#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Smoke tests for gclient.py.
Shell out 'gclient' and run basic conformance tests.
This test assumes GClientSmokeBase.URL_BASE is valid.
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)
import gclient_utils
import scm as gclient_scm
import subprocess2
from testing_support import fake_repos
from testing_support.fake_repos import join, write
GCLIENT_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'gclient')
class GClientSmokeBase(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
def setUp(self):
super(GClientSmokeBase, self).setUp()
# Make sure it doesn't try to auto update when testing!
self.env = os.environ.copy()
self.env['DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE'] = '0'
def gclient(self, cmd, cwd=None):
if not cwd:
cwd = self.root_dir
# Don't use the wrapper script.
cmd_base = ['coverage', 'run', '-a', GCLIENT_PATH + '.py']
cmd_base = [GCLIENT_PATH]
cmd = cmd_base + cmd
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=self.env,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
(stdout, stderr) = process.communicate()
logging.debug("XXX: %s\n%s\nXXX" % (' '.join(cmd), stdout))
logging.debug("YYY: %s\n%s\nYYY" % (' '.join(cmd), stderr))
return (stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n'), stderr.replace('\r\n', '\n'),
def untangle(self, stdout):
tasks = {}
remaining = []
for line in stdout.splitlines(False):
m = re.match(r'^(\d)+>(.*)$', line)
if not m:
self.assertEquals([], remaining)
tasks.setdefault(int(m.group(1)), []).append(m.group(2))
out = []
for key in sorted(tasks.iterkeys()):
return '\n'.join(out)
def parseGclient(self, cmd, items, expected_stderr='', untangle=False):
"""Parse gclient's output to make it easier to test.
If untangle is True, tries to sort out the output from parallel checkout."""
(stdout, stderr, returncode) = self.gclient(cmd)
if untangle:
stdout = self.untangle(stdout)
self.checkString(expected_stderr, stderr)
self.assertEquals(0, returncode)
return self.checkBlock(stdout, items)
def splitBlock(self, stdout):
"""Split gclient's output into logical execution blocks.
___ running 'foo' at '/bar'
___ running 'baz' at '/bar'
will result in 2 items of len((...).splitlines()) each.
results = []
for line in stdout.splitlines(False):
# Intentionally skips empty lines.
if not line:
if line.startswith('__'):
match = re.match(r'^________ ([a-z]+) \'(.*)\' in \'(.*)\'$', line)
if not match:
match = re.match(r'^_____ (.*) is missing, synching instead$', line)
if match:
# Blah, it's when a dependency is deleted, we should probably not
# output this message.
elif (
not re.match(
r'_____ [^ ]+ : Attempting rebase onto [0-9a-f]+...',
line) and
not re.match(r'_____ [^ ]+ at [^ ]+', line)):
# The two regexp above are a bit too broad, they are necessary only
# for git checkouts.
results.append([[match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3)]])
if not results:
# TODO(maruel): gclient's git stdout is inconsistent.
# This should fail the test instead!!
return results
def checkBlock(self, stdout, items):
results = self.splitBlock(stdout)
for i in xrange(min(len(results), len(items))):
if isinstance(items[i], (list, tuple)):
verb = items[i][0]
path = items[i][1]
verb = items[i]
path = self.root_dir
self.checkString(results[i][0][0], verb, (i, results[i][0][0], verb))
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# Make path lower case since casing can change randomly.
(i, results[i][0][2].lower(), path.lower()))
self.checkString(results[i][0][2], path, (i, results[i][0][2], path))
self.assertEquals(len(results), len(items), (stdout, items, len(results)))
return results
class GClientSmoke(GClientSmokeBase):
"""Doesn't require git-daemon."""
def git_base(self):
return 'git://random.server/git/'
def testHelp(self):
"""testHelp: make sure no new command was added."""
result = self.gclient(['help'])
# Roughly, not too short, not too long.
Add a git cache for gclient sync operations.
Instead of cloning straight into place, clones are made to a global cache dir,
and then local (using --shared) clones are made from the cache to the final
resting place. This means the 'final' clones are full repos with no shenanigans,
meaning that branches, commits, etc. all work, which should allow the rest of
the gclient ecosystem to work without change as well.
The primary benefit is, of course, reduced network IO, and a much lower cost for
'clobber' operations (assuming we don't clobber the cache). It also means that
a given bot can have a greater number of checkouts, since the entire git history
will only be stored once per machine, instead of once per checkout.
