[gerrit_util] Add opt-in SSOAuthenticator (reland)

This adds a new authenticator implementation to gerrit_util which
uses the Google corp `git-remote-sso` protocol helper to get
secure tunneled access to the internal hosted Google git services.

It is possible to opt in on Google-managed devices by adding the
following git configuration:

    [url "sso://chromium/"]
        insteadOf = https://chromium.googlesource.com/
        insteadOf = http://chromium.googlesource.com/
      useNewAuthStack = 1

This CL was uploaded using the new authenticator with no
.gitcookies file present on disk.

This was originally landed in

It was reverted because it caused the error:

    AttributeError: module 'functools' has no attribute 'cache'


So we changed functools.cache -> functools.lru_cache

Bug: 336351842
Change-Id: I0dcb04ada8281a60792ae08777b01ecf116f2a8f
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/tools/depot_tools/+/5627834
Reviewed-by: Scott Lee <ddoman@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Allen Li <ayatane@chromium.org>
Robert Iannucci 9 months ago committed by LUCI CQ
parent fdfc24e36a
commit 5f585948d4

@ -11,29 +11,82 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import contextlib
import functools
import http.cookiejar
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import urllib.parse
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import Any, Container, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypedDict
from typing import Any, Container, Dict, List, Optional
from typing import Tuple, Type, TypedDict, cast
import httplib2
import httplib2.socks
import auth
import gclient_utils
import metrics
import metrics_utils
import scm
import subprocess2
# HACK: httplib2 has significant bugs with its proxy support in
# python3. All httplib2 code should be rewritten to just use python
# stdlib which does not have these bugs.
# Prior to that, however, we will directly patch the buggy
# implementation of httplib2.socks.socksocket.__rewriteproxy which does
# not properly expect bytes as its argument instead of str.
# Note that __rewriteproxy is inherently buggy, as it relies on the
# python stdlib client to send the entire request header in a single
# call to socket.sendall, which is not explicitly guaranteed.
# Changes:
# * all string literals changed to bytes literals.
# * all __symbols changed to _socksocket__symbols.
# * Type annotations added to function signature.
def __fixed_rewrite_proxy(self: httplib2.socks.socksocket, header: bytes):
""" rewrite HTTP request headers to support non-tunneling proxies
(i.e. those which do not support the CONNECT method).
This only works for HTTP (not HTTPS) since HTTPS requires tunneling.
host, endpt = None, None
hdrs = header.split(b"\r\n")
for hdr in hdrs:
if hdr.lower().startswith(b"host:"):
host = hdr
elif hdr.lower().startswith(b"get") or hdr.lower().startswith(b"post"):
endpt = hdr
if host and endpt:
host = host.split(b" ")[1]
endpt = endpt.split(b" ")
if self._socksocket__proxy[4] != None \
and self._socksocket__proxy[5] != None:
hdrs.insert(0, self._socksocket__getauthheader())
hdrs.insert(0, b"Host: %s" % host)
b"%s http://%s%s %s" % (endpt[0], host, endpt[1], endpt[2]))
return b"\r\n".join(hdrs)
httplib2.socks.socksocket._socksocket__rewriteproxy = __fixed_rewrite_proxy
# TODO: Should fix these warnings.
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
@ -125,6 +178,8 @@ class Authenticator(object):
Authenticator instance to use.
authenticators: List[Type[Authenticator]] = [
# LUCI Context takes priority since it's normally present only on bots,
# which then must use it.
@ -142,6 +197,182 @@ class Authenticator(object):
f"Could not find suitable authenticator, tried: {authenticators}")
class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
"""SSOAuthenticator implements auth with an SSO helper.
This helper has the same protocol as `git-remote-persistent-https`.
TEMPORARY configuration for Googlers (one `url` block for each
Gerrit host):
[url "sso://chromium/"]
insteadOf = https://chromium.googlesource.com/
insteadOf = http://chromium.googlesource.com/
useNewAuthStack = 1
# The running persistent sso proxy process.
# Lazily spawned by `authenticate`.
_sso_info_lock = threading.Lock()
class SSOInfo:
proxy: httplib2.ProxyInfo
cookies: http.cookiejar.CookieJar
headers: Dict[str, str]
_sso_info: Optional[SSOInfo] = None
def _resolve_sso_binary_path():
return shutil.which('git-remote-sso') or ''
def is_applicable(cls) -> bool:
"""If the git-remote-sso binary is in $PATH, we consider this
authenticator to be applicable."""
if scm.GIT.GetConfig(os.getcwd(), 'depot-tools.usenewauthstack') != '1':
LOGGER.debug('SSOAuthenticator: skipping due to missing opt-in.')
return False
