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# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for"""
import StringIO
import os
import sys
import unittest
# Local imports
import gcl
class GclTestsBase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Setups and tear downs the mocks but doesn't test anything as-is."""
def setUp(self):
def RunShellMock(filename):
return filename
self._RunShell = gcl.RunShell
gcl.RunShell = RunShellMock
def tearDown(self):
gcl.RunShell = self._RunShell
def compareMembers(self, object, members):
"""If you add a member, be sure to add the relevant test!"""
# Skip over members starting with '_' since they are usually not meant to
# be for public use.
actual_members = [x for x in sorted(dir(object))
if not x.startswith('_')]
expected_members = sorted(members)
if actual_members != expected_members:
diff = ([i for i in actual_members if i not in expected_members] +
[i for i in expected_members if i not in actual_members])
print diff
self.assertEqual(actual_members, expected_members)
class GclUnittest(GclTestsBase):
"""General tests."""
def testMembersChanged(self):
members = [
'Change', 'ChangeInfo', 'Changes', 'Commit', 'DoPresubmitChecks',
'ErrorExit', 'GenerateChangeName', 'GenerateDiff', 'GetCLs',
'GetChangelistInfoFile', 'GetCodeReviewSetting', 'GetEditor',
'GetFilesNotInCL', 'GetInfoDir', 'GetIssueDescription',
'GetModifiedFiles', 'GetRepositoryRoot', 'GetSVNStatus',
'GetSVNFileProperty', 'Help', 'IGNORE_PATHS', 'IsSVNMoved', 'IsTreeOpen',
'Lint', 'LoadChangelistInfo', 'LoadChangelistInfoForMultiple',
'MISSING_TEST_MSG', 'Opened', 'PresubmitCL', 'ReadFile',
'RunShellWithReturnCode', 'SEPARATOR', 'SendToRietveld', 'TryChange',
'UnknownFiles', 'UploadCL', 'Warn', 'WriteFile', 'gclient',
'gcl_info_dir', 'getpass', 'main', 'os', 'random', 're', 'read_gcl_info',
'repository_root', 'string', 'subprocess', 'sys', 'tempfile', 'upload',
'urllib2', 'xml',
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self.compareMembers(gcl, members)
def testGetSVNStatus(self):
def RunShellMock(command):
return r"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<target path=".">
<entry path="unversionned_file.txt">
<wc-status props="none" item="unversioned"></wc-status>
<entry path="build\internal\essential.vsprops">
<wc-status props="normal" item="modified" revision="14628">
<commit revision="13818">
<entry path="chrome\app\d">
<wc-status props="none" copied="true" tree-conflicted="true" item="added">
<entry path="chrome\app\DEPS">
<wc-status props="modified" item="modified" revision="14628">
<commit revision="1279">
<entry path="scripts\master\factory\">
<wc-status props="normal" item="conflicted" revision="14725">
<commit revision="14633">
# GclTestsBase.tearDown will restore the original.
gcl.RunShell = RunShellMock
info = gcl.GetSVNStatus('.')
expected = [
('? ', 'unversionned_file.txt'),
('M ', 'build\\internal\\essential.vsprops'),
('A + ', 'chrome\\app\\d'),
('MM ', 'chrome\\app\\DEPS'),
('C ', 'scripts\\master\\factory\\'),
self.assertEquals(sorted(info), sorted(expected))
def testGetSVNStatusEmpty(self):
def RunShellMock(command):
return r"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
# GclTestsBase.tearDown will restore the original.
gcl.RunShell = RunShellMock
info = gcl.GetSVNStatus(None)
self.assertEquals(info, [])
def testHelp(self):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
dummy = StringIO.StringIO()
gcl.sys.stdout = dummy
self.assertEquals(len(dummy.getvalue()), 1718)
gcl.sys.stdout = old_stdout
def testGetRepositoryRoot(self):
def RunShellMock(filename):
return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<info>'
gcl.RunShell = RunShellMock
except Exception,e:
self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "gcl run outside of repository")
class ChangeInfoUnittest(GclTestsBase):
def testChangeInfoMembers(self):
members = [
'CloseIssue', 'Delete', 'FileList', 'MissingTests', 'Save',
'UpdateRietveldDescription', 'description', 'files', 'issue', 'name',
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self.compareMembers(gcl.ChangeInfo(), members)
def testChangeInfoBase(self):
files = [('M', 'foo'), ('A', 'bar')]
o = gcl.ChangeInfo('name2', 'issue2', 'description2', files)
self.assertEquals(, 'name2')
self.assertEquals(o.issue, 'issue2')
self.assertEquals(o.description, 'description2')
self.assertEquals(o.files, files)
self.assertEquals(o.patch, None)
self.assertEquals(o.FileList(), ['foo', 'bar'])
if __name__ == '__main__':