R=dpranke@chromium.org, szager@chromium.org
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/18328003
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@210024 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
self.assertTrue(1000 < len(result[0]) and len(result[0]) < 2300,
'Too much written to stdout: %d bytes' % len(result[0]))
self.assertEquals(0, len(result[1]))
self.assertEquals(0, result[2])
def testUnknown(self):
result = self.gclient(['foo'])
# Roughly, not too short, not too long.
Add a git cache for gclient sync operations.
Instead of cloning straight into place, clones are made to a global cache dir,
and then local (using --shared) clones are made from the cache to the final
resting place. This means the 'final' clones are full repos with no shenanigans,
meaning that branches, commits, etc. all work, which should allow the rest of
the gclient ecosystem to work without change as well.
The primary benefit is, of course, reduced network IO, and a much lower cost for
'clobber' operations (assuming we don't clobber the cache). It also means that
a given bot can have a greater number of checkouts, since the entire git history
will only be stored once per machine, instead of once per checkout.
R=dpranke@chromium.org, szager@chromium.org
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/18328003
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@210024 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
self.assertTrue(1000 < len(result[0]) and len(result[0]) < 2300,
'Too much written to stdout: %d bytes' % len(result[0]))
self.assertEquals(0, len(result[1]))
self.assertEquals(0, result[2])
def testNotConfigured(self):
res = ('', 'Error: client not configured; see \'gclient config\'\n', 1)
self.check(res, self.gclient(['diff']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['pack']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['revert']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['revinfo']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['runhooks']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['status']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['sync']))
self.check(res, self.gclient(['update']))
def testConfig(self):
p = join(self.root_dir, '.gclient')
def test(cmd, expected):
if os.path.exists(p):
results = self.gclient(cmd)
self.check(('', '', 0), results)
self.checkString(expected, open(p, 'rU').read())
test(['config', self.git_base + 'src/'],
('solutions = [\n'
' { "name" : "src",\n'
' "url" : "%ssrc",\n'
' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n'
' "managed" : True,\n'
' "custom_deps" : {\n'
' },\n'
' },\n'
Add a git cache for gclient sync operations.
Instead of cloning straight into place, clones are made to a global cache dir,
and then local (using --shared) clones are made from the cache to the final
resting place. This means the 'final' clones are full repos with no shenanigans,
meaning that branches, commits, etc. all work, which should allow the rest of
the gclient ecosystem to work without change as well.
The primary benefit is, of course, reduced network IO, and a much lower cost for
'clobber' operations (assuming we don't clobber the cache). It also means that
a given bot can have a greater number of checkouts, since the entire git history
will only be stored once per machine, instead of once per checkout.
R=dpranke@chromium.org, szager@chromium.org
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/18328003
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@210024 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
'cache_dir = None\n') % self.git_base)
test(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'],
('solutions = [\n'
' { "name" : "src",\n'
' "url" : "%srepo_1",\n'
' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n'
' "managed" : True,\n'
' "custom_deps" : {\n'
' },\n'
' },\n'
Add a git cache for gclient sync operations.
Instead of cloning straight into place, clones are made to a global cache dir,
and then local (using --shared) clones are made from the cache to the final
resting place. This means the 'final' clones are full repos with no shenanigans,
meaning that branches, commits, etc. all work, which should allow the rest of
the gclient ecosystem to work without change as well.
The primary benefit is, of course, reduced network IO, and a much lower cost for
'clobber' operations (assuming we don't clobber the cache). It also means that
a given bot can have a greater number of checkouts, since the entire git history
will only be stored once per machine, instead of once per checkout.
R=dpranke@chromium.org, szager@chromium.org
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/18328003
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@210024 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
'cache_dir = None\n') % self.git_base)
test(['config', 'foo', 'faa'],
'solutions = [\n'
' { "name" : "foo",\n'
' "url" : "foo",\n'
' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n'
' "managed" : True,\n'
' "custom_deps" : {\n'
' },\n'
' },\n'
'cache_dir = None\n')
test(['config', 'foo', '--deps', 'blah'],
'solutions = [\n'
' { "name" : "foo",\n'
' "url" : "foo",\n'
' "deps_file" : "blah",\n'
' "managed" : True,\n'
' "custom_deps" : {\n'
' },\n'
' },\n'
Add a git cache for gclient sync operations.
Instead of cloning straight into place, clones are made to a global cache dir,
and then local (using --shared) clones are made from the cache to the final
resting place. This means the 'final' clones are full repos with no shenanigans,
meaning that branches, commits, etc. all work, which should allow the rest of
the gclient ecosystem to work without change as well.
The primary benefit is, of course, reduced network IO, and a much lower cost for
'clobber' operations (assuming we don't clobber the cache). It also means that
a given bot can have a greater number of checkouts, since the entire git history
will only be stored once per machine, instead of once per checkout.
R=dpranke@chromium.org, szager@chromium.org
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/18328003
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@210024 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
12 years ago
'cache_dir = None\n')
test(['config', '--spec', '["blah blah"]'], '["blah blah"]')
results = self.gclient(['config', 'foo', 'faa', 'fuu'])
err = ('Usage: gclient.py config [options] [url]\n\n'
'gclient.py: error: Inconsistent arguments. Use either --spec or one'
' or 2 args\n')
self.check(('', err, 2), results)
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(join(self.root_dir, '.gclient')))
def testSolutionNone(self):
results = self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
'solutions=[{"name": "./", "url": None}]'])
self.check(('', '', 0), results)
results = self.gclient(['sync'])
self.check(('', '', 0), results)
results = self.gclient(['revinfo'])
self.check(('./: None\n', '', 0), results)
self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['diff']))
self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['pack']))
self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['revert']))
self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['runhooks']))
self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['status']))
def testDifferentTopLevelDirectory(self):
# Check that even if the .gclient file does not mention the directory src
# itself, but it is included via dependencies, the .gclient file is used.
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'src.DEPS'])
deps = join(self.root_dir, 'src.DEPS')
subprocess2.check_output(['git', 'init'], cwd=deps)
write(join(deps, 'DEPS'),
'deps = { "src": "%ssrc" }' % (self.git_base))
subprocess2.check_output(['git', 'add', 'DEPS'], cwd=deps)
['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'DEPS file'], cwd=deps)
src = join(self.root_dir, 'src')
subprocess2.check_output(['git', 'init'], cwd=src)
res = self.gclient(['status', '--jobs', '1', '-v'], src)
self.checkBlock(res[0], [('running', deps), ('running', src)])
class GClientSmokeGIT(GClientSmokeBase):
def setUp(self):
super(GClientSmokeGIT, self).setUp()
self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git()
def testSync(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
# Test unversioned checkout.
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'],
['running', 'running'])
# TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3582 hooks run even if not matching, must
# add sync parsing to get the list of updated files.
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
# Manually remove git_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not
# recreated.
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1'))
# Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward.
['sync', '--jobs', '1', '--revision',
'src@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1),
'--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees'],
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'),
('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'),
('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4'))
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
tree['src/gclient.args'] = '\n'.join([
'# Generated from \'DEPS\'',
'DummyVariable = "repo"',
# Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there.
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'],
['running', 'running'])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'),
('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
tree['src/gclient.args'] = '\n'.join([
'# Generated from \'DEPS\'',
'DummyVariable = "repo"',
def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self):
"""TODO(maruel): This will become an error soon."""
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1',
'--revision', 'invalid@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1)],
['running', 'running'],
'Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags '
'will soon considered an error.\n')
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
def testSyncNoSolutionName(self):
if not self.enabled:
# When no solution name is provided, gclient uses the first solution listed.
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1',
'--revision', self.githash('repo_1', 1)],
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'),
('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'),
('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4'))
tree['src/gclient.args'] = '\n'.join([
'# Generated from \'DEPS\'',
'DummyVariable = "repo"',
def testSyncJobs(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
# Test unversioned checkout.
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'],
['running', 'running'],
# TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3582 hooks run even if not matching, must
# add sync parsing to get the list of updated files.
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
# Manually remove git_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not
# recreated.
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1'))
# Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward.
# Use --jobs 1 otherwise the order is not deterministic.
['sync', '--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1),
'--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees', '--jobs', '1'],
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'),
('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'),
('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4'))
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
tree['src/gclient.args'] = '\n'.join([
'# Generated from \'DEPS\'',
'DummyVariable = "repo"',
# Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there.
['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'],
['running', 'running'],
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'),
('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
tree['src/gclient.args'] = '\n'.join([
'# Generated from \'DEPS\'',
'DummyVariable = "repo"',
def testRunHooks(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac'])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1'))
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked2'))
# runhooks runs all hooks even if not matching by design.
out = self.parseGclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'],
['running', 'running'])
self.assertEquals(1, len(out[0]))
self.assertEquals(1, len(out[1]))
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
def testPreDepsHooks(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_5', '--name', 'src'])
expectation = [
('running', self.root_dir), # pre-deps hook
out = self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs=1',
'--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 2)],
self.assertEquals(2, len(out[0]))
self.assertEquals('pre-deps hook', out[0][1])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2')
tree['src/git_pre_deps_hooked'] = 'git_pre_deps_hooked'
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_pre_deps_hooked'))
# Pre-DEPS hooks don't run with runhooks.
self.gclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2')
# Pre-DEPS hooks run when syncing with --nohooks.
self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--nohooks',
'--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 2)])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2')
tree['src/git_pre_deps_hooked'] = 'git_pre_deps_hooked'
os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_pre_deps_hooked'))
# Pre-DEPS hooks don't run with --noprehooks
self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--noprehooks',
'--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 2)])
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2')
def testPreDepsHooksError(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_5', '--name', 'src'])
expectated_stdout = [
('running', self.root_dir), # pre-deps hook
('running', self.root_dir), # pre-deps hook (fails)
expected_stderr = ("Error: Command '%s -c import sys; "
"sys.exit(1)' returned non-zero exit status 1 in %s\n"
% (sys.executable, self.root_dir))
stdout, stderr, retcode = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs=1',
'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 3)])
self.assertEquals(stderr, expected_stderr)
self.assertEquals(2, retcode)
self.checkBlock(stdout, expectated_stdout)
def testRevInfo(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac'])
results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac'])
out = ('src: %(base)srepo_1\n'
'src/repo2: %(base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n'
'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(base)srepo_3\n' %
'base': self.git_base,
'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7],
self.check((out, '', 0), results)
results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac', '--actual'])
out = ('src: %(base)srepo_1@%(hash1)s\n'
'src/repo2: %(base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n'
'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(base)srepo_3@%(hash3)s\n' %
'base': self.git_base,
'hash1': self.githash('repo_1', 2),
'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1),
'hash3': self.githash('repo_3', 2),
self.check((out, '', 0), results)
def testFlatten(self):
if not self.enabled:
output_deps = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'DEPS.flattened')
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_6', '--name', 'src'])
self.gclient(['flatten', '-v', '-v', '-v', '--output-deps', output_deps])
with open(output_deps) as f:
deps_contents = f.read()
'deps = {',
' # src -> src/repo2 -> foo/bar',
' "foo/bar": {',
' "url": "/repo_3",',
' },',
' # src',
' "src": {',
' "url": "git://",',
' },',
' # src -> src/repo2',
' "src/repo2": {',
' "url": "git://",' % (
self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7]),
' "condition": "True",',
' },',
' # src -> src/repo4',
' "src/repo4": {',
' "url": "/repo_4",',
' "condition": "False",',
' },',
'hooks = [',
' # src',
' {',
' "pattern": ".",',
' "action": [',
' "python",',
' "-c",',
' "open(\'src/git_hooked1\', \'w\').write(\'git_hooked1\')",',
' ]',
' },',
' # src',
' {',
' "pattern": "nonexistent",',
' "action": [',
' "python",',
' "-c",',
' "open(\'src/git_hooked2\', \'w\').write(\'git_hooked2\')",',
' ]',
' },',
'pre_deps_hooks = [',
], deps_contents.splitlines())
class GClientSmokeGITMutates(GClientSmokeBase):
"""testRevertAndStatus mutates the git repo so move it to its own suite."""
