@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ useful as the resulting zip can't be redistributed, and most will presumably
have a Pro license anyway ) .
import optparse
import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ import get_toolchain_if_necessary
def BuildFileList ( ) :
@ -112,24 +115,24 @@ def BuildFileList():
combined = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( root , f ) )
# Some of the files in this directory are exceedingly long (and exceed
#_MAX_PATH for any moderately long root), so exclude them. We don't need
# them anyway.
# them anyway. Exclude the Windows Performance Toolkit just to save space.
tail = combined [ len ( sdk_path ) + 1 : ]
if tail . startswith ( ' References \\ ' ) :
if ( tail . startswith ( ' References \\ ' ) or
tail . startswith ( ' Windows Performance Toolkit \\ ' ) ) :
if VS_VERSION == ' 2015 ' :
# There may be many Include\Lib\Source directories for many different
# versions of Windows and packaging them all wastes ~450 MB
# (uncompressed) per version and wastes time. Only copy the specified
# version.
if ( tail . startswith ( ' Include \\ ' ) or tail . startswith ( ' Lib \\ ' ) or
tail . startswith ( ' Source \\ ' ) ) :
if tail . count ( WIN_VERSION ) == 0 :
to = os . path . join ( ' win_sdk ' , tail )
result . append ( ( combined , to ) )
if VS_VERSION == ' 2015 ' :
for ucrt_path in (
( r ' C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 10 \ Include ' , ' Include ' ) ,
( r ' C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 10 \ Lib ' , ' Lib ' ) ,
( r ' C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 10 \ Source ' , ' Source ' ) ) :
src , target = ucrt_path
for root , _ , files in os . walk ( src ) :
for f in files :
combined = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( root , f ) )
to = os . path . join ( ' ucrt ' , target , combined [ len ( src ) + 1 : ] )
result . append ( ( combined , to ) )
system_crt_files = [
' api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll ' ,
@ -158,15 +161,21 @@ def BuildFileList():
' ucrtbase.dll ' ,
' ucrtbased.dll ' ,
bitness = platform . architecture ( ) [ 0 ]
# When running 64-bit python the x64 DLLs will be in System32
x64_path = ' System32 ' if bitness == ' 64bit ' else ' Sysnative '
x64_path = os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows ' , x64_path )
for system_crt_file in system_crt_files :
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 ' , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys32 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( r ' C: \ Windows \ Sysnative ' , system_crt_file ) ,
result . append ( ( os . path . join ( x64_path , system_crt_file ) ,
os . path . join ( ' sys64 ' , system_crt_file ) ) )
# Generically drop all arm stuff that we don't need.
# Generically drop all arm stuff that we don't need, and
# drop .msi files because we don't need installers.
return [ ( f , t ) for f , t in result if ' arm \\ ' not in f . lower ( ) and
' arm64 \\ ' not in f . lower ( ) ]
' arm64 \\ ' not in f . lower ( ) and
not f . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .msi ' ) ]
def GenerateSetEnvCmd ( target_dir ) :
@ -181,12 +190,13 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
' :: Generated by win_toolchain \\ package_from_installed.py. \n '
# Common to x86 and x64
' set PATH= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ Common7 \\ IDE; % PATH % \n '
' set INCLUDE= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ 10.0.10240.0 \\ um; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ 10.0.10240.0 \\ shared; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ 10.0.10240.0 \\ winrt; '
' set INCLUDE= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ WINVERSION \\ um; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ WINVERSION \\ shared; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ WINVERSION \\ winrt; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Include \\ WINVERSION \\ ucrt; ' # VS 2015
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ include; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ atlmfc \\ include \n '
' if " % 1 " == " /x64 " goto x64 \n ' )
' if " % 1 " == " /x64 " goto x64 \n ' . replace ( ' WINVERSION ' , WIN_VERSION ) )
# x86. Always use amd64_x86 cross, not x86 on x86.
f . write ( ' set PATH= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ bin \\ x86; '
@ -194,9 +204,10 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ bin \\ amd64; ' # Needed for mspdb1x0.dll.
