mirror of https://github.com/cutefishos/calamares
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
638 lines
20 KiB
638 lines
20 KiB
/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "JobQueue.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "modulesystem/InstanceKey.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QSignalSpy>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
class TestLibCalamares : public QObject
TestLibCalamares() {}
~TestLibCalamares() override {}
private Q_SLOTS:
void testGSModify();
void testGSLoadSave();
void testGSLoadSave2();
void testGSLoadSaveYAMLStringList();
void testInstanceKey();
void testInstanceDescription();
void testSettings();
void testJobQueue();
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs;
QSignalSpy spy( &gs, &Calamares::GlobalStorage::changed );
const QString key( "derp" );
QCOMPARE( gs.count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( key ) );
const int value = 17;
gs.insert( key, value );
QCOMPARE( gs.count(), 1 );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( key ) );
QCOMPARE( gs.value( key ).type(), QVariant::Int );
QCOMPARE( gs.value( key ).toString(), QString( "17" ) ); // It isn't a string, but does convert
QCOMPARE( gs.value( key ).toInt(), value );
gs.remove( key );
QCOMPARE( gs.count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( key ) );
QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 2 ); // one insert, one remove
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs;
const QString jsonfilename( "gs.test.json" );
const QString yamlfilename( "gs.test.yaml" );
gs.insert( "derp", 17 );
gs.insert( "cow", "moo" );
QVariantList l;
for ( const auto& s : QStringList { "dopey", "sneezy" } )
l.append( s );
gs.insert( "dwarfs", l );
QCOMPARE( gs.count(), 3 );
QVERIFY( gs.saveJson( jsonfilename ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs2;
QCOMPARE( gs2.count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( gs2.loadJson( jsonfilename ) );
QCOMPARE( gs2.count(), 3 );
QCOMPARE( gs2.data(), gs.data() );
QVERIFY( gs.saveYaml( yamlfilename ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs3;
QCOMPARE( gs3.count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( gs3.loadYaml( jsonfilename ) );
QCOMPARE( gs3.count(), 3 );
QCOMPARE( gs3.data(), gs.data() );
// YAML can load as JSON!
QVERIFY( gs3.loadYaml( jsonfilename ) );
QCOMPARE( gs3.count(), 3 );
QCOMPARE( gs3.data(), gs.data() );
// Failures in loading
QVERIFY( !gs3.loadJson( yamlfilename ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs4;
gs4.insert( "derp", 32 );
gs4.insert( "dorp", "Varsseveld" );
QCOMPARE( gs4.count(), 2 );
QVERIFY( gs4.contains( "dorp" ) );
QCOMPARE( gs4.value( "derp" ).toInt(), 32 );
QVERIFY( gs4.loadJson( jsonfilename ) );
// 3 keys from the file, but one overwrite
QCOMPARE( gs4.count(), 4 );
QVERIFY( gs4.contains( "dorp" ) );
QCOMPARE( gs4.value( "derp" ).toInt(), 17 ); // This one was overwritten
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG );
const QString filename( "../src/libcalamares/testdata/yaml-list.conf" );
if ( !QFile::exists( filename ) )
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs1;
const QString key( "dwarfs" );
QVERIFY( gs1.loadYaml( filename ) );
QCOMPARE( gs1.count(), 3 ); // From examining the file
QVERIFY( gs1.contains( key ) );
cDebug() << gs1.value( key ).type() << gs1.value( key );
QCOMPARE( gs1.value( key ).type(), QVariant::List );
const QString yamlfilename( "gs.test.yaml" );
QVERIFY( gs1.saveYaml( yamlfilename ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs2;
QVERIFY( gs2.loadYaml( yamlfilename ) );
QVERIFY( gs2.contains( key ) );
QCOMPARE( gs2.value( key ).type(), QVariant::List );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs;
const QString yamlfilename( "gs.test.yaml" );
gs.insert( "derp", 17 );
gs.insert( "cow", "moo" );
gs.insert( "dwarfs", QStringList { "happy", "dopey", "sleepy", "sneezy", "doc", "thorin", "balin" } );
QCOMPARE( gs.count(), 3 );
QCOMPARE( gs.value( "dwarfs" ).toList().count(), 7 ); // There's seven dwarfs, right?
QVERIFY( gs.value( "dwarfs" ).toStringList().contains( "thorin" ) );
QVERIFY( !gs.value( "dwarfs" ).toStringList().contains( "gimli" ) );
QVERIFY( gs.saveYaml( yamlfilename ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs2;
QCOMPARE( gs2.count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( gs2.loadYaml( yamlfilename ) );
QCOMPARE( gs2.count(), 3 );
QEXPECT_FAIL( "", "QStringList doesn't write out nicely", Continue );
QCOMPARE( gs2.value( "dwarfs" ).toList().count(), 7 ); // There's seven dwarfs, right?
