@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def gclient_configure(solutions, target_os, target_os_only, git_cache_dir):
solutions, target_os, target_os_only, git_cache_dir))
def gclient_sync(with_branch_heads, shallow, break_repo_locks):
def gclient_sync(with_branch_heads, shallow, revisions, break_repo_locks):
# We just need to allocate a filename.
fd, gclient_output_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json')
@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ def gclient_sync(with_branch_heads, shallow, break_repo_locks):
args += ['--shallow']
if break_repo_locks:
args += ['--break_repo_locks']
for name, revision in sorted(revisions.iteritems()):
args.extend(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (name, revision)])
call_gclient(*args, tries=1)
@ -750,20 +752,6 @@ def emit_json(out_file, did_run, gclient_output=None, **kwargs):
f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True))
def ensure_deps_revisions(deps_url_mapping, solutions, revisions):
"""Ensure correct DEPS revisions, ignores solutions."""
for deps_name, deps_data in sorted(deps_url_mapping.items()):
if deps_name.strip('/') in solutions:
# This has already been forced to the correct solution by git_checkout().
revision = get_target_revision(deps_name, deps_data.get('url', None),
if not revision:
git('fetch', 'origin', cwd=deps_name)
force_revision(deps_name, revision)
def ensure_checkout(solutions, revisions, first_sln, target_os, target_os_only,
patch_root, issue, patchset, rietveld_server, gerrit_repo,
gerrit_ref, gerrit_rebase_patch_ref, revision_mapping,
@ -806,21 +794,22 @@ def ensure_checkout(solutions, revisions, first_sln, target_os, target_os_only,
# Windows sometimes has trouble deleting files. This can make git commands
# that rely on locks fail.
break_repo_locks = True if sys.platform.startswith('win') else False
# We want to pass all non-solution revisions into the gclient sync call.
solution_dirs = {sln['name'] for sln in solutions}
gc_revisions = {
dirname: rev for dirname, rev in revisions.iteritems()
if dirname not in solution_dirs}
# Let gclient do the DEPS syncing.
# The branch-head refspec is a special case because its possible Chrome
# src, which contains the branch-head refspecs, is DEPSed in.
gclient_output = gclient_sync(BRANCH_HEADS_REFSPEC in refs, shallow,
gc_revisions, break_repo_locks)
# Now that gclient_sync has finished, we should revert any .DEPS.git so that
# presubmit doesn't complain about it being modified.
if git('ls-files', '.DEPS.git', cwd=first_sln).strip():
git('checkout', 'HEAD', '--', '.DEPS.git', cwd=first_sln)
# Finally, ensure that all DEPS are pinned to the correct revision.
dir_names = [sln['name'] for sln in solutions]
ensure_deps_revisions(gclient_output.get('solutions', {}),
dir_names, revisions)
# Apply the rest of the patch here (sans DEPS)
if issue:
apply_rietveld_issue(issue, patchset, patch_root, rietveld_server,