@ -5041,23 +5041,11 @@ def CMDland(parser, args):
In case of Gerrit, uses Gerrit REST api to "submit" the issue, which pushes
upstream and closes the issue automatically and atomically.
Otherwise (in case of Rietveld):
Squashes branch into a single commit.
Updates commit message with metadata (e.g. pointer to review).
Pushes the code upstream.
Updates review and closes.
parser.add_option('--bypass-hooks', action='store_true', dest='bypass_hooks',
help='bypass upload presubmit hook')
parser.add_option('-m', dest='message',
help="override review description")
parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force',
help="force yes to questions (don't prompt)")
parser.add_option('-c', dest='contributor',
help="external contributor for patch (appended to " +
"description and used as author for git). Should be " +
"formatted as 'First Last <email@example.com>'")
parser.add_option('--parallel', action='store_true',
help='Run all tests specified by input_api.RunTests in all '
'PRESUBMIT files in parallel.')
@ -5070,19 +5058,6 @@ def CMDland(parser, args):
if not cl.IsGerrit():
parser.error('rietveld is not supported')
if options.message:
# This could be implemented, but it requires sending a new patch to
# Gerrit, as Gerrit unlike Rietveld versions messages with patchsets.
# Besides, Gerrit has the ability to change the commit message on submit
# automatically, thus there is no need to support this option (so far?).
parser.error('-m MESSAGE option is not supported for Gerrit.')
if options.contributor:
'-c CONTRIBUTOR option is not supported for Gerrit.\n'
'Before uploading a commit to Gerrit, ensure it\'s author field is '
'the contributor\'s "name <email>". If you can\'t upload such a '
'commit for review, contact your repository admin and request'
'"Forge-Author" permission.')
if not cl.GetIssue():
DieWithError('You must upload the change first to Gerrit.\n'
' If you would rather have `git cl land` upload '
@ -5091,79 +5066,6 @@ def CMDland(parser, args):
options.verbose, options.parallel)
def PushToGitWithAutoRebase(remote, branch, original_description,
git_numberer_enabled, max_attempts=3):
"""Pushes current HEAD commit on top of remote's branch.
Attempts to fetch and autorebase on push failures.
Adds git number footers on the fly.
Returns integer code from last command.
cherry = RunGit(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
code = 0
attempts_left = max_attempts
while attempts_left:
attempts_left -= 1
print('Attempt %d of %d' % (max_attempts - attempts_left, max_attempts))
# Fetch remote/branch into local cherry_pick_branch, overriding the latter.
# If fetch fails, retry.
print('Fetching %s/%s...' % (remote, branch))
code, out = RunGitWithCode(
['retry', 'fetch', remote,
'+%s:refs/heads/%s' % (branch, CHERRY_PICK_BRANCH)])
if code:
print('Fetch failed with exit code %d.' % code)
print('Cherry-picking commit on top of latest %s' % branch)
RunGitWithCode(['checkout', 'refs/heads/%s' % CHERRY_PICK_BRANCH],
parent_hash = RunGit(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
code, out = RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', cherry])
if code:
print('Your patch doesn\'t apply cleanly to \'%s\' HEAD @ %s, '
'the following files have merge conflicts:' %
(branch, parent_hash))
print(RunGit(['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff',
'--name-status', '--diff-filter=U']).strip())
print('Please rebase your patch and try again.')
RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', '--abort'])
commit_desc = ChangeDescription(original_description)
if git_numberer_enabled:
logging.debug('Adding git number footers')
parent_msg = RunGit(['show', '-s', '--format=%B', parent_hash]).strip()
commit_desc.update_with_git_number_footers(parent_hash, parent_msg,
# Ensure timestamps are monotonically increasing.
timestamp = max(1 + _get_committer_timestamp(parent_hash),
_git_amend_head(commit_desc.description, timestamp)
code, out = RunGitWithCode(
['push', '--porcelain', remote, 'HEAD:%s' % branch])
if code == 0:
if IsFatalPushFailure(out):
print('Fatal push error. Make sure your .netrc credentials and git '
'user.email are correct and you have push access to the repo.\n'
'Hint: run command below to diangose common Git/Gerrit credential '
' git cl creds-check\n')
return code
def IsFatalPushFailure(push_stdout):
"""True if retrying push won't help."""
return '(prohibited by Gerrit)' in push_stdout
@subcommand.usage('<patch url or issue id or issue url>')
@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cl patch')
def CMDpatch(parser, args):