git freeze works a lot like git stash, in that it stores the current changes in your working copy and index \fIsomewhere\fR\&. Unlike git stash, git freeze stores those changes on your current branch\&. This effectively allows you to \fIpause\fR development of a branch, work on something else, and then come back to exactly the same working state later (by running git thaw)\&.
git freeze will make up to 2 commits on your branch\&. A commit with the message FREEZE\&.indexed will contain all changes which you\(cqve added to your index (like with \fIgit add\fR, \fIgit mv\fR, \fIgit rm\fR, etc\&.)\&. A commit with the message FREEZE\&.unindexed will contain all changes which were not in your index at the time you ran git freeze (freshly modified files, new files, etc\&.)\&.
This sets the size limit as an integer number of megabytes of untracked files that git\-freeze will be willing to put in suspended animation\&. A 0 or negative limit disables the size\-limit check entirely\&. \fB100\fR by default\&.
Part of the chromium \fBdepot_tools\fR(7) suite\&. These tools are meant to assist with the development of chromium and related projects\&. Download the tools from \m[blue]\fBhere\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.