#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
usage: git map [-h] [--help] [<args>]
Enhances `git log --graph` view with information on commit branches + tags that
point to them. Items are colorized as follows:
* Cyan - Currently checked out branch
* Green - Local branch
* Red - Remote branches
* Magenta - Tags
* White - Merge Base Markers
* Blue background - The currently checked out commit
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import git_common
import setup_color
import subprocess2
from third_party import colorama
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
# On Python 3, BrokenPipeError is raised instead.
# pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
BrokenPipeError = IOError
RESET = colorama.Fore.RESET + colorama.Back.RESET + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
BRIGHT = colorama.Style.BRIGHT
BLUE_BACK = colorama.Back.BLUE + BRIGHT
BRIGHT_RED = colorama.Fore.RED + BRIGHT
CYAN = colorama.Fore.CYAN + BRIGHT
GREEN = colorama.Fore.GREEN + BRIGHT
RED = colorama.Fore.RED
WHITE = colorama.Fore.WHITE + BRIGHT
YELLOW = colorama.Fore.YELLOW
def _print_help(outbuf):
names = {
'Cyan': CYAN,
'Green': GREEN,
'Magenta': MAGENTA,
'Red': RED,
'White': WHITE,
'Blue background': BLUE_BACK,
msg = ''
for line in __doc__.splitlines():
for name, color in names.items():
if name in line:
msg += line.replace('* ' + name, color + '* ' + name + RESET) + '\n'
msg += line + '\n'
outbuf.write(msg.encode('utf-8', 'replace'))
def _color_branch(branch, all_branches, all_tags, current):
if branch in (current, 'HEAD -> ' + current):
color = CYAN
current = None
elif branch in all_branches:
color = GREEN
elif branch in all_tags:
color = MAGENTA
elif branch.startswith('tag: '):
color = MAGENTA
branch = branch[len('tag: '):]
color = RED
return color + branch + RESET
def _color_branch_list(branch_list, all_branches, all_tags, current):
if not branch_list:
return ''
colored_branches = (GREEN + ', ').join(
_color_branch(branch, all_branches, all_tags, current)
for branch in branch_list if branch != 'HEAD')
return (GREEN + '(' + colored_branches + GREEN + ') ' + RESET)
def _parse_log_line(line):
graph, branch_list, commit_date, subject = (
line.decode('utf-8', 'replace').strip().split('\x00'))
branch_list = [] if not branch_list else branch_list.split(', ')
commit = graph.split()[-1]
graph = graph[:-len(commit)]
return graph, commit, branch_list, commit_date, subject
def main(argv, outbuf):
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
return 0
map_extra = git_common.get_config_list('depot_tools.map_extra')
cmd = [
git_common.GIT_EXE, 'log', git_common.root(),
'--graph', '--branches', '--tags', '--color=always', '--date=short',
] + map_extra + argv
log_proc = subprocess2.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, shell=False)
current = git_common.current_branch()
all_tags = set(git_common.tags())
all_branches = set(git_common.branches())
if current in all_branches:
merge_base_map = {}
for branch in all_branches:
merge_base = git_common.get_or_create_merge_base(branch)
if merge_base:
merge_base_map.setdefault(merge_base, set()).add(branch)
for merge_base, branches in merge_base_map.items():
merge_base_map[merge_base] = ', '.join(branches)
for line in log_proc.stdout:
if b'\x00' not in line:
graph, commit, branch_list, commit_date, subject = _parse_log_line(line)
if 'HEAD' in branch_list:
graph = graph.replace('*', BLUE_BACK + '*')
line = '{graph}{commit}\t{branches}{date} ~ {subject}'.format(
commit=BRIGHT_RED + commit[:10] + RESET,
branch_list, all_branches, all_tags, current),
date=YELLOW + commit_date + RESET,
if commit in merge_base_map:
line += ' <({})'.format(WHITE + merge_base_map[commit] + RESET)
line += os.linesep
outbuf.write(line.encode('utf-8', 'replace'))
except (BrokenPipeError, KeyboardInterrupt):
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
with git_common.less() as less_input:
sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:], less_input))