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12 years ago
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import boto
import csv
import random
import StringIO
import time
from boto.exception import GSResponseError
from boto.s3.key import Key
from gslib.command import COMMAND_NAME
from gslib.command import COMMAND_NAME_ALIASES
from gslib.command import CONFIG_REQUIRED
from gslib.command import Command
from gslib.command import FILE_URIS_OK
from gslib.command import MAX_ARGS
from gslib.command import MIN_ARGS
from gslib.command import PROVIDER_URIS_OK
from gslib.command import SUPPORTED_SUB_ARGS
from gslib.command import URIS_START_ARG
from gslib.exception import CommandException
from gslib.help_provider import HELP_NAME
from gslib.help_provider import HELP_NAME_ALIASES
from gslib.help_provider import HELP_ONE_LINE_SUMMARY
from gslib.help_provider import HELP_TEXT
from gslib.help_provider import HELP_TYPE
from gslib.help_provider import HelpType
from gslib.name_expansion import NameExpansionIterator
from gslib.util import NO_MAX
from gslib.util import Retry
_detailed_help_text = ("""
gsutil setmeta [-n] -h [header:value|header] ... uri...
The gsutil setmeta command allows you to set or remove the metadata on one
or more objects. It takes one or more header arguments followed by one or
more URIs, where each header argument is in one of two forms:
- if you specify header:value, it will set the given header on all
named objects.
- if you specify header (with no value), it will remove the given header
from all named objects.
For example, the following command would set the Content-Type and
Cache-Control and remove the Content-Disposition on the specified objects:
gsutil setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" \\
-h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600" \\
-h "Content-Disposition" gs://bucket/*.html
If you have a large number of objects to update you might want to use the
gsutil -m option, to perform a parallel (multi-threaded/multi-processing)
gsutil -m setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" \\
-h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600" \\
-h "Content-Disposition" gs://bucket/*.html
See "gsutil help metadata" for details about how you can set metadata
while uploading objects, what metadata fields can be set and the meaning of
these fields, use of custom metadata, and how to view currently set metadata.
This command uses four operations per URI (one to read the ACL, one to read
the current metadata, one to set the new metadata, and one to set the ACL).
For cases where you want all objects to have the same ACL you can avoid half
these operations by setting a default ACL on the bucket(s) containing the
named objects, and using the setmeta -n option. See "help gsutil setdefacl".
-h Specifies a header:value to be added, or header to be removed,
from each named object.
-n Causes the operations for reading and writing the ACL to be
skipped. This halves the number of operations performed per
request, improving the speed and reducing the cost of performing
the operations. This option makes sense for cases where you want
all objects to have the same ACL, for which you have set a default
ACL on the bucket(s) containing the objects. See "help gsutil
The first version of the setmeta command used more complicated syntax
(described below). gsutil still supports this syntax, to avoid breaking
existing customer uses, but it is now deprecated and will eventually
be removed.
With this older syntax, the setmeta command accepts a single metadata
argument in one of two forms:
gsutil setmeta [-n] header:value uri...
gsutil setmeta [-n] '"header:value","-header",...' uri...
The first form allows you to specify a single header name and value to
set. For example, the following command would set the Content-Type and
Cache-Control and remove the Content-Disposition on the specified objects:
gsutil setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" \\
-h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600" \\
-h "Content-Disposition" gs://bucket/*.html
This form only works if the header name and value don't contain double
quotes or commas, and only works for setting the header value (not for
removing it).
The more general form of the first argument allows both setting and removing
multiple fields, without any of the content restrictions noted above. For
this variant the first argument is a CSV-formatted list of headers to add
or remove. Getting the CSV-formatted list to be passed correctly into gsutil
requires different syntax on Linux or MacOS than it does on Windows.
On Linux or MacOS you need to surround the entire argument in single quotes
to avoid having the shell interpret/strip out the double-quotes in the CSV
data. For example, the following command would set the Content-Type and
Cache-Control and remove the Content-Disposition on the specified objects:
gsutil setmeta '"Content-Type:text/html","Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600","-Content-Disposition"' gs://bucket/*.html
To pass CSV data on Windows you need two sets of double quotes around
each header/value pair, and one set of double quotes around the entire
expression. For example, the following command would set the Content-Type
and Cache-Control and remove the Content-Disposition on the specified objects:
gsutil setmeta "\""Content-Type:text/html"",""Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600"",""-Content-Disposition""\" gs://bucket/*.html
Note that if you use the gsutil setmeta command on an object in a bucket
with versioning enabled (see 'gsutil help versioning'), it will create
a new object version (and thus, you will get charged for the space required
for holding the additional version).
class SetMetaCommand(Command):
"""Implementation of gsutil setmeta command."""
