@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class CLInfo:
- reviewers : the reviewers the CL will be sent to .
- files : a list of < action > , < file > pairs in the CL .
Has the same format as ` git status ` .
- d irectories: a string representing the directories containing the files
in this CL . This is only used for replacing $ directory in
- d escription: a string describing the CL . Typically the list of affected
directories . Only used for replacing $ description in
the user - provided CL description .
# Have to use default_factory because lists are mutable
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class CLInfo:
# This is only used for formatting in the CL description, so it just
# has to be convertible to string.
d irectories : Any = " "
d escription : Any = " "
def FormatForPrinting ( self ) - > str :
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class CLInfo:
# Don't quote the reviewer emails in the output
reviewers_str = " , " . join ( self . reviewers )
lines = [
f " Reviewers: [ { reviewers_str } ] " , f " Description: { self . d irectories } "
f " Reviewers: [ { reviewers_str } ] " , f " Description: { self . d escription } "
] + [ f " { action } , { file } " for ( action , file ) in self . files ]
return " \n " . join ( lines )
@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ def CLInfoFromFilesAndOwnersDirectoriesDict(
cl_infos = [ ]
for ( reviewers , fod ) in d . items ( ) :
cl_infos . append (
CLInfo ( set ( reviewers ) , fod . files , fod . owners_directories ) )
CLInfo ( set ( reviewers ) , fod . files ,
FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( fod . owners_directories ) ) )
return cl_infos
@ -168,7 +169,9 @@ def ValidateExistingBranches(prefix: str, cl_infos: List[CLInfo]) -> bool:
return False
return True
def FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories , prefix = None ) :
def FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories : List [ str ] ,
prefix : str = None ) - > str :
""" Formats directory list for printing
Uses dedicated format for single - item list . """
@ -177,13 +180,20 @@ def FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories, prefix=None):
if prefix :
prefixed = [ ( prefix + d ) for d in directories ]
return str ( prefixed ) if len ( prefixed ) > 1 else str ( prefixed [ 0 ] )
return str ( prefixed [0 ] ) if len ( prefixed ) == 1 else str ( prefixed )
def FormatDescriptionOrComment ( txt , directories ) :
""" Replaces $directory with |directories| in |txt|. """
to_insert = FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories )
return txt . replace ( ' $directory ' , to_insert )
def FormatDescriptionOrComment ( txt , desc ) :
""" Replaces $description with |desc| in |txt|. """
# TODO(389069356): Remove support for $directory entirely once it's been
# deprecated for a while.
replaced_txt = txt . replace ( ' $directory ' , desc )
if txt != replaced_txt :
EmitWarning ( ' Usage of $directory is deprecated and will be removed '
' in a future update. Please use $description instead, '
' which has the same behavior by default. \n \n ' )
replaced_txt = replaced_txt . replace ( ' $description ' , desc )
return replaced_txt
def AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription ( description ) :
@ -202,19 +212,19 @@ def AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(description):
return ' \n ' . join ( lines )
def UploadCl ( refactor_branch , refactor_branch_upstream , directories , files ,
description, saved_splitting_file , comment , reviewers , changelist ,
c md_upload, cq_dry_run , enable_auto_submit , topic ,
def UploadCl ( refactor_branch , refactor_branch_upstream , cl_description , files ,
user_ description, saved_splitting_file , comment , reviewers ,
c hangelist, c md_upload, cq_dry_run , enable_auto_submit , topic ,
repository_root ) :
""" Uploads a CL with all changes to |files| in |refactor_branch|.
Args :
refactor_branch : Name of the branch that contains the changes to upload .
refactor_branch_upstream : Name of the upstream of | refactor_branch | .
directories: Paths to the directories that contain the OWNERS files for
which to upload a CL .
cl_description: Description of this specific CL , e . g . the list of
affected directories .
files : List of AffectedFile instances to include in the uploaded CL .
description: Description of the uploaded CL .
user_description: Description provided by user .
comment : Comment to post on the uploaded CL .
reviewers : A set of reviewers for the CL .
changelist : The Changelist class .
@ -226,8 +236,9 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
# Create a branch.
if not CreateBranchForOneCL ( refactor_branch , files ,
refactor_branch_upstream ) :
Emit ( ' Skipping ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' for which a branch already exists. ' )
Emit (
f ' Skipping existing branch for CL with description: { cl_description } '
# Checkout all changes to files in |files|.
@ -250,7 +261,8 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
# when it is closed.
with gclient_utils . temporary_file ( ) as tmp_file :
gclient_utils . FileWrite (
tmp_file , FormatDescriptionOrComment ( description , directories ) )
tmp_file ,
FormatDescriptionOrComment ( user_description , cl_description ) )
git . run ( ' commit ' , ' -F ' , tmp_file )
