@ -3292,6 +3292,9 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
This command should be run in the root directory of the repo .
It will create or update the . gitmodules file and include
` gclient - condition ` values . Commits in gitlinks will also be updated .
If you are running this command to set ` gclient - recursedeps ` for the first
time , you will need to delete the . gitmodules file ( if any ) before running
this command .
if gclient_utils . IsEnvCog ( ) :
raise gclient_utils . Error (
@ -3337,11 +3340,24 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
# some old branch which contains already contains submodules with .git.
# This check makes the transition easier.
strip_git_suffix = True
# Users may have an outdated depot_tools which doesn't set
# gclient-recursedeps, which may undo changes made by an up-to-date `gclient
# gitmodules` run. Users may also have an up-to-date depot_tools but an
# outdated chromium/src without gclient-recursedeps set which would cause
# confusion when they run `gclient gitmodules` and see unexpected
# gclient-recursedeps in the diff. We only want to set gclient-recursedeps
# if it's already set in the .gitmodules file or if there is no existing
# .gitmodules file so we know `gclient gitmodules` is being run for the
# first time.
set_recursedeps = True
if os . path . exists ( options . output_gitmodules ) :
dot_git_pattern = re . compile ( ' ^( \ s*)url( \ s*)=.* \ .git$ ' )
with open ( options . output_gitmodules ) as f :
strip_git_suffix = not any ( dot_git_pattern . match ( l ) for l in f )
set_recursedeps = any (
' gclient-recursedeps ' in l for l in f )
recursedeps = ls . get ( ' recursedeps ' )
with open ( options . output_gitmodules , ' w ' , newline = ' ' ) as f :
for path , dep in ls . get ( ' deps ' ) . items ( ) :
if path in options . skip_dep :
@ -3354,6 +3370,7 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
logging . error ( ' error on %s ; %s , not adding it ' , path ,
dep [ " url " ] )
isRecurseDeps = recursedeps and path in recursedeps
if prefix_length :
path = path [ prefix_length : ]
@ -3366,6 +3383,8 @@ def CMDgitmodules(parser, args):
f . write ( f ' [submodule " { path } " ] \n \t path = { path } \n \t url = { url } \n ' )
if ' condition ' in dep :
f . write ( f ' \t gclient-condition = { dep [ " condition " ] } \n ' )
if isRecurseDeps and set_recursedeps :
f . write ( ' \t gclient-recursedeps = true \n ' )
# Windows has limit how long, so let's chunk those calls.
if len ( cache_info ) > = 100 :
subprocess2 . call ( [ ' git ' , ' update-index ' , ' --add ' ] + cache_info )