[depot_tools] Remove deprecated config check in canned checks

Bug: 785114
Change-Id: Ic98995d670b22ba17ef6139ed086cb1b31c7d39c
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/804736
Commit-Queue: Mun Yong Jang <myjang@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Robbie Iannucci <iannucci@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Nodir Turakulov <nodir@chromium.org>
Mun Yong Jang 7 years ago committed by Commit Bot
parent 6c5a1c4c3c
commit 17995a9f12

@ -39,104 +39,6 @@ BLACKLIST_LINT_FILTERS = [
### Description checks
# TODO(myjang): Remove this once all presubmit scripts use the other
def CheckChangedConfigs(input_api, output_api):
return CheckChangedLUCIConfigs(input_api, output_api)
def CheckChangedLUCIConfigs(input_api, output_api):
import collections
import base64
import json
import urllib2
import auth
import git_cl
LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME = 'luci-config.appspot.com'
cl = git_cl.Changelist()
remote, remote_branch = cl.GetRemoteBranch()
if remote_branch.startswith('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote):
remote_branch = remote_branch.replace(
'refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'refs/heads/', 1)
if remote_branch.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads/'):
remote_branch = remote_branch.replace(
'refs/remotes/branch-heads/', 'refs/branch-heads/', 1)
remote_host_url = cl.GetRemoteUrl()
if not remote_host_url:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Remote host url for git has not been defined')]
remote_host_url = remote_host_url.rstrip('/')
if remote_host_url.endswith('.git'):
remote_host_url = remote_host_url[:-len('.git')]
# authentication
authenticator = auth.get_authenticator_for_host(
LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME, auth.make_auth_config())
acc_tkn = authenticator.get_access_token()
except auth.AuthenticationError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Error in authenticating user.', long_text=str(e))]
def request(endpoint, body=None):
api_url = ('https://%s/_ah/api/config/v1/%s'
% (LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME, endpoint))
req = urllib2.Request(api_url)
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % acc_tkn.token)
if body is not None:
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
return json.load(urllib2.urlopen(req))
config_sets = request('config-sets').get('config_sets')
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Config set request to luci-config failed', long_text=str(e))]
if not config_sets:
return [output_api.PresubmitWarning('No config_sets were returned')]
loc_pref = '%s/+/%s/' % (remote_host_url, remote_branch)
dir_to_config_set = {
'%s/' % cs['location'][len(loc_pref):].rstrip('/'): cs['config_set']
for cs in config_sets
if cs['location'].startswith(loc_pref) or
('%s/' % cs['location']) == loc_pref
cs_to_files = collections.defaultdict(list)
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
# windows
file_path = f.LocalPath().replace(_os.sep, '/')
for dr, cs in dir_to_config_set.iteritems():
if dr == '/' or file_path.startswith(dr):
'path': file_path[len(dr):] if dr != '/' else file_path,
'content': base64.b64encode(
outputs = []
for cs, f in cs_to_files.iteritems():
# TODO(myjang): parallelize
res = request(
'validate-config', body={'config_set': cs, 'files': f})
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Validation request to luci-config failed', long_text=str(e))]
for msg in res.get('messages', []):
sev = msg['severity']
if sev == 'WARNING':
out_f = output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning
elif sev == 'ERROR' or sev == 'CRITICAL':
out_f = output_api.PresubmitError
out_f = output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult
outputs.append(out_f('Config validation: %s' % msg['text']))
return outputs
def CheckChangeHasBugField(input_api, output_api):
"""Requires that the changelist have a Bug: field."""
if input_api.change.BugsFromDescription():
@ -1320,3 +1222,97 @@ def CheckVPythonSpec(input_api, output_api, file_filter=None):
return commands
def CheckChangedLUCIConfigs(input_api, output_api):
import collections
import base64
import json
import urllib2
import auth
import git_cl
LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME = 'luci-config.appspot.com'
cl = git_cl.Changelist()
remote, remote_branch = cl.GetRemoteBranch()
if remote_branch.startswith('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote):
remote_branch = remote_branch.replace(
'refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'refs/heads/', 1)
if remote_branch.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads/'):
remote_branch = remote_branch.replace(
'refs/remotes/branch-heads/', 'refs/branch-heads/', 1)
remote_host_url = cl.GetRemoteUrl()
if not remote_host_url:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Remote host url for git has not been defined')]
remote_host_url = remote_host_url.rstrip('/')
if remote_host_url.endswith('.git'):
remote_host_url = remote_host_url[:-len('.git')]
# authentication
authenticator = auth.get_authenticator_for_host(
LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME, auth.make_auth_config())
acc_tkn = authenticator.get_access_token()
except auth.AuthenticationError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Error in authenticating user.', long_text=str(e))]
def request(endpoint, body=None):
api_url = ('https://%s/_ah/api/config/v1/%s'
% (LUCI_CONFIG_HOST_NAME, endpoint))
req = urllib2.Request(api_url)
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % acc_tkn.token)
if body is not None:
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
return json.load(urllib2.urlopen(req))
config_sets = request('config-sets').get('config_sets')
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Config set request to luci-config failed', long_text=str(e))]
if not config_sets:
return [output_api.PresubmitWarning('No config_sets were returned')]
loc_pref = '%s/+/%s/' % (remote_host_url, remote_branch)
dir_to_config_set = {
'%s/' % cs['location'][len(loc_pref):].rstrip('/'): cs['config_set']
for cs in config_sets
if cs['location'].startswith(loc_pref) or
('%s/' % cs['location']) == loc_pref
cs_to_files = collections.defaultdict(list)
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
# windows
file_path = f.LocalPath().replace(_os.sep, '/')
for dr, cs in dir_to_config_set.iteritems():
if dr == '/' or file_path.startswith(dr):
'path': file_path[len(dr):] if dr != '/' else file_path,
'content': base64.b64encode(
outputs = []
for cs, f in cs_to_files.iteritems():
# TODO(myjang): parallelize
res = request(
'validate-config', body={'config_set': cs, 'files': f})
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
return [output_api.PresubmitError(
'Validation request to luci-config failed', long_text=str(e))]
for msg in res.get('messages', []):
sev = msg['severity']
if sev == 'WARNING':
out_f = output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning
elif sev == 'ERROR' or sev == 'CRITICAL':
out_f = output_api.PresubmitError
out_f = output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult
outputs.append(out_f('Config validation: %s' % msg['text']))
return outputs