' % PATH % \n ' )
f . write ( ' set LIB= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ lib; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ 10.0.10240.0 \\ um \\ x86; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ WINVERSION \\ um \\ x86; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ WINVERSION \\ ucrt \\ x86; ' # VS 2015
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ atlmfc \\ lib \n '
' goto :EOF \n ' )
' goto :EOF \n ' . replace ( ' WINVERSION ' , WIN_VERSION ) )
# x64.
f . write ( ' :x64 \n '
@ -204,8 +215,10 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ bin \\ amd64; '
' % PATH % \n ' )
f . write ( ' set LIB= % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ lib \\ amd64; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ 10.0.10240.0 \\ um \\ x64; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ atlmfc \\ lib \\ amd64 \n ' )
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ WINVERSION \\ um \\ x64; '
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ win_sdk \\ Lib \\ WINVERSION \\ ucrt \\ x64; ' # VS 2015
' % ~dp0.. \\ .. \\ VC \\ atlmfc \\ lib \\ amd64 \n '
. replace ( ' WINVERSION ' , WIN_VERSION ) )
def AddEnvSetup ( files ) :
@ -246,14 +259,27 @@ def RenameToSha1(output):
def main ( ) :
if len ( sys . argv ) != 2 or sys . argv [ 1 ] not in ( ' 2013 ' , ' 2015 ' ) :
print ' Usage: package_from_installed.py 2013|2015 '
usage = ' usage: % prog [options] 2013|2015 '
parser = optparse . OptionParser ( usage )
parser . add_option ( ' -w ' , ' --winver ' , action = ' store ' , type = ' string ' ,
dest = ' winver ' , default = ' 10.0.10586.0 ' ,
help = ' Windows SDK version, such as 10.0.10586.0 ' )
parser . add_option ( ' -d ' , ' --dryrun ' , action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dryrun ' ,
default = False ,
help = ' scan for file existence and prints statistics ' )
( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( )
if len ( args ) != 1 or args [ 0 ] not in ( ' 2013 ' , ' 2015 ' ) :
print ' Must specify 2013 or 2015 '
parser . print_help ( ) ;
return 1
VS_VERSION = sys . argv [ 1 ]
VS_VERSION = args [ 0 ]
WIN_VERSION = options . winver
print ' Building file list... '
print ' Building file list for VS %s Windows %s ...' % ( VS_VERSION , WIN_VERSION )
files = BuildFileList ( )
AddEnvSetup ( files )
@ -267,12 +293,33 @@ def main():
if os . path . exists ( output ) :
os . unlink ( output )
count = 0
version_match_count = 0
total_size = 0
missing_files = False
with zipfile . ZipFile ( output , ' w ' , zipfile . ZIP_DEFLATED , True ) as zf :
for disk_name , archive_name in files :
sys . stdout . write ( ' \r %d / %d ... %s ' % ( count , len ( files ) , disk_name [ - 40 : ] ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
count + = 1
zf . write ( disk_name , archive_name )
if disk_name . count ( WIN_VERSION ) > 0 :
version_match_count + = 1
if os . path . exists ( disk_name ) :
if options . dryrun :
total_size + = os . path . getsize ( disk_name )
else :
zf . write ( disk_name , archive_name )
else :
missing_files = True
sys . stdout . write ( ' \r %s does not exist. \n \n ' % disk_name )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
if options . dryrun :
sys . stdout . write ( ' \r %1.3f GB of data in %d files, %d files for %s . %s \n ' %
( total_size / 1e9 , count , version_match_count , WIN_VERSION , ' ' * 50 ) )
return 0
if missing_files :
raise ' One or more files were missing - aborting '
if version_match_count == 0 :
raise ' No files found that match the specified winversion '
sys . stdout . write ( ' \r Wrote to %s . %s \n ' % ( output , ' ' * 50 ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )