You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

722 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import optparse
import os
import re
import string
import sys
import urllib2
import urlparse
import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611
import gclient_utils
import subprocess2
USAGE = """
WARNING: Please use this tool in an empty directory
(or at least one that you don't mind clobbering.)
Valid parameters:
[Merge from trunk to branch]
--merge <revision> --branch <branch_num>
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --branch 187
[Merge from trunk to milestone]
--merge <revision> --milestone <milestone_num>
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --milestone 16
[Merge from trunk to local copy]
--merge <revision> --local
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --local
[Merge from branch to branch]
--merge <revision> --sbranch <branch_num> --branch <branch_num>
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --sbranch 248 --branch 249
[Revert from trunk]
--revert <revision>
Example: %(app)s --revert 12345
[Revert from branch]
--revert <revision> --branch <branch_num>
Example: %(app)s --revert 12345 --branch 187
export_map_ = None
files_info_ = None
delete_map_ = None
file_pattern_ = r"[ ]+([MADUC])[ ]+/((?:trunk|branches/.*?)/src(.*)/(.*))"
depot_tools_dir_ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def runGcl(subcommand):
gcl_path = os.path.join(depot_tools_dir_, "gcl")
if not os.path.exists(gcl_path):
print "WARNING: gcl not found beside Using system gcl instead..."
gcl_path = 'gcl'
command = "%s %s" % (gcl_path, subcommand)
return os.system(command)
def gclUpload(revision, author):
command = ("upload " + str(revision) +
" --send_mail --no_presubmit --reviewers=" + author)
return runGcl(command)
def getSVNInfo(url, revision):
info = {}
svn_info = subprocess2.capture(
['svn', 'info', '--non-interactive', '%s@%s' % (url, revision)],
for line in svn_info:
match ="(.*?):(.*)", line)
if match:
info[] =
return info
def isSVNDirty():
svn_status = subprocess2.check_output(['svn', 'status']).splitlines()
for line in svn_status:
match ="^[^X?]", line)
if match:
return True
return False
def getAuthor(url, revision):
info = getSVNInfo(url, revision)
if (info.has_key("Last Changed Author")):
return info["Last Changed Author"]
return None
def isSVNFile(url, revision):
info = getSVNInfo(url, revision)
if (info.has_key("Node Kind")):
if (info["Node Kind"] == "file"):
return True
return False
def isSVNDirectory(url, revision):
info = getSVNInfo(url, revision)
if (info.has_key("Node Kind")):
if (info["Node Kind"] == "directory"):
return True
return False
def inCheckoutRoot(path):
info = getSVNInfo(path, "HEAD")
if (not info.has_key("Repository Root")):
return False
repo_root = info["Repository Root"]
info = getSVNInfo(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), "HEAD")
if (info.get("Repository Root", None) != repo_root):
return True
return False
def getRevisionLog(url, revision):
"""Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision."""
svn_log = subprocess2.check_output(
['svn', 'log', url, '-r', str(revision)],
# Don't include the header lines and the trailing "---..." line.
return ''.join(svn_log[3:-1])
def getSVNVersionInfo():
"""Extract version information from SVN"""
svn_info = subprocess2.check_output(['svn', '--version']).splitlines()
info = {}
for line in svn_info:
match ="svn, version ((\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+))", line)
if match:
info['version'] =
info['major'] = int(
info['minor'] = int(
info['patch'] = int(
return info
return None
def isMinimumSVNVersion(major, minor, patch=0):
"""Test for minimum SVN version"""
return _isMinimumSVNVersion(getSVNVersionInfo(), major, minor, patch)
def _isMinimumSVNVersion(version, major, minor, patch=0):
"""Test for minimum SVN version, internal method"""
if not version:
return False
if (version['major'] > major):
return True
elif (version['major'] < major):
return False
if (version['minor'] > minor):
return True
elif (version['minor'] < minor):
return False
if (version['patch'] >= patch):
return True
return False
def checkoutRevision(url, revision, branch_url, revert=False, pop=True):
files_info = getFileInfo(url, revision)
paths = getBestMergePaths2(files_info, revision)
export_map = getBestExportPathsMap2(files_info, revision)
command = 'svn checkout -N ' + branch_url
print command
match ="^[a-z]+://.*/(.*)", branch_url)
if match:
# This line is extremely important due to the way svn behaves in the
# set-depths action. If parents aren't handled before children, the child
# directories get clobbered and the merge step fails.
# Checkout the directories that already exist
for path in paths:
if (export_map.has_key(path) and not revert):
print "Exclude new directory " + path
subpaths = path.split('/')
#In the normal case, where no url override is specified and it's just
# chromium source, it's necessary to remove the 'trunk' from the filepath,
# since in the checkout we include 'trunk' or 'branch/\d+'.
# However, when a url is specified we want to preserve that because it's
# a part of the filepath and necessary for path operations on svn (because
# frankly, we are checking out the correct top level, and not hacking it).
if pop:
base = ''
for subpath in subpaths:
base += '/' + subpath
# This logic ensures that you don't empty out any directories
if not os.path.exists("." + base):
command = ('svn update --depth empty ' + "." + base)
print command
if (revert):
files = getAllFilesInRevision(files_info)
files = getExistingFilesInRevision(files_info)
for f in files:
# Prevent the tool from clobbering the src directory
if (f == ""):
command = ('svn up ".' + f + '"')
print command
def mergeRevision(url, revision):
paths = getBestMergePaths(url, revision)
export_map = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision)
for path in paths:
if export_map.has_key(path):
command = ('svn merge -N -r ' + str(revision-1) + ":" + str(revision) + " ")
command += " --ignore-ancestry "
command += " -x --ignore-eol-style "
command += url + path + "@" + str(revision) + " ." + path
print command
def exportRevision(url, revision):
paths = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision).keys()
for path in paths:
command = ('svn export -N ' + url + path + "@" + str(revision) + " ." +
print command
command = 'svn add .' + path
print command
def deleteRevision(url, revision):
paths = getBestDeletePathsMap(url, revision).keys()
for path in paths:
command = "svn delete ." + path
print command
def revertExportRevision(url, revision):
paths = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision).keys()
for path in paths:
command = "svn delete ." + path
print command
def revertRevision(url, revision):
paths = getBestMergePaths(url, revision)
for path in paths:
command = ('svn merge -N -r ' + str(revision) + ":" + str(revision-1) +
" " + url + path + " ." + path)
print command
def getFileInfo(url, revision):
global files_info_
if (files_info_ != None):
return files_info_
svn_log = subprocess2.check_output(
['svn', 'log', url, '-r', str(revision), '-v']).splitlines()
info = []
for line in svn_log:
# A workaround to dump the (from .*) stuff, regex not so friendly in the 2nd
# pass...
match ="(.*) \(from.*\)", line)
if match:
line =
match =, line)
if match:
files_info_ = info
return info
def getBestMergePaths(url, revision):
"""Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision."""
return getBestMergePaths2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision)
def getBestMergePaths2(files_info, revision):
"""Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision."""
return list(set([f[2] for f in files_info]))
def getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision):
return getBestExportPathsMap2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision)
def getBestExportPathsMap2(files_info, revision):
"""Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision."""
global export_map_
if export_map_:
return export_map_
result = {}
for file_info in files_info:
if (file_info[0] == "A"):
if(isSVNDirectory("svn://" + file_info[1],
result[file_info[2] + "/" + file_info[3]] = ""
export_map_ = result
return result
def getBestDeletePathsMap(url, revision):
return getBestDeletePathsMap2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision)
def getBestDeletePathsMap2(files_info, revision):
"""Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision."""
global delete_map_
if delete_map_:
return delete_map_
result = {}
for file_info in files_info:
if (file_info[0] == "D"):
if(isSVNDirectory("svn://" + file_info[1],
result[file_info[2] + "/" + file_info[3]] = ""
delete_map_ = result
return result
def getExistingFilesInRevision(files_info):
"""Checks for existing files in the revision.
Anything that's A will require special treatment (either a merge or an
export + add)
return ['%s/%s' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in files_info if f[0] != 'A']
def getAllFilesInRevision(files_info):
"""Checks for existing files in the revision.
Anything that's A will require special treatment (either a merge or an
export + add)
return ['%s/%s' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in files_info]
def getBranchForMilestone(milestone):
"""Queries for the branch number given |milestone|.
Make getBranchForMilestone() explictly request the CSV data. This fixes the following crash: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_tools/", line 682, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_tools/", line 678, in main return drover(options, args) File "/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_tools/", line 493, in drover options.branch = getBranchForMilestone(options.milestone) File "/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_tools/", line 393, in getBranchForMilestone version = string.split(parameters[2], '.') IndexError: list index out of range Sending crash report ... args: ['/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_tools/', '--merge', '175139', '--milestone', '25'] cwd: /mnt/ssd/pliard/chromium/src/drover exception: list index out of range host: stack: File "/usr/local/google/home/pliard/ssd/depot_to user: pliard version: 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39) [GCC 4.6.3 This function is called when the --milestone switch is provided. It requests omahaproxy to fetch the branch corresponding to the provided milestone. This function expects some CSV data coming from omahaproxy although it appeared to actually receive the same HTML data that a browser receives when requesting (user agent issue?). Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
request = urllib2.Request(OMAHA_PROXY_URL)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print "Failed to query %s: %d" % (OMAHA_PROXY_URL, e.code)
return None
# Dictionary of [branch: major]. When searching for the appropriate branch
# matching |milestone|, all major versions that match are added to the
# dictionary. If all of the branches are the same, this branch value is
# returned; otherwise, the user is prompted to accept the largest branch
# value.
branch_dict = {}
# Slice the first line since it's column information text.
for line in response.readlines()[1:]:
# Version data is CSV.
parameters = string.split(line, ',')
# Version is the third parameter and consists of a quad of numbers separated
# by periods.
version = string.split(parameters[2], '.')