# Command specification (processed by parent class).
command_spec = {
# Name of command.
COMMAND_NAME : 'setmeta',
# List of command name aliases.
COMMAND_NAME_ALIASES : ['setheader'],
# Min number of args required by this command.
# Max number of args required by this command, or NO_MAX.
# Getopt-style string specifying acceptable sub args.
# True if file URIs acceptable for this command.
# True if provider-only URIs acceptable for this command.
# Index in args of first URI arg.
# True if must configure gsutil before running command.
help_spec = {
# Name of command or auxiliary help info for which this help applies.
HELP_NAME : 'setmeta',
# List of help name aliases.
HELP_NAME_ALIASES : ['setheader'],
# Type of help:
# One line summary of this help.
HELP_ONE_LINE_SUMMARY : 'Set metadata on already uploaded objects',
# The full help text.
HELP_TEXT : _detailed_help_text,
# Command entry point.
def RunCommand(self):
headers = []
preserve_acl = True
if self.sub_opts:
for o, a in self.sub_opts:
if o == '-n':
preserve_acl = False
elif o == '-h':
if headers:
(metadata_minus, metadata_plus) = self._ParseMetadataHeaders(headers)
uri_args = self.args
(metadata_minus, metadata_plus) = self._ParseMetadataSpec(self.args[0])
uri_args = self.args[1:]
if (len(uri_args) == 1
and not self.suri_builder.StorageUri(uri_args[0]).names_object()):
raise CommandException('URI (%s) must name an object' % uri_args[0])
# Used to track if any objects' metadata failed to be set.
self.everything_set_okay = True
def _SetMetadataExceptionHandler(e):
"""Simple exception handler to allow post-completion status."""
self.everything_set_okay = False
@Retry(GSResponseError, tries=3, delay=1, backoff=2)
def _SetMetadataFunc(name_expansion_result):
exp_src_uri = self.suri_builder.StorageUri(
|'Setting metadata on %s...', exp_src_uri)
key = exp_src_uri.get_key()
meta_generation = key.meta_generation
generation = key.generation
headers = {}
if generation:
headers['x-goog-if-generation-match'] = generation
if meta_generation:
headers['x-goog-if-metageneration-match'] = meta_generation
# If this fails because of a precondition, it will raise a
# GSResponseError for @Retry to handle.
exp_src_uri.set_metadata(metadata_plus, metadata_minus, preserve_acl,
name_expansion_iterator = NameExpansionIterator(
self.command_name, self.proj_id_handler, self.headers, self.debug,
self.bucket_storage_uri_class, uri_args, self.recursion_requested,
# Perform requests in parallel (-m) mode, if requested, using
# configured number of parallel processes and threads. Otherwise,
# perform requests with sequential function calls in current process.
self.Apply(_SetMetadataFunc, name_expansion_iterator,
if not self.everything_set_okay:
raise CommandException('Metadata for some objects could not be set.')
return 0
def _ParseMetadataHeaders(self, headers):
metadata_minus = set()
cust_metadata_minus = set()
metadata_plus = {}
cust_metadata_plus = {}
# Build a count of the keys encountered from each plus and minus arg so we
# can check for dupe field specs.
num_metadata_plus_elems = 0
num_cust_metadata_plus_elems = 0
num_metadata_minus_elems = 0
num_cust_metadata_minus_elems = 0
for md_arg in headers:
parts = md_arg.split(':')
if len(parts) not in (1, 2):
raise CommandException(
'Invalid argument: must be either header or header:value (%s)' %
if len(parts) == 2:
(header, value) = parts
(header, value) = (parts[0], None)
# Translate headers to lowercase to match the casing assumed by our
# sanity-checking operations.
header = header.lower()
if value:
if _IsCustomMeta(header):
# Allow non-ASCII data for custom metadata fields. Don't unicode
# encode other fields because that would perturb their content
# (e.g., adding %2F's into the middle of a Cache-Control value).
value = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
cust_metadata_plus[header] = value
num_cust_metadata_plus_elems += 1
metadata_plus[header] = value
num_metadata_plus_elems += 1
if _IsCustomMeta(header):
num_cust_metadata_minus_elems += 1
num_metadata_minus_elems += 1
if (num_metadata_plus_elems != len(metadata_plus)
or num_cust_metadata_plus_elems != len(cust_metadata_plus)
or num_metadata_minus_elems != len(metadata_minus)
or num_cust_metadata_minus_elems != len(cust_metadata_minus)
or metadata_minus.intersection(set(metadata_plus.keys()))):
raise CommandException('Each header must appear at most once.')
other_than_base_fields = (set(metadata_plus.keys())
for f in other_than_base_fields:
# This check is overly simple; it would be stronger to check, for each
# URI argument, whether f.startswith the
# uri.get_provider().metadata_prefix, but here we just parse the spec
# once, before processing any of the URIs. This means we will not
# detect if the user tries to set an x-goog-meta- field on an another
# provider's object, for example.
if not _IsCustomMeta(f):
raise CommandException('Invalid or disallowed header (%s).\n'
'Only these fields (plus x-goog-meta-* fields)'
' can be set or unset:\n%s' % (f,
return (metadata_minus, metadata_plus)
def _ParseMetadataSpec(self, spec):
|'WARNING: metadata spec syntax (%s)\nis '
'deprecated and will eventually be removed.\n'
'Please see "gsutil help setmeta" for current '
'syntax' % spec)
metadata_minus = set()
cust_metadata_minus = set()
metadata_plus = {}
cust_metadata_plus = {}
# Build a count of the keys encountered from each plus and minus arg so we
# can check for dupe field specs.
num_metadata_plus_elems = 0
num_cust_metadata_plus_elems = 0
num_metadata_minus_elems = 0
num_cust_metadata_minus_elems = 0
mdf = StringIO.StringIO(spec)
for md_arg in csv.reader(mdf).next():
if not md_arg:
raise CommandException(
'Invalid empty metadata specification component.')
if md_arg[0] == '-':
header = md_arg[1:]
if header.find(':') != -1:
raise CommandException('Removal spec may not contain ":" (%s).' %
# Translate headers to lowercase to match the casing required by
# uri.set_metadata().
header = header.lower()
if _IsCustomMeta(header):
num_cust_metadata_minus_elems += 1
num_metadata_minus_elems += 1
parts = md_arg.split(':', 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
raise CommandException(
'Fields being added must include values (%s).' % md_arg)
(header, value) = parts
header = header.lower()
if _IsCustomMeta(header):
# Allow non-ASCII data for custom metadata fields. Don't unicode
# encode other fields because that would perturb their content
# (e.g., adding %2F's into the middle of a Cache-Control value).
value = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
cust_metadata_plus[header] = value
num_cust_metadata_plus_elems += 1
metadata_plus[header] = value
num_metadata_plus_elems += 1
if (num_metadata_plus_elems != len(metadata_plus)
or num_cust_metadata_plus_elems != len(cust_metadata_plus)
or num_metadata_minus_elems != len(metadata_minus)
or num_cust_metadata_minus_elems != len(cust_metadata_minus)
or metadata_minus.intersection(set(metadata_plus.keys()))):
raise CommandException('Each header must appear at most once.')
other_than_base_fields = (set(metadata_plus.keys())
for f in other_than_base_fields:
# This check is overly simple; it would be stronger to check, for each
# URI argument, whether f.startswith the
# uri.get_provider().metadata_prefix, but here we just parse the spec
# once, before processing any of the URIs. This means we will not
# detect if the user tries to set an x-goog-meta- field on an another
# provider's object, for example.
if not _IsCustomMeta(f):
raise CommandException('Invalid or disallowed header (%s).\n'
'Only these fields (plus x-goog-meta-* fields)'
' can be set or unset:\n%s' % (f,
return (metadata_minus, metadata_plus)
def _InsistAsciiHeader(header):
if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in header):
raise CommandException('Invalid non-ASCII header (%s).' % header)
def _IsCustomMeta(header):
return header.startswith('x-goog-meta-') or header.startswith('x-amz-meta-')