Auto find tryserver master for git cl try


TEST=local tests

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
changes/01/332501/1 11 years ago
parent 0db9a14294
commit 2b34d558ba

@ -2211,6 +2211,37 @@ def GetTreeStatusReason():
return status['message']
def GetBuilderMaster(bot_list):
"""For a given builder, fetch the master from AE if available."""
map_url = ''
master_map = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(map_url))
except urllib2.URLError as e:
return None, ('Failed to fetch builder-to-master map from %s. Error: %s.' %
(map_url, e))
except ValueError as e:
return None, ('Invalid json string from %s. Error: %s.' % (map_url, e))
if not master_map:
return None, 'Failed to build master map.'
result_master = ''
for bot in bot_list:
builder = bot.split(':', 1)[0]
master_list = master_map.get(builder, [])
if not master_list:
return None, ('No matching master for builder %s.' % builder)
elif len(master_list) > 1:
return None, ('The builder name %s exists in multiple masters %s.' %
(builder, master_list))
cur_master = master_list[0]
if not result_master:
result_master = cur_master
elif result_master != cur_master:
return None, 'The builders do not belong to the same master.'
return result_master, None
def CMDtree(parser, args):
"""Shows the status of the tree."""
_, args = parser.parse_args(args)
@ -2234,10 +2265,10 @@ def CMDtry(parser, args):
"-b", "--bot", action="append",
help=("IMPORTANT: specify ONE builder per --bot flag. Use it multiple "
"times to specify multiple builders. ex: "
"'-bwin_rel:ui_tests,webkit_unit_tests -bwin_layout'. See "
"'-b win_rel:ui_tests,webkit_unit_tests -b win_layout'. See "
"the try server waterfall for the builders name and the tests "
"available. Can also be used to specify gtest_filter, e.g. "
"-b win_rel:base_unittests:ValuesTest.*Value"))
"-m", "--master", default='',
help=("Specify a try master where to run the tries."))
@ -2279,8 +2310,11 @@ def CMDtry(parser, args): = cl.GetBranch()
if and not options.master:
parser.error('For manually specified bots please also specify the '
'tryserver master, e.g. "-m tryserver.chromium.linux".')
options.master, err_msg = GetBuilderMaster(
if err_msg:
parser.error('Tryserver master cannot be found because: %s\n'
'Please manually specify the tryserver master'
', e.g. "-m tryserver.chromium.linux".' % err_msg)
def GetMasterMap():
# Process --bot and --testfilter.