major = int(version[0], 10)
if major != milestone:
# Branch number is the third value in the quad.
branch_dict[version[2]] = major
if not branch_dict:
# |milestone| not found.
print "Milestone provided is invalid"
return None
# The following returns a sorted list of the keys of |branch_dict|.
sorted_branches = sorted(branch_dict)
branch = sorted_branches[-1]
# If all keys match, the branch is the same for all platforms given
# |milestone|. This is the safe case, so return the branch.
if len(sorted_branches) == 1:
return branch
# Not all of the platforms have the same branch. Prompt the user and return
# the greatest (by value) branch on success.
if prompt("Not all platforms have the same branch number, "
"continue with branch %s?" % branch):
return branch
# User cancelled.
return None
def getSVNAuthInfo(folder=None):
"""Fetches SVN authorization information in the subversion auth folder and
returns it as a dictionary of dictionaries."""
if not folder:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
folder = '%%APPDATA%\\Subversion\\auth'
folder = '~/.subversion/auth'
folder = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(folder))
svn_simple_folder = os.path.join(folder, 'svn.simple')
results = {}
for auth_file in os.listdir(svn_simple_folder):
# Read the SVN auth file, convert it into a dictionary, and store it.
results[auth_file] = dict(re.findall(r'K [0-9]+\n(.*)\nV [0-9]+\n(.*)\n',
open(os.path.join(svn_simple_folder, auth_file)).read()))
except Exception as _:
return results
def getCurrentSVNUsers(url):
"""Tries to fetch the current SVN in the current checkout by scanning the
SVN authorization folder for a match with the current SVN URL."""
netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
auth_infos = getSVNAuthInfo()
results = []
for _, auth_info in auth_infos.iteritems():
if ('svn:realmstring' in auth_info
and netloc in auth_info['svn:realmstring']):
username = auth_info['username']
if '' in username:
results.append(username.replace('', ''))
return results
def prompt(question):
while True:
print question + " [y|n]:",
answer = sys.stdin.readline()
if answer.lower().startswith('n'):
return False
elif answer.lower().startswith('y'):
return True
def text_prompt(question, default):
print question + " [" + default + "]:"
answer = sys.stdin.readline()
if answer.strip() == "":
return default
return answer
def drover(options, args):
revision = options.revert or options.merge
# Initialize some variables used below. They can be overwritten by
# the file.
BASE_URL = "svn://"
REVERT_ALT_URLS = ['svn://',
TRUNK_URL = BASE_URL + "/trunk/src"
BRANCH_URL = BASE_URL + "/branches/$branch/src"
# Translate a given milestone to the appropriate branch number.
if options.milestone:
options.branch = getBranchForMilestone(options.milestone)
if not options.branch:
return 1
DEFAULT_WORKING = "drover_" + str(revision)
if options.branch:
DEFAULT_WORKING += ("_" + options.branch)
if not isMinimumSVNVersion(1, 5):
print "You need to use at least SVN version 1.5.x"
return 1
# Override the default properties if there is a file.
global file_pattern_
if os.path.exists(""):
FILE_PATTERN = file_pattern_
f = open("")
file_pattern_ = FILE_PATTERN
if options.revert and options.branch:
print 'Note: --branch is usually not needed for reverts.'
url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.branch)
elif options.merge and options.sbranch:
url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.sbranch)
elif options.revert:
url = options.url or BASE_URL
file_pattern_ = r"[ ]+([MADUC])[ ]+((/.*)/(.*))"
working = options.workdir or DEFAULT_WORKING
if options.local:
working = os.getcwd()
if not inCheckoutRoot(working):
print "'%s' appears not to be the root of a working copy" % working
return 1
if (isSVNDirty() and not
prompt("Working copy contains uncommitted files. Continue?")):
return 1
if options.revert and not options.no_alt_urls:
for cur_url in [url] + REVERT_ALT_URLS:
commit_date_str = getSVNInfo(
cur_url, options.revert).get('Last Changed Date', 'x').split()[0]
commit_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(commit_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
if ( - commit_date).days < 120:
if cur_url != url:
print 'Guessing svn repo: %s.' % cur_url,
print 'Use --no-alt-urls to disable heuristic.'