pth = cls._resolve_sso_binary_path()
if pth:
LOGGER.debug('SSOAuthenticator: enabled %r.', pth)
return bool(pth)
def _parse_config(cls, config: str) -> SSOInfo:
parsed: Dict[str, str] = dict(line.strip().split('=', 1)
for line in config.splitlines())
fullAuthHeader = cast(
headerKey, headerValue = fullAuthHeader.split(':', 1)
headers = {headerKey.strip(): headerValue.strip()}
proxy_host, proxy_port = parsed['http.proxy'].split(':', 1)
cj = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(parsed['http.cookiefile'])
return cls.SSOInfo(proxy=httplib2.ProxyInfo(
httplib2.socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP_NO_TUNNEL, proxy_host.encode(),
def _launch_sso_helper(cls) -> SSOInfo:
"""Launches the git-remote-sso process and extracts the parsed SSOInfo.
Raises an exception if something goes wrong.
tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='gerrit_util')
tf = os.path.join(tdir, 'git-remote-sso.stderr')
with tempdir() as tdir:
cmd = [
stderr_file = open(tf, mode='w')
# NOTE: The git-remote-sso process does the following in order:
# 1. writes file to disk
# 2. writes config to stdout, and closes stdout
# 3. waits for stdin to be closed
# 4. deletes file on disk before exiting
# Thus, we must fully parse stdout AND consume the
# cookiefile BEFORE stopping the process.
with subprocess2.Popen(cmd,
encoding='utf-8') as proc:
timedout = False
def _fire_timeout():
nonlocal timedout
timedout = True
timer = threading.Timer(5, _fire_timeout)
ret = cls._parse_config(proc.stdout.read())
if timedout:
'SSOAuthenticator: Timeout: %r: reading config.', cmd)
raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(cmd=cmd, timeout=5)
if proc.wait(timeout=2) is None:
'SSOAuthenticator: Helper did not exit properly after waiting; forcefully killed'
' (This is cleanup and likely not the root cause of any error)'
return ret
def _get_sso_info(cls) -> SSOInfo:
with cls._sso_info_lock:
info = cls._sso_info
if not info:
info = cls._launch_sso_helper()
cls._sso_info = info
return info
def authenticate(self, conn: HttpConn):
sso_info = self._get_sso_info()
conn.proxy_info = sso_info.proxy
# Now we must rewrite:
# https://xxx.googlesource.com ->
# http://xxx.git.corp.google.com
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(conn.req_uri)
parsed = parsed._replace(scheme='http')
if (hostname :=
parsed.hostname) and hostname.endswith('.googlesource.com'):
assert not parsed.port, "SSOAuthenticator: netloc: port not supported"
assert not parsed.username, "SSOAuthenticator: netloc: username not supported"
assert not parsed.password, "SSOAuthenticator: netloc: password not supported"
hostname_parts = hostname.rsplit('.', 2) # X, googlesource, com
conn.req_host = hostname_parts[0] + '.git.corp.google.com'
parsed = parsed._replace(netloc=conn.req_host)
conn.req_uri = parsed.geturl()
# Finally, add cookies
if 'Cookie' not in conn.req_headers:
LOGGER.debug("SSOAuthenticator: request headers missing 'Cookie'")
LOGGER.debug("SSO cookies: %r", sso_info.cookies._cookies)
LOGGER.debug("Request URI: %r", conn.req_uri)
LOGGER.debug("Request host: %r", conn.req_host)
LOGGER.debug("Request headers: %r", conn.req_headers)
def debug_summary_state(self) -> str:
return ''
class CookiesAuthenticator(Authenticator):
"""Authenticator implementation that uses ".gitcookies" for token.
@ -434,6 +665,43 @@ class HttpConn(httplib2.Http):
'body': self.req_body,
# NOTE: We want to use HttpConn with CookieJar.add_cookie_header, so have
# compatible interface for that here.
# NOTE: Someone should really normalize this 'HttpConn' and httplib2
# implementation to just be plain python3 stdlib instead. All of this was
# written during the bad old days of python2.6/2.7, pre-vpython.
def has_header(self, header: str) -> bool:
return header in self.req_headers
def get_full_url(self) -> str:
return self.req_uri
def get_header(self,
header: str,
default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
return self.req_headers.get(header, default)
def add_unredirected_header(self, header: str, value: str):
# NOTE: httplib2 does not support unredirected headers.
self.req_headers[header] = value
def unverifiable(self) -> bool:
return False
def origin_req_host(self) -> str:
return self.req_host
def type(self) -> str:
return urllib.parse.urlparse(self.req_uri).scheme
def host(self) -> str:
return self.req_host
def CreateHttpConn(host,
@ -477,8 +745,9 @@ def CreateHttpConn(host,
if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
LOGGER.debug('%s %s', conn.req_method, conn.req_uri)
LOGGER.debug('conn.proxy_info%s', conn.proxy_info)
for key, val in conn.req_headers.items():
if key == 'Authorization':
if key in ('Authorization', 'Cookie'):
val = 'HIDDEN'
LOGGER.debug('%s: %s', key, val)
if conn.req_body:
