@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ def RunHook(committing, upstream_branch, rietveld_server, tbr, may_prompt):
'rietveld.extracc', ','.join(watchers)])
output = StringIO.StringIO()
res = presubmit_support.DoPresubmitChecks(change, committing,
should_continue = presubmit_support.DoPresubmitChecks(change, committing,
verbose=None, output_stream=output, input_stream=sys.stdin,
default_presubmit=None, may_prompt=False, tbr=tbr,
@ -787,11 +787,12 @@ def RunHook(committing, upstream_branch, rietveld_server, tbr, may_prompt):
print hook_results.output
# TODO(dpranke): We should propagate the error out instead of calling exit().
if not res and ('** Presubmit ERRORS **' in hook_results.output or
'** Presubmit WARNINGS **' in hook_results.output):
res = True
if should_continue and hook_results.output and (
'** Presubmit ERRORS **\n' in hook_results.output or
'** Presubmit WARNINGS **\n' in hook_results.output):
should_continue = False
if res:
if not should_continue:
if may_prompt:
response = raw_input('Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N): ')
if not response.lower().startswith('y'):