url = cur_url
except ValueError:
command = 'svn log ' + url + " -r "+str(revision) + " -v"
if not (options.revertbot or prompt("Is this the correct revision?")):
return 0
if (os.path.exists(working)) and not options.local:
if not (options.revertbot or SKIP_CHECK_WORKING or
prompt("Working directory: '%s' already exists, clobber?" % working)):
return 0
if not options.local:
if options.merge:
action = "Merge"
if not options.local:
branch_url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.branch)
# Checkout everything but stuff that got added into a new dir
checkoutRevision(url, revision, branch_url)
# Merge everything that changed
mergeRevision(url, revision)
# "Export" files that were added from the source and add them to branch
exportRevision(url, revision)
# Delete directories that were deleted (file deletes are handled in the
# merge).
deleteRevision(url, revision)
elif options.revert:
action = "Revert"
pop_em = not options.url
checkoutRevision(url, revision, url, True, pop_em)
revertRevision(url, revision)
revertExportRevision(url, revision)
# Check the base url so we actually find the author who made the change
if options.auditor:
author = options.auditor
author = getAuthor(url, revision)
if not author:
author = getAuthor(TRUNK_URL, revision)
# Check that the author of the CL is different than the user making
# the revert. If they're the same, then we'll want to prompt the user
# for a different reviewer to TBR.
current_users = getCurrentSVNUsers(BASE_URL)
is_self_revert = options.revert and author in current_users
filename = str(revision)+".txt"
out = open(filename,"w")
drover_title = '%s %s' % (action, revision)
revision_log = getRevisionLog(url, revision).splitlines()
if revision_log:
commit_title = revision_log[0]
# Limit title to 68 chars so git log --oneline is <80 chars.
max_commit_title = 68 - (len(drover_title) + 3)
if len(commit_title) > max_commit_title:
commit_title = commit_title[:max_commit_title-3] + '...'
drover_title += ' "%s"' % commit_title
out.write(drover_title + '\n\n')
for line in revision_log:
out.write('> %s\n' % line)
if author:
out.write("\nTBR=" + author)
change_cmd = 'change ' + str(revision) + " " + filename
if options.revertbot:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = 'cmd.exe /c exit'
os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = 'true'
if options.local:
return 0
print author
print revision
print ("gcl upload " + str(revision) +
" --send_mail --no_presubmit --reviewers=" + author)
if options.revertbot or prompt("Would you like to upload?"):
if PROMPT_FOR_AUTHOR or is_self_revert:
author = text_prompt("Enter new author or press enter to accept default",
if options.revertbot and options.revertbot_reviewers:
author += ","
author += options.revertbot_reviewers
gclUpload(revision, author)
print "Deleting the changelist."
print "gcl delete " + str(revision)
runGcl("delete " + str(revision))
return 0
# We commit if the reverbot is set to commit automatically, or if this is
# not the revertbot and the user agrees.
if options.revertbot_commit or (not options.revertbot and
prompt("Would you like to commit?")):
print "gcl commit " + str(revision) + " --no_presubmit --force"
return runGcl("commit " + str(revision) + " --no_presubmit --force")
return 0
def main():
option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE % {"app": sys.argv[0]})
option_parser.add_option('-m', '--merge', type="int",
help='Revision to merge from trunk to branch')
option_parser.add_option('-b', '--branch',
help='Branch to revert or merge from')
option_parser.add_option('-M', '--milestone', type="int",
help='Milestone to revert or merge from')
option_parser.add_option('-l', '--local', action='store_true',
help='Local working copy to merge to')
option_parser.add_option('-s', '--sbranch',
help='Source branch for merge')
option_parser.add_option('-r', '--revert', type="int",
help='Revision to revert')
option_parser.add_option('-w', '--workdir',
help='subdir to use for the revert')
option_parser.add_option('-u', '--url',
help='svn url to use for the revert')
option_parser.add_option('-a', '--auditor',
help='overrides the author for reviewer')
option_parser.add_option('--revertbot', action='store_true',
option_parser.add_option('--no-alt-urls', action='store_true',
help='Disable heuristics used to determine svn url')
option_parser.add_option('--revertbot-commit', action='store_true',
options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
if not options.merge and not options.revert:
option_parser.error("You need at least --merge or --revert")
return 1
if options.merge and not (options.branch or options.milestone or
option_parser.error("--merge requires either --branch "
"or --milestone or --local")
return 1
if options.local and (options.revert or options.branch or options.milestone):
option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert "
"or --branch or --milestone")
return 1
if options.branch and options.milestone:
option_parser.error("--branch cannot be used with --milestone")
return 1
return drover(options, args)
if __name__ == "__main__":