@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ VS_VERSION = None
def BuildFileList ( ) :
def BuildFileList ( override_dir ) :
result = [ ]
# Subset of VS corresponding roughly to VC.
@ -49,13 +49,23 @@ def BuildFileList():
' DIA SDK/include ' ,
' DIA SDK/lib ' ,
' VC/atlmfc ' ,
' VC/bin ' ,
' VC/crt ' ,
' VC/include ' ,
' VC/lib ' ,
' VC/redist ' ,
if override_dir :
paths + = [
( os . path . join ( override_dir , ' bin ' ) , ' VC/bin ' ) ,
( os . path . join ( override_dir , ' include ' ) , ' VC/include ' ) ,
( os . path . join ( override_dir , ' lib ' ) , ' VC/lib ' ) ,
else :
paths + = [
' VC/bin ' ,
' VC/include ' ,
' VC/lib ' ,
if VS_VERSION == ' 2013 ' :
paths + = [
( ' VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC120.CRT ' , ' sys32 ' ) ,
@ -92,14 +102,18 @@ def BuildFileList():
for path in paths :
src = path [ 0 ] if isinstance ( path , tuple ) else path
combined = os . path . join ( vs_path , src )
# Note that vs_path is ignored if src is an absolute path.
# normpath is needed to change '/' to '\\' characters.
combined = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( vs_path , src ) )
assert os . path . exists ( combined ) and os . path . isdir ( combined )
for root , _ , files in os . walk ( combined ) :
for f in files :
final_from = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( root , f ) )
if isinstance ( path , tuple ) :
assert final_from . startswith ( combined )
dest = final_from [ len ( combined ) + 1 : ]
result . append (
( final_from , os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( path [ 1 ] , f ) ) ) )
( final_from , os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( path [ 1 ] , dest ) ) ) )
else :
assert final_from . startswith ( vs_path )
dest = final_from [ len ( vs_path ) + 1 : ]
@ -140,61 +154,44 @@ def BuildFileList():
result . append ( ( combined , to ) )
if VS_VERSION == ' 2015 ' :
# The Windows 10 Universal C Runtime installers are needed when packaging
# VS 2015. They can be download from here:
# https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2999226
# and they must be downloaded to the current user's downloads directory.
# The versions needed are those for 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, and
# Windows 8.1. The 64-bit Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, and Server 2012 R2
# versions are identical (same name and contents).
universal_runtime_installers = [
' Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu ' ,
' Windows8-RT-KB2999226-x64.msu ' ,
' Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu ' ,
# Copy the x86 ucrt DLLs to all directories with 32-bit binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys32.
ucrt_paths = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( sdk_path , r ' redist \ ucrt \ dlls \ x86 \ * ' ) )
for ucrt_path in ucrt_paths :
ucrt_file = os . path . split ( ucrt_path ) [ 1 ]
for dest_dir in [ r ' win_sdk \ bin \ x86 ' , ' sys32 ' ] :
result . append ( ( ucrt_path , os . path . join ( dest_dir , ucrt_file ) ) )
# Copy the x64 ucrt DLLs to all directories with 64-bit binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys64.
ucrt_paths = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( sdk_path , r ' redist \ ucrt \ dlls \ x64 \ * ' ) )
for ucrt_path in ucrt_paths :
ucrt_file = os . path . split ( ucrt_path ) [ 1 ]
for dest_dir in [ r ' VC \ bin \ amd64_x86 ' , r ' VC \ bin \ amd64 ' ,
r ' win_sdk \ bin \ x64 ' , ' sys64 ' ] :
result . append ( ( ucrt_path , os . path . join ( dest_dir , ucrt_file ) ) )
system_crt_files = [
# Needed to let debug binaries run.
' ucrtbased.dll ' ,
for installer in universal_runtime_installers :
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( os . environ [ ' userprofile ' ] , ' downloads ' ,
installer ) ,
os . path . join ( ' installers ' , installer ) ) )
if VS_VERSION == ' 2015 ' :
# Copy the x86 ucrt DLLs to all directories with 32-bit binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys32.
ucrt_paths = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( sdk_path , r ' redist \ ucrt \ dlls \ x86 \ * ' ) )
for ucrt_path in ucrt_paths :
ucrt_file = os . path . split ( ucrt_path ) [ 1 ]
for dest_dir in [ r ' win_sdk \ bin \ x86 ' , ' sys32 ' ] :
result . append ( ( ucrt_path , os . path . join ( dest_dir , ucrt_file ) ) )
# Copy the x64 ucrt DLLs to all directories with 64-bit binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys64.
ucrt_paths = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( sdk_path , r ' redist \ ucrt \ dlls \ x64 \ * ' ) )
for ucrt_path in ucrt_paths :
ucrt_file = os . path . split ( ucrt_path ) [ 1 ]
for dest_dir in [ r ' VC \ bin \ amd64_x86 ' , r ' VC \ bin \ amd64 ' ,
r ' win_sdk \ bin \ x64 ' , ' sys64 ' ] :
result . append ( ( ucrt_path , os . path . join ( dest_dir , ucrt_file ) ) )
system_crt_files = [
# Needed to let debug binaries run.
' ucrtbased.dll ' ,
bitness = platform . architecture ( ) [ 0 ]
# When running 64-bit python the x64 DLLs will be in System32
x64_path = ' System32 ' if bitness == ' 64bit ' else ' Sysnative '
x64_path = os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows ' , x64_path )
for system_crt_file in system_crt_files :
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 ' , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys32 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( x64_path , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys64 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
bitness = platform . architecture ( ) [ 0 ]
# When running 64-bit python the x64 DLLs will be in System32
x64_path = ' System32 ' if bitness == ' 64bit ' else ' Sysnative '
x64_path = os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows ' , x64_path )
for system_crt_file in system_crt_files :
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 ' , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys32 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( x64_path , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys64 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
# Generically drop all arm stuff that we don't need, and
# drop .msi files because we don't need installers.
# drop .msi files because we don't need installers, and drop windows.winmd
# because it is unneeded and is different on every machine.
return [ ( f , t ) for f , t in result if ' arm \\ ' not in f . lower ( ) and
' arm64 \\ ' not in f . lower ( ) and
not f . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .msi ' ) ]
not f . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .msi ' ) and
not f . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' windows.winmd ' ) ]
def GenerateSetEnvCmd ( target_dir ) :
@ -329,6 +326,9 @@ def main():
parser . add_option ( ' -d ' , ' --dryrun ' , action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dryrun ' ,
default = False ,
help = ' scan for file existence and prints statistics ' )
parser . add_option ( ' --override ' , action = ' store ' , type = ' string ' ,
dest = ' override_dir ' , default = None ,
help = ' Specify alternate bin/include/lib directory ' )
( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( )
if len ( args ) != 1 or args [ 0 ] not in ( ' 2013 ' , ' 2015 ' ) :
@ -336,13 +336,20 @@ def main():
parser . print_help ( ) ;
return 1
if options . override_dir :
if ( not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( options . override_dir , ' bin ' ) ) or
not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( options . override_dir , ' include ' ) ) or
not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( options . override_dir , ' lib ' ) ) ) :
print ' Invalid override directory - must contain bin/include/lib dirs '
return 1
VS_VERSION = args [ 0 ]
WIN_VERSION = options . winver
print ' Building file list for VS %s Windows %s ... ' % ( VS_VERSION , WIN_VERSION )
files = BuildFileList ( )
files = BuildFileList ( options . override_dir )
AddEnvSetup ( files )