QCOMPARE( gs2.value( "dwarfs" ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "<QStringList>" ) ); // .. they're gone
using InstanceKey = Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey;
InstanceKey k;
QVERIFY( !k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QVERIFY( k.module().isEmpty() );
InstanceKey k( QStringLiteral( "welcome" ), QString() );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( k.id(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
InstanceKey k( QStringLiteral( "shellprocess" ), QStringLiteral( "zfssetup" ) );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( "shellprocess" ) );
QCOMPARE( k.id(), QStringLiteral( "zfssetup" ) );
// This is a bad idea, names and ids with odd punctuation
InstanceKey k( QStringLiteral( " o__O " ), QString() );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( " o__O " ) );
// .. but @ is disallowed
InstanceKey k( QStringLiteral( "welcome@hi" ), QString() );
QVERIFY( !k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QVERIFY( k.module().isEmpty() );
InstanceKey k = InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome" );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( k.id(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
InstanceKey k = InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome@welcome" );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( k.id(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
InstanceKey k = InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome@hi" );
QVERIFY( k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( k.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( k.module(), QStringLiteral( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( k.id(), QStringLiteral( "hi" ) );
InstanceKey k = InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome@hi@hi" );
QVERIFY( !k.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !k.isCustom() );
QVERIFY( k.module().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( k.id().isEmpty() );
using InstanceDescription = Calamares::InstanceDescription;
using InstanceKey = Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey;
// With invalid keys
InstanceDescription d;
QVERIFY( !d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 0 );
QVERIFY( d.configFileName().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
InstanceDescription d( InstanceKey {} ); // most-vexing, use brace-init instead
QVERIFY( !d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 0 );
QVERIFY( d.configFileName().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
// Private constructor
// This does set up the config file, to default values
InstanceDescription d( InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome" ) );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 1 ); // **now** the constraints kick in
QVERIFY( !d.configFileName().isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QStringLiteral( "welcome.conf" ) );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
InstanceDescription d( InstanceKey::fromString( "welcome@hi" ) );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 1 ); // **now** the constraints kick in
QVERIFY( !d.configFileName().isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QStringLiteral( "welcome.conf" ) );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
// From settings, normal program flow
QVariantMap m;
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( !d.isValid() );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "name", "welcome" );
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( !d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "module", "welcome" );
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.isCustom() );
// Valid, but no weight set by settings
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 1 );
QVERIFY( !d.explicitWeight() );
QCOMPARE( d.key().module(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.key().id(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "welcome.conf" ) );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "module", "welcome" );
m.insert( "weight", 1 );
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( !d.isCustom() );
//Valid, set explicitly
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 1 );
QVERIFY( d.explicitWeight() );
QCOMPARE( d.key().module(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.key().id(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "welcome.conf" ) );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "module", "welcome" );
m.insert( "id", "hi" );
m.insert( "weight", "17" ); // String, that's kind of bogus
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 17 );
QCOMPARE( d.key().module(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.key().id(), QString( "hi" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "welcome.conf" ) );
QVERIFY( d.explicitWeight() );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "module", "welcome" );
m.insert( "id", "hi" );
m.insert( "weight", 134 );
m.insert( "config", "hi.conf" );
InstanceDescription d = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( m );
QVERIFY( d.isValid() );
QVERIFY( d.isCustom() );
QCOMPARE( d.weight(), 100 );
QCOMPARE( d.key().module(), QString( "welcome" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.key().id(), QString( "hi" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "hi.conf" ) );
QVERIFY( d.explicitWeight() );
Calamares::Settings s( false );
QVERIFY( !s.debugMode() );
QVERIFY( !s.isValid() );
Calamares::Settings s( true );
QVERIFY( s.debugMode() );
QVERIFY( s.moduleInstances().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( s.modulesSequence().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( s.brandingComponentName().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( !s.isValid() );
s.setConfiguration( R"(---
branding: default # needed for it to be considered valid
- module: welcome
id: hi
weight: 75
- module: welcome
id: yo
config: yolo.conf
- show:
- welcome@hi
- welcome@yo
- dummycpp
- summary
- exec:
- welcome@hi
QStringLiteral( "<testdata>" ) );
QVERIFY( s.debugMode() );
QCOMPARE( s.moduleInstances().count(), 4 ); // there are 4 module instances mentioned
QCOMPARE( s.modulesSequence().count(), 2 ); // 2 steps (show, exec)
QVERIFY( !s.brandingComponentName().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( s.isValid() );
// Make a lambda where we can adjust what it looks for from the outside,
// by capturing a reference.
