodule "bar"]
path = bar
url = https://example.googlesource.com/repo"""
) # Update `NB_GIT_REPOS` if you add more repos.
class FakeRepoSkiaDEPS(FakeReposBase):
"""Simulates the Skia DEPS transition in Chrome."""

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class GClientSmokeGIT(gclient_smoketest_base.GClientSmokeBase):
'[submodule "some_repo"]', '\tpath = some_repo',
'\turl = /repo_2', '\tgclient-condition = not foo_checkout',
'[submodule "chicken/dickens"]', '\tpath = chicken/dickens',
'\turl = /repo_3'
'\turl = /repo_3', '\tgclient-recursedeps = true'
], contents)
def testGitmodules_not_relative(self):
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class GClientSmokeGIT(gclient_smoketest_base.GClientSmokeBase):
'[submodule "some_repo"]', '\tpath = some_repo',
'\turl = /repo_2', '\tgclient-condition = not foo_checkout',
'[submodule "chicken/dickens"]', '\tpath = chicken/dickens',
'\turl = /repo_3'
'\turl = /repo_3', '\tgclient-recursedeps = true'
], contents)
def testGitmodules_migration_no_git_suffix(self):
@ -99,6 +99,34 @@ class GClientSmokeGIT(gclient_smoketest_base.GClientSmokeBase):
'\turl = https://example.googlesource.com/repo',
], contents)
def testGitmodules_migration_recursdeps(self):
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_24', '--name', 'foo'],
cwd=self.git_base + 'repo_24')
# We are not running gclient sync since dependencies don't exist
self.gclient(['gitmodules'], cwd=self.git_base + 'repo_24')
gitmodules = os.path.join(self.git_base, 'repo_24', '.gitmodules')
with open(gitmodules) as f:
contents = f.read().splitlines()
'[submodule "bar"]',
'\tpath = bar',
'\turl = https://example.googlesource.com/repo',
], contents)
# force migration
self.gclient(['gitmodules'], cwd=self.git_base + 'repo_24')
gitmodules = os.path.join(self.git_base, 'repo_24', '.gitmodules')
with open(gitmodules) as f:
contents = f.read().splitlines()
'[submodule "bar"]',
'\tpath = bar',
'\turl = https://example.googlesource.com/repo',
'\tgclient-recursedeps = true'
], contents)
def testGitmodules_not_in_gclient(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, 'from a gclient workspace'):
self.gclient(['gitmodules'], cwd=self.root_dir)