def setUp(self):
super(GClientSmokeGITMutates, self).setUp()
self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git()
def testRevertAndStatus(self):
if not self.enabled:
# Commit new change to repo to make repo_2's hash use a custom_var.
cur_deps = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][-1][1]['DEPS']
repo_2_hash = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][0][:7]
new_deps = cur_deps.replace('repo_2@%s\'' % repo_2_hash,
'repo_2@\' + Var(\'r2hash\')')
new_deps = 'vars = {\'r2hash\': \'%s\'}\n%s' % (repo_2_hash, new_deps)
self.FAKE_REPOS._commit_git('repo_1', { # pylint: disable=protected-access
'DEPS': new_deps,
'origin': 'git/repo_1@3\n',
config_template = (
"""solutions = [{
"name" : "src",
"url" : "%(git_base)srepo_1",
"deps_file" : "DEPS",
"managed" : True,
"custom_vars" : %(custom_vars)s,
self.gclient(['config', '--spec', config_template % {
'git_base': self.git_base,
'custom_vars': {}
# Tested in testSync.
self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac'])
write(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'hi'), 'Hey!')
out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [])
# TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3584 It should output the unversioned
# files.
self.assertEquals(0, len(out))
# Revert implies --force implies running hooks without looking at pattern
# matching. For each expected path, 'git reset' and 'git clean' are run, so
# there should be two results for each. The last two results should reflect
# writing git_hooked1 and git_hooked2. There's only one result for the third
# because it is clean and has no output for 'git clean'.
out = self.parseGclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'],
['running', 'running'])
self.assertEquals(2, len(out))
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@3', 'src'),
('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
# Make a new commit object in the origin repo, to force reset to fetch.
self.FAKE_REPOS._commit_git('repo_2', { # pylint: disable=protected-access
'origin': 'git/repo_2@3\n',
self.gclient(['config', '--spec', config_template % {
'git_base': self.git_base,
'custom_vars': {'r2hash': self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][-1][0] }
out = self.parseGclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'],
['running', 'running'])
self.assertEquals(2, len(out))
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@3', 'src'),
('repo_2@3', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
results = self.gclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'])
out = results[0].splitlines(False)
# TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3584 It should output the unversioned
# files.
self.assertEquals(0, len(out))
def testSyncNoHistory(self):
if not self.enabled:
# Create an extra commit in repo_2 and point DEPS to its hash.
cur_deps = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][-1][1]['DEPS']
repo_2_hash_old = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][0][:7]
self.FAKE_REPOS._commit_git('repo_2', { # pylint: disable=protected-access
'last_file': 'file created in last commit',
repo_2_hash_new = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][-1][0]
new_deps = cur_deps.replace(repo_2_hash_old, repo_2_hash_new)
self.assertNotEqual(new_deps, cur_deps)
self.FAKE_REPOS._commit_git('repo_1', { # pylint: disable=protected-access
'DEPS': new_deps,
'origin': 'git/repo_1@4\n',
config_template = (
"""solutions = [{
"name" : "src",
"url" : "%(git_base)srepo_1",
"deps_file" : "DEPS",
"managed" : True,
self.gclient(['config', '--spec', config_template % {
'git_base': self.git_base
self.gclient(['sync', '--no-history', '--deps', 'mac'])
repo2_root = join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2')
# Check that repo_2 is actually shallow and its log has only one entry.
rev_lists = subprocess2.check_output(['git', 'rev-list', 'HEAD'],
self.assertEquals(repo_2_hash_new, rev_lists.strip('\r\n'))
# Check that we have actually checked out the right commit.
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(repo2_root, 'last_file')))
class SkiaDEPSTransitionSmokeTest(GClientSmokeBase):
"""Simulate the behavior of bisect bots as they transition across the Skia
DEPS change."""
FAKE_REPOS_CLASS = fake_repos.FakeRepoSkiaDEPS
def setUp(self):
super(SkiaDEPSTransitionSmokeTest, self).setUp()
self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git()
def testSkiaDEPSChangeGit(self):
if not self.enabled:
# Create an initial checkout:
# - Single checkout at the root.
# - Multiple checkouts in a shared subdirectory.
self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
'{"name": "src",'
' "url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_2",'
checkout_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src')
skia = os.path.join(checkout_path, 'third_party', 'skia')
skia_gyp = os.path.join(skia, 'gyp')
skia_include = os.path.join(skia, 'include')
skia_src = os.path.join(skia, 'src')
gyp_git_url = self.git_base + 'repo_3'
include_git_url = self.git_base + 'repo_4'
src_git_url = self.git_base + 'repo_5'
skia_git_url = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_base + 'repo_1'
pre_hash = self.githash('repo_2', 1)
post_hash = self.githash('repo_2', 2)
# Initial sync. Verify that we get the expected checkout.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'src@%s' % pre_hash])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'Initial sync failed.')
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_gyp), gyp_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_include), include_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_src), src_git_url)
# Verify that the sync succeeds. Verify that we have the expected merged
# checkout.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'src@%s' % post_hash])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'DEPS change sync failed.')
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia), skia_git_url)
# Sync again. Verify that we still have the expected merged checkout.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'src@%s' % post_hash])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'Subsequent sync failed.')
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia), skia_git_url)
# Sync back to the original DEPS. Verify that we get the original structure.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'src@%s' % pre_hash])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'Reverse sync failed.')
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_gyp), gyp_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_include), include_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_src), src_git_url)
# Sync again. Verify that we still have the original structure.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'src@%s' % pre_hash])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'Subsequent sync #2 failed.')
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_gyp), gyp_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_include), include_git_url)
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
skia_src), src_git_url)
class BlinkDEPSTransitionSmokeTest(GClientSmokeBase):
"""Simulate the behavior of bisect bots as they transition across the Blink
DEPS change."""
FAKE_REPOS_CLASS = fake_repos.FakeRepoBlinkDEPS
def setUp(self):
super(BlinkDEPSTransitionSmokeTest, self).setUp()
self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git()
self.checkout_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src')
self.blink = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, 'third_party', 'WebKit')
self.blink_git_url = self.FAKE_REPOS.git_base + 'repo_2'
self.pre_merge_sha = self.githash('repo_1', 1)
self.post_merge_sha = self.githash('repo_1', 2)
def CheckStatusPreMergePoint(self):
self.assertEqual(gclient_scm.GIT.Capture(['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
self.blink), self.blink_git_url)
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, '.git')))
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, 'OWNERS')))
with open(join(self.blink, 'OWNERS')) as f:
owners_content = f.read()
self.assertEqual('OWNERS-pre', owners_content, 'OWNERS not updated')
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_always')))
join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_before_but_not_after')))
join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_after_but_not_before')))
def CheckStatusPostMergePoint(self):
# Check that the contents still exists
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, 'OWNERS')))
with open(join(self.blink, 'OWNERS')) as f:
owners_content = f.read()
self.assertEqual('OWNERS-post', owners_content, 'OWNERS not updated')
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_always')))
# Check that file removed between the branch point are actually deleted.
join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_after_but_not_before')))
join(self.blink, 'Source', 'exists_before_but_not_after')))
# But not the .git folder
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(join(self.blink, '.git')))
def testBlinkDEPSChangeUsingGclient(self):
"""Checks that {src,blink} repos are consistent when syncing going back and
forth using gclient sync src@revision."""
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
'{"name": "src",'
' "url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1",'
# Go back and forth two times.
for _ in xrange(2):
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1',
'--revision', 'src@%s' % self.pre_merge_sha])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'DEPS change sync failed.')
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1',
'--revision', 'src@%s' % self.post_merge_sha])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'DEPS change sync failed.')
def testBlinkDEPSChangeUsingGit(self):
"""Like testBlinkDEPSChangeUsingGclient, but move the main project using
directly git and not gclient sync."""
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
'{"name": "src",'
' "url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1",'
' "managed": False,'
# Perform an initial sync to bootstrap the repo.
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'Initial gclient sync failed.')
# Go back and forth two times.
for _ in xrange(2):
subprocess2.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', self.pre_merge_sha],
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'gclient sync failed.')
subprocess2.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', self.post_merge_sha],
res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'])
self.assertEqual(res[2], 0, 'DEPS change sync failed.')
def testBlinkLocalBranchesArePreserved(self):
"""Checks that the state of local git branches are effectively preserved
when going back and forth."""
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
'{"name": "src",'
' "url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1",'
# Initialize to pre-merge point.
self.gclient(['sync', '--revision', 'src@%s' % self.pre_merge_sha])
# Create a branch named "foo".
subprocess2.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-qB', 'foo'],
# Cross the pre-merge point.
self.gclient(['sync', '--revision', 'src@%s' % self.post_merge_sha])
# Go backwards and check that we still have the foo branch.
self.gclient(['sync', '--revision', 'src@%s' % self.pre_merge_sha])
['git', 'show-ref', '-q', '--verify', 'refs/heads/foo'], cwd=self.blink)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-v' in sys.argv:
if '-c' in sys.argv:
if os.path.exists('.coverage'):
os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = os.path.join(