@ -216,12 +216,19 @@ class Authenticator(object):
class SSOAuthenticator ( Authenticator ) :
""" SSOAuthenticator implements auth with an SSO helper.
""" SSOAuthenticator implements a Google-internal authorization scheme which
uses a git remote helper ` git - remote - sso ` available to Googlers .
This helper has the same protocol as ` git - remote - persistent - https ` .
This helper is similar to the publically available ` git - remote - persistent - https ` .
Googler machines are configured so that all * . googlesource . com domains are
routed instead to * . git . corp . google . com via a secure tunnel which is
integrated with single - sign on authentication .
TEMPORARY configuration for Googlers ( one ` url ` block for each
Gerrit host ) :
This class maintains a copy of the git - remote - sso process , parses it ' s
output configuration and authenticates HttpConns for git_cl using this as
a proxy .
TEMPORARY configuration for Googlers ( one ` url ` block for each Gerrit host ) :
[ url " sso://chromium/ " ]
insteadOf = https : / / chromium . googlesource . com /
@ -230,10 +237,19 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
useNewAuthStack = 1
# The running persistent sso proxy process.
# This is set to true in tests, allows _parse_config to consume expired
# cookies.
_testing_load_expired_cookies = False
# Tri-state cache for sso helper command:
# * None - no lookup yet
# * () - lookup was performed, but no binary was found.
# * non-empty tuple - lookup was performed, and this is the command to
# run.
# Lazily spawned by `authenticate`.
_sso_info_lock = threading . Lock ( )
# NOTE: Tests directly assign to this to substitute a helper process that
# can exercise other aspects of SSOAuthenticator.
_sso_cmd : Optional [ Tuple [ str , . . . ] ] = None
class SSOInfo :
@ -241,18 +257,35 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
cookies : http . cookiejar . CookieJar
headers : Dict [ str , str ]
# SSOInfo is a cached blob of information used by the `authenticate` method.
_sso_info : Optional [ SSOInfo ] = None
_sso_info_lock = threading . Lock ( )
def _resolve_sso_binary_path ( ) :
return shutil . which ( ' git-remote-sso ' ) or ' '
def _resolve_sso_cmd ( cls ) - > Tuple [ str , . . . ] :
""" Returns the cached command-line to invoke git-remote-sso.
If git - remote - sso is not in $ PATH , returns ( ) .
cmd = cls . _sso_cmd
if cmd is None :
pth = shutil . which ( ' git-remote-sso ' )
if pth is None :
cmd = ( )
else :
cmd = (
pth ,
' -print_config ' ,
' sso://*.git.corp.google.com ' ,
cls . _sso_cmd = cmd
return cmd
def is_applicable ( cls ) - > bool :
""" If the git-remote-sso binary is in $PATH, we consider this
authenticator to be applicable . """
return bool ( cls . _resolve_sso_binary_path ( ) )
return bool ( cls . _resolve_sso_ cmd ( ) )
def _parse_config ( cls , config : str ) - > SSOInfo :
@ -271,8 +304,22 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
headers = { headerKey . strip ( ) : headerValue . strip ( ) }
proxy_host , proxy_port = parsed [ ' http.proxy ' ] . split ( ' : ' , 1 )
cj = http . cookiejar . MozillaCookieJar ( parsed [ ' http.cookiefile ' ] )
cj . load ( )
cfpath = parsed [ ' http.cookiefile ' ]
cj = http . cookiejar . MozillaCookieJar ( cfpath )
# NOTE: python3.8 doesn't support httponly cookie lines, so we parse
# this manually. Once we move to python3.10+, this hack can be removed.
with open ( cfpath ) as cf :
cookiedata = cf . read ( ) . replace ( ' #HttpOnly_ ' , ' ' )
# _really_load is the way that MozillaCookieJar subclasses
# FileCookieJar. Calling this directly is better than reimplementing the
# entire _really_load function manually.
cj . _really_load (
StringIO ( cookiedata ) ,
cfpath ,
ignore_discard = False ,
ignore_expires = cls . _testing_load_expired_cookies ,
return cls . SSOInfo ( proxy = httplib2 . ProxyInfo (
httplib2 . socks . PROXY_TYPE_HTTP_NO_TUNNEL , proxy_host . encode ( ) ,
@ -290,23 +337,12 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
tf = os . path . join ( tdir , ' git-remote-sso.stderr ' )
with tempdir ( ) as tdir :
cmd = [
cls . _resolve_sso_binary_path ( ) ,
' -print_config ' ,
' sso://*.git.corp.google.com ' ,
cmd = cls . _resolve_sso_cmd ( )
stderr_file = open ( tf , mode = ' w ' )
# NOTE: The git-remote-sso process does the following in order:
# 1. writes file to disk
# 2. writes config to stdout, and closes stdout
# 3. waits for stdin to be closed
# 4. deletes file on disk before exiting
# Thus, we must fully parse stdout AND consume the
# cookiefile BEFORE stopping the process.
# NOTE: we must fully parse stdout and consume the cookiefile before
# killing the process.
with subprocess2 . Popen ( cmd ,
stdout = subprocess2 . PIPE ,
stderr = stderr_file ,
@ -331,13 +367,14 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
' SSOAuthenticator: Timeout: %r : reading config. ' , cmd )
raise subprocess . TimeoutExpired ( cmd = cmd , timeout = 5 )
proc . stdin . close ( )
if proc . wait ( timeout = 2 ) is None :
proc . kill ( )
LOGGER . warning (
' SSOAuthenticator: Helper did not exit properly after waiting; forcefully killed '
' (This is cleanup and likely not the root cause of any error) '
proc . poll ( )
if ( retcode := proc . returncode ) is not None :
# process failed - we should be able to read the tempfile.
stderr_file . close ( )
with open ( tf , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as stderr :
sys . exit (
f ' SSOAuthenticator: exit { retcode } : { stderr . read ( ) . strip ( ) } '
return ret
@ -373,12 +410,8 @@ class SSOAuthenticator(Authenticator):
# Finally, add cookies
sso_info . cookies . add_cookie_header ( conn )
if ' Cookie ' not in conn . req_headers :
LOGGER . debug ( " SSOAuthenticator: request headers missing ' Cookie ' " )
LOGGER . debug ( " SSO cookies: %r " , sso_info . cookies . _cookies )
LOGGER . debug ( " Request URI: %r " , conn . req_uri )
LOGGER . debug ( " Request host: %r " , conn . req_host )
LOGGER . debug ( " Request headers: %r " , conn . req_headers )
assert ' Cookie ' in conn . req_headers , (
' sso_info.cookies.add_cookie_header failed to add Cookie ' )
def debug_summary_state ( self ) - > str :
return ' '
@ -768,7 +801,7 @@ def CreateHttpConn(host,
if LOGGER . isEnabledFor ( logging . DEBUG ) :
LOGGER . debug ( ' %s %s ' , conn . req_method , conn . req_uri )
LOGGER . debug ( ' conn.proxy_info %s ' , conn . proxy_info )
LOGGER . debug ( ' conn.proxy_info =%r ' , conn . proxy_info )
for key , val in conn . req_headers . items ( ) :
if key in ( ' Authorization ' , ' Cookie ' ) :
val = ' HIDDEN '