mirror of https://github.com/cutefishos/calamares
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
587 lines
16 KiB
587 lines
16 KiB
/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "CalamaresUtilsSystem.h"
#include "Entropy.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "RAII.h"
#include "String.h"
#include "Traits.h"
#include "UMask.h"
#include "Variant.h"
#include "Yaml.h"
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "JobQueue.h"
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
class LibCalamaresTests : public QObject
~LibCalamaresTests() override;
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
void testDebugLevels();
void testLoadSaveYaml(); // Just settings.conf
void testLoadSaveYamlExtended(); // Do a find() in the src dir
void testCommands();
/** @brief Test that all the UMask objects work correctly. */
void testUmask();
/** @brief Tests the entropy functions. */
void testEntropy();
void testPrintableEntropy();
void testOddSizedPrintable();
/** @brief Tests the RAII bits. */
void testBoolSetter();
/** @brief Tests the Traits bits. */
void testTraits();
void testVariantStringListCode();
void testVariantStringListYAMLDashed();
void testVariantStringListYAMLBracketed();
/** @brief Test smart string truncation. */
void testStringTruncation();
void recursiveCompareMap( const QVariantMap& a, const QVariantMap& b, int depth );
LibCalamaresTests::LibCalamaresTests() {}
LibCalamaresTests::~LibCalamaresTests() {}
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOG_DISABLE );
QCOMPARE( Logger::logLevel(), static_cast< unsigned int >( Logger::LOG_DISABLE ) );
for ( unsigned int level = 0; level <= Logger::LOGVERBOSE; ++level )
Logger::setupLogLevel( level );
QCOMPARE( Logger::logLevel(), level );
QVERIFY( Logger::logLevelEnabled( level ) );
for ( unsigned int xlevel = 0; xlevel <= Logger::LOGVERBOSE; ++xlevel )
QCOMPARE( Logger::logLevelEnabled( xlevel ), xlevel <= level );
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG );
QFile f( "settings.conf" );
// Find the nearest settings.conf to read
for ( unsigned int up = 0; !f.exists() && ( up < 4 ); ++up )
f.setFileName( QString( "../" ) + f.fileName() );
cDebug() << QDir().absolutePath() << f.fileName() << f.exists();
QVERIFY( f.exists() );
auto map = CalamaresUtils::loadYaml( f.fileName() );
QVERIFY( map.contains( "sequence" ) );
QCOMPARE( map[ "sequence" ].type(), QVariant::List );
// The source-repo example `settings.conf` has a show and an exec phase
auto sequence = map[ "sequence" ].toList();
cDebug() << "Loaded example `settings.conf` sequence:";
for ( const auto& v : sequence )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << v;
QCOMPARE( v.type(), QVariant::Map );
QVERIFY( v.toMap().contains( "show" ) || v.toMap().contains( "exec" ) );
CalamaresUtils::saveYaml( "out.yaml", map );
auto other_map = CalamaresUtils::loadYaml( "out.yaml" );
CalamaresUtils::saveYaml( "out2.yaml", other_map );
QCOMPARE( map, other_map );
QFile::remove( "out.yaml" );
QFile::remove( "out2.yaml" );
static QStringList
findConf( const QDir& d )
QStringList mine;
if ( d.exists() )
QString path = d.absolutePath();
path.append( d.separator() );
for ( const auto& confname : d.entryList( { "*.conf" } ) )
mine.append( path + confname );
for ( const auto& subdirname : d.entryList( QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ) )
QDir subdir( d );
subdir.cd( subdirname );
mine.append( findConf( subdir ) );
return mine;
LibCalamaresTests::recursiveCompareMap( const QVariantMap& a, const QVariantMap& b, int depth )
cDebug() << "Comparing depth" << depth << a.count() << b.count();
QCOMPARE( a.keys(), b.keys() );
for ( const auto& k : a.keys() )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << k;
const auto& av = a[ k ];
const auto& bv = b[ k ];
if ( av.typeName() != bv.typeName() )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "a type" << av.typeName() << av;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "b type" << bv.typeName() << bv;
QCOMPARE( av.typeName(), bv.typeName() );
if ( av.canConvert< QVariantMap >() )
recursiveCompareMap( av.toMap(), bv.toMap(), depth + 1 );
QCOMPARE( av, bv );
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG );
bool loaded_ok;
for ( const auto& confname : findConf( QDir( "../src" ) ) )
loaded_ok = true;
cDebug() << "Testing" << confname;
auto map = CalamaresUtils::loadYaml( confname, &loaded_ok );
QVERIFY( loaded_ok );
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::saveYaml( "out.yaml", map ) );
auto othermap = CalamaresUtils::loadYaml( "out.yaml", &loaded_ok );
QVERIFY( loaded_ok );
QCOMPARE( map.keys(), othermap.keys() );
recursiveCompareMap( map, othermap, 0 );
QCOMPARE( map, othermap );
QFile::remove( "out.yaml" );
using CalamaresUtils::System;
auto r = System::runCommand( System::RunLocation::RunInHost, { "/bin/ls", "/tmp" } );
QVERIFY( r.getExitCode() == 0 );
QTemporaryFile tf( "/tmp/calamares-test-XXXXXX" );
QVERIFY( tf.open() );
QVERIFY( !tf.fileName().isEmpty() );
QFileInfo tfn( tf.fileName() );
QVERIFY( !r.getOutput().contains( tfn.fileName() ) );
// Run ls again, now that the file exists
r = System::runCommand( System::RunLocation::RunInHost, { "/bin/ls", "/tmp" } );
QVERIFY( r.getOutput().contains( tfn.fileName() ) );
// .. and without a working directory set, assume builddir != /tmp
r = System::runCommand( System::RunLocation::RunInHost, { "/bin/ls" } );
QVERIFY( !r.getOutput().contains( tfn.fileName() ) );
r = System::runCommand( System::RunLocation::RunInHost, { "/bin/ls" }, "/tmp" );
QVERIFY( r.getOutput().contains( tfn.fileName() ) );
struct stat mystat;
QTemporaryFile ft;
QVERIFY( ft.open() );
// m gets the previous value of the mask (depends on the environment the
// test is run in, might be 002, might be 077), ..
mode_t m = CalamaresUtils::setUMask( 022 );
QCOMPARE( CalamaresUtils::setUMask( m ), mode_t( 022 ) ); // But now most recently set was 022
for ( mode_t i = 0; i <= 0777 /* octal! */; ++i )
QByteArray name = ( ft.fileName() + QChar( '.' ) + QString::number( i, 8 ) ).toLatin1();
CalamaresUtils::UMask um( i );
int fd = creat( name, 0777 );
QVERIFY( fd >= 0 );
close( fd );
QFileInfo fi( name );
QVERIFY( fi.exists() );
QCOMPARE( stat( name, &mystat ), 0 );
QCOMPARE( mystat.st_mode & 0777, 0777 & ~i );
QCOMPARE( unlink( name ), 0 );
QCOMPARE( CalamaresUtils::setUMask( 022 ), m );
QCOMPARE( CalamaresUtils::setUMask( m ), mode_t( 022 ) );
QByteArray data;
auto r0 = CalamaresUtils::getEntropy( 0, data );
QCOMPARE( CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None, r0 );
QCOMPARE( data.size(), 0 );
auto r1 = CalamaresUtils::getEntropy( 16, data );
QVERIFY( r1 != CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None );
QCOMPARE( data.size(), 16 );
// This can randomly fail (but not often)
QVERIFY( data.at( data.size() - 1 ) != char( 0xcb ) );
auto r2 = CalamaresUtils::getEntropy( 8, data );
QVERIFY( r2 != CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None );
QCOMPARE( data.size(), 8 );
QCOMPARE( r1, r2 );
// This can randomly fail (but not often)
QVERIFY( data.at( data.size() - 1 ) != char( 0xcb ) );
QString s;
auto r0 = CalamaresUtils::getPrintableEntropy( 0, s );
QCOMPARE( CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None, r0 );
QCOMPARE( s.length(), 0 );
auto r1 = CalamaresUtils::getPrintableEntropy( 16, s );
QVERIFY( r1 != CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None );
QCOMPARE( s.length(), 16 );
for ( QChar c : s )
QVERIFY( c.isPrint() );
QCOMPARE( c.row(), uchar( 0 ) );
QVERIFY( c.cell() > 32 ); // ASCII SPACE
QVERIFY( c.cell() < 127 );
QString s;
for ( int l = 0; l <= 37; ++l )
auto r = CalamaresUtils::getPrintableEntropy( l, s );
if ( l == 0 )
QCOMPARE( r, CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None );
QVERIFY( r != CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::None );
QCOMPARE( s.length(), l );
for ( QChar c : s )
QVERIFY( c.isPrint() );
QCOMPARE( c.row(), uchar( 0 ) );
QVERIFY( c.cell() > 32 ); // ASCII SPACE
QVERIFY( c.cell() < 127 );
bool b = false;
QVERIFY( !b );
QVERIFY( !b );
cBoolSetter< true > x( b );
QVERIFY( !b );
QVERIFY( !b );
QVERIFY( !b );
cBoolSetter< false > x( b );
QVERIFY( !b ); // Still!
/* Demonstration of Traits support for has-a-method or not.
* We have two classes, c1 and c2; one has a method do_the_thing() and the
* other does not. A third class, Thinginator, has a method thingify(),
* which should call do_the_thing() of its argument if it exists.
struct c1
int do_the_thing() { return 2; }
struct c2
DECLARE_HAS_METHOD( do_the_thing )
struct Thinginator
/// When class T has function do_the_thing()
template < class T >
int thingify( T& t, const std::true_type& )
return t.do_the_thing();
template < class T >
int thingify( T&, const std::false_type& )
return -1;
template < class T >
int thingify( T& t )
return thingify( t, has_do_the_thing< T > {} );
has_do_the_thing< c1 > x {};
has_do_the_thing< c2 > y {};
QVERIFY( !y );
c1 c1 {};
c2 c2 {};
QCOMPARE( c1.do_the_thing(), 2 );
Thinginator t;
QCOMPARE( t.thingify( c1 ), 2 ); // Calls c1::do_the_thing()
QCOMPARE( t.thingify( c2 ), -1 );
using namespace CalamaresUtils;
const QString key( "strings" );
// Things that