QString moduleKey = QString( "welcome" );
auto moduleFinder = [&moduleKey]( const Calamares::InstanceDescription& d ) {
return d.isValid() && d.key().module() == moduleKey;
const auto it0 = std::find_if( s.moduleInstances().constBegin(), s.moduleInstances().constEnd(), moduleFinder );
QVERIFY( it0 != s.moduleInstances().constEnd() );
moduleKey = QString( "derp" );
const auto it1 = std::find_if( s.moduleInstances().constBegin(), s.moduleInstances().constEnd(), moduleFinder );
QVERIFY( it1 == s.moduleInstances().constEnd() );
int validCount = 0;
int customCount = 0;
for ( const auto& d : s.moduleInstances() )
if ( d.isValid() )
if ( d.isCustom() )
QVERIFY( d.isCustom() ? d.isValid() : true ); // All custom entries are valid
if ( !d.isCustom() )
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "%1.conf" ).arg( d.key().module() ) );
// Specific cases from this config file
if ( d.key().id() == QString( "yo" ) )
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "yolo.conf" ) );
QCOMPARE( d.configFileName(), QString( "welcome.conf" ) ); // Not set in the settings data
QCOMPARE( customCount, 2 );
QCOMPARE( validCount, 4 ); // welcome@hi is listed twice, in *show* and *exec*
constexpr const std::chrono::milliseconds MAX_TEST_DURATION( 3000 );
constexpr const int MAX_TEST_SLEEP( 2 ); // seconds, < MAX_TEST_DURATION
class DummyJob : public Calamares::Job
DummyJob( QObject* parent )
: Calamares::Job( parent )
~DummyJob() override;
QString prettyName() const override;
Calamares::JobResult exec() override;
DummyJob::~DummyJob() {}
DummyJob::prettyName() const
return QString( "DummyJob" );
cDebug() << "Starting DummyJob";
progress( 0.5 );
QThread::sleep( MAX_TEST_SLEEP );
cDebug() << ".. continuing DummyJob";
progress( 0.75 );
return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
// Run an empty queue
Calamares::JobQueue q;
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
QSignalSpy spy_progress( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::progress );
QSignalSpy spy_finished( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished );
QSignalSpy spy_failed( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::failed );
QEventLoop loop;
connect( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
QTimer::singleShot( MAX_TEST_DURATION, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
QVERIFY( q.isRunning() );
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
QCOMPARE( spy_finished.count(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( spy_failed.count(), 0 );
QCOMPARE( spy_progress.count(), 1 ); // just one, 100% at queue end
// Run a dummy queue
Calamares::JobQueue q;
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
q.enqueue( 8, Calamares::JobList() << Calamares::job_ptr( new DummyJob( this ) ) );
QSignalSpy spy_progress( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::progress );
QSignalSpy spy_finished( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished );
QSignalSpy spy_failed( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::failed );
QEventLoop loop;
connect( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
QTimer::singleShot( MAX_TEST_DURATION, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
QVERIFY( q.isRunning() );
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
QCOMPARE( spy_finished.count(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( spy_failed.count(), 0 );
// 0% by the queue at job start
// 50% by the job itself
// 90% by the job itself
// 100% by the queue at job end
// 100% by the queue at queue end
QCOMPARE( spy_progress.count(), 5 );
Calamares::JobQueue q;
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
q.enqueue( 8, Calamares::JobList() << Calamares::job_ptr( new DummyJob( this ) ) );
q.enqueue( 12,
Calamares::JobList() << Calamares::job_ptr( new DummyJob( this ) )
<< Calamares::job_ptr( new DummyJob( this ) ) );
QSignalSpy spy_progress( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::progress );
QSignalSpy spy_finished( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished );
QSignalSpy spy_failed( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::failed );
QEventLoop loop;
connect( &q, &Calamares::JobQueue::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
// Run the loop longer because the jobs take longer (there are 3 of them)
QTimer::singleShot( 3 * MAX_TEST_DURATION, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
QVERIFY( q.isRunning() );
QVERIFY( !q.isRunning() );
QCOMPARE( spy_finished.count(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( spy_failed.count(), 0 );
// 0% by the queue at job start
// 50% by the job itself
// 90% by the job itself
// 100% by the queue at job end
// 4 more for the next job
// 4 more for the next job
// 100% by the queue at queue end
QCOMPARE( spy_progress.count(), 13 );
/* Consider how progress will be reported:
* - the first module has weight 8, so the 1 job it has has weight 8
* - the second module has weight 12, so each of its two jobs has weight 6
* Total weight of the modules is 20. So the events are
* Job Progress Overall Weight Consumed Overall Progress
* 1 0 0 0.00
* 1 50 4 0.20
* 1 75 6 0.30
* 1 100 8 0.40
* 2 0 8 0.40
* 2 50 11 (8 + 50% of 6) 0.55
* 2 75 12.5 0.625
* 2 100 14 0.70
* 3 0 14 0.70
* 3 50 17 0.85
* 3 75 18.5 0.925
* 3 100 20 1.00
* - 100 20 1.00
cDebug() << "Progress signals:";
qreal overallProgress = 0.0;
for ( const auto& e : spy_progress )
QCOMPARE( e.count(), 2 );
const auto v = e.first();
QVERIFY( v.canConvert< qreal >() );
qreal progress = v.toReal();
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << progress;
QVERIFY( progress >= overallProgress ); // Doesn't go backwards
overallProgress = progress;
QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN( TestLibCalamares )
#include "utils/moc-warnings.h"
#include "Tests.moc"