@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import os
import Queue
import shutil
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
import unittest
@ -59,6 +60,21 @@ class GsutilMock(object):
return ( 0 , ' ' , ' ' )
class ChangedWorkingDirectory ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , working_directory ) :
self . _old_cwd = ' '
self . _working_directory = working_directory
def __enter__ ( self ) :
self . _old_cwd = os . getcwd ( )
print " Enter directory = " , self . _working_directory
os . chdir ( self . _working_directory )
def __exit__ ( self , * _ ) :
print " Enter directory = " , self . _old_cwd
os . chdir ( self . _old_cwd )
class GstoolsUnitTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . temp_dir = tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = ' gstools_test ' )
@ -68,6 +84,49 @@ class GstoolsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
def cleanUp ( self ) :
shutil . rmtree ( self . temp_dir )
def test_validate_tar_file ( self ) :
lorem_ipsum = os . path . join ( self . base_path , ' lorem_ipsum.txt ' )
with ChangedWorkingDirectory ( self . base_path ) :
# Sanity ok check.
tar_dir = ' ok_dir '
os . makedirs ( os . path . join ( self . base_path , tar_dir ) )
tar = ' good.tar.gz '
lorem_ipsum_copy = os . path . join ( tar_dir , ' lorem_ipsum.txt ' )
shutil . copyfile ( lorem_ipsum , lorem_ipsum_copy )
with tarfile . open ( tar , ' w:gz ' ) as tar :
tar . add ( lorem_ipsum_copy )
self . assertTrue (
download_from_google_storage . _validate_tar_file ( tar , tar_dir ) )
# Test no links.
tar_dir_link = ' for_tar_link '
os . makedirs ( tar_dir_link )
link = os . path . join ( tar_dir_link , ' link ' )
os . symlink ( lorem_ipsum , link )
tar_with_links = ' with_links.tar.gz '
with tarfile . open ( tar_with_links , ' w:gz ' ) as tar :
tar . add ( link )
self . assertFalse (
download_from_google_storage . _validate_tar_file ( tar , tar_dir_link ) )
# Test not outside.
tar_dir_outside = ' outside_tar '
os . makedirs ( tar_dir_outside )
tar_with_outside = ' with_outside.tar.gz '
with tarfile . open ( tar_with_outside , ' w:gz ' ) as tar :
tar . add ( lorem_ipsum )
self . assertFalse (
download_from_google_storage . _validate_tar_file ( tar ,
tar_dir_outside ) )
# Test no ..
tar_with_dotdot = ' with_dotdot.tar.gz '
dotdot_file = os . path . join ( tar_dir , ' .. ' , tar_dir , ' lorem_ipsum.txt ' )
with tarfile . open ( tar_with_dotdot , ' w:gz ' ) as tar :
tar . add ( dotdot_file )
self . assertFalse (
download_from_google_storage . _validate_tar_file ( tar ,
tar_dir ) )
def test_gsutil ( self ) :
gsutil = download_from_google_storage . Gsutil ( GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH , None )
self . assertEqual ( gsutil . path , GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH )
@ -164,7 +223,7 @@ class DownloadTests(unittest.TestCase):
stdout_queue = Queue . Queue ( )
download_from_google_storage . _downloader_worker_thread (
0 , self . queue , False , self . base_url , self . gsutil ,
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True )
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True , False )
expected_calls = [
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' ls ' , input_filename ) ) ,
@ -190,13 +249,53 @@ class DownloadTests(unittest.TestCase):
stdout_queue = Queue . Queue ( )
download_from_google_storage . _downloader_worker_thread (
0 , self . queue , False , self . base_url , self . gsutil ,
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True )
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True , False )
expected_output = [
' 0> File %s exists and SHA1 matches. Skipping. ' % output_filename
self . assertEqual ( list ( stdout_queue . queue ) , expected_output )
self . assertEqual ( self . gsutil . history , [ ] )
def test_download_extract_archive ( self ) :
# By design we make this not match
sha1_hash = ' 61223e1ad3d86901a57629fee38313db5ec106ff '
input_filename = ' %s / %s ' % ( self . base_url , sha1_hash )
# Generate a gzipped tarfile
output_filename = os . path . join ( self . base_path , ' subfolder.tar.gz ' )
output_dirname = os . path . join ( self . base_path , ' subfolder ' )
extracted_filename = os . path . join ( output_dirname , ' subfolder_text.txt ' )
with tarfile . open ( output_filename , ' w:gz ' ) as tar :
tar . add ( output_dirname , arcname = ' subfolder ' )
shutil . rmtree ( output_dirname )
print ( output_dirname )
self . queue . put ( ( sha1_hash , output_filename ) )
self . queue . put ( ( None , None ) )
stdout_queue = Queue . Queue ( )
download_from_google_storage . _downloader_worker_thread (
0 , self . queue , False , self . base_url , self . gsutil ,
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True , True , delete = False )
expected_calls = [
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' ls ' , input_filename ) ) ,
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' cp ' , input_filename , output_filename ) ) ]
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
expected_calls . append (
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' stat ' ,
' gs://sometesturl/61223e1ad3d86901a57629fee38313db5ec106ff ' ) ) )
expected_output = [
' 0> Downloading %s ... ' % output_filename ]
expected_output . extend ( [
' 0> Extracting 3 entries from %s to %s ' % ( output_filename ,
output_dirname ) ] )
expected_ret_codes = [ ]
self . assertEqual ( list ( stdout_queue . queue ) , expected_output )
self . assertEqual ( self . gsutil . history , expected_calls )
self . assertEqual ( list ( self . ret_codes . queue ) , expected_ret_codes )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( output_dirname ) )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( extracted_filename ) )
def test_download_worker_skips_not_found_file ( self ) :
sha1_hash = ' 7871c8e24da15bad8b0be2c36edc9dc77e37727f '
input_filename = ' %s / %s ' % ( self . base_url , sha1_hash )
@ -207,7 +306,7 @@ class DownloadTests(unittest.TestCase):
self . gsutil . add_expected ( 1 , ' ' , ' ' ) # Return error when 'ls' is called.
download_from_google_storage . _downloader_worker_thread (
0 , self . queue , False , self . base_url , self . gsutil ,
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True )
stdout_queue , self . ret_codes , True , False )
expected_output = [
' 0> Failed to fetch file %s for %s , skipping. [Err: ] ' % (
input_filename , output_filename ) ,
@ -242,7 +341,8 @@ class DownloadTests(unittest.TestCase):
ignore_errors = False ,
sha1_file = False ,
verbose = True ,
auto_platform = False )
auto_platform = False ,
extract = False )
expected_calls = [
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' ls ' , input_filename ) ) ,
@ -273,7 +373,8 @@ class DownloadTests(unittest.TestCase):
ignore_errors = False ,
sha1_file = False ,
verbose = True ,
auto_platform = False )
auto_platform = False ,
extract = False )
expected_calls = [
( ' check_call ' ,
( ' ls ' , input_filename ) ) ,