# Upload a CL.
@ -265,8 +277,7 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
upload_args . append ( ' --enable-auto-submit ' )
if topic :
upload_args . append ( ' --topic= {} ' . format ( topic ) )
Emit ( ' Uploading CL for ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' ... ' )
Emit ( f ' Uploading CL with description: { cl_description } ... ' )
ret = cmd_upload ( upload_args )
if ret != 0 :
@ -278,7 +289,7 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
if comment :
changelist ( ) . AddComment ( FormatDescriptionOrComment (
comment , directories ) ,
comment , cl_description ) ,
publish = True )
@ -307,28 +318,28 @@ def GetFilesSplitByOwners(files, max_depth):
return files_split_by_owners
def PrintClInfo ( cl_index , num_cls , directories, file_paths , description,
def PrintClInfo ( cl_index , num_cls , cl_description, file_paths , user_ description,
reviewers , cq_dry_run , enable_auto_submit , topic ) :
""" Prints info about a CL.
Args :
cl_index : The index of this CL in the list of CLs to upload .
num_cls : The total number of CLs that will be uploaded .
directories: Paths to directories that contains the OWNERS files for
which to upload a CL .
cl_description: Description of this specific CL , e . g . the list of
affected directories .
file_paths : A list of files in this CL .
description: The CL description .
user_description: Description provided by user .
reviewers : A set of reviewers for this CL .
cq_dry_run : If the CL should also be sent to CQ dry run .
enable_auto_submit : If the CL should also have auto submit enabled .
topic : Topic to set for this CL .
description_lines = FormatDescriptionOrComment ( description,
directories ) . splitlines ( )
description_lines = FormatDescriptionOrComment ( user_ description,
cl_description ) . splitlines ( )
indented_description = ' \n ' . join ( [ ' ' + l for l in description_lines ] )
Emit ( ' CL {} / {} ' . format ( cl_index , num_cls ) )
Emit ( ' Paths: {} ' . format ( FormatDirectoriesForPrinting( directories ) ) )
Emit ( ' Paths: {} ' . format ( cl_description ) )
Emit ( ' Reviewers: {} ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( reviewers ) ) )
Emit ( ' Auto-Submit: {} ' . format ( enable_auto_submit ) )
Emit ( ' CQ Dry Run: {} ' . format ( cq_dry_run ) )
@ -345,7 +356,7 @@ def LoadDescription(description_file, dry_run):
raise ValueError (
" Must provide a description file except during dry runs " )
return ( ' Dummy description for dry run. \n '
' d irectory = $directory ' )
' d escription = $description ' )
return gclient_utils . FileRead ( description_file )
@ -360,7 +371,7 @@ def PrintSummary(cl_infos, refactor_branch):
for info in cl_infos :
Emit ( f ' Reviewers: { info . reviewers } , files: { len ( info . files ) } , ' ,
f ' d irectories: { info . directories } ' )
f ' d escription: { info . description } ' )
num_cls = len ( cl_infos )
Emit ( f ' \n Will split branch { refactor_branch } into { num_cls } CLs. '
@ -462,12 +473,12 @@ def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run,
elif dry_run :
file_paths = [ f for _ , f in cl_info . files ]
PrintClInfo ( cl_index , len ( cl_infos ) , cl_info . d irectories ,
PrintClInfo ( cl_index , len ( cl_infos ) , cl_info . d escription ,
file_paths , description , cl_info . reviewers , cq_dry_run ,
enable_auto_submit , topic )
else :
UploadCl ( refactor_branch , refactor_branch_upstream ,
cl_info . d irectories , cl_info . files , description ,
cl_info . d escription , cl_info . files , description ,
saved_splitting_file , comment , cl_info . reviewers ,
changelist , cmd_upload , cq_dry_run , enable_auto_submit ,
topic , repository_root )
@ -591,11 +602,6 @@ description_re = re.compile(r'Description:\s*(.+)')
# <action> must be a valid code (either 1 or 2 letters)
file_re = re . compile ( r ' ([MTADRC] { 1,2}), \ s*(.+) ' )
# TODO(crbug.com/389069356): Replace the "Description" line with an optional
# "Description" line, and adjust the description variables accordingly, as well
# as all the places in the code that expect to get a directory list.
# We use regex parsing instead of e.g. json because it lets us use a much more
# human-readable format, similar to the summary printed in dry runs
def ParseSplittings ( lines : List [ str ] ) - > List [ CLInfo ] :
@ -644,11 +650,11 @@ def ParseSplittings(lines: List[str]) -> List[CLInfo]:
# Description is just used as a description, so any string is fine
m = re . fullmatch ( description_re , line )
if m :
if current_cl_info . d irectories :
if current_cl_info . d escription :
raise ClSplitParseError (
f " Error parsing line: CL already has a d irectories entry\n { line } "
f " Error parsing line: CL already has a d escription entry\n { line } "
current_cl_info . d irectories = m . group ( 1 ) . strip ( )
current_cl_info . d escription = m . group ( 1 ) . strip ( )
# Any other line is presumed to be an '<action>, <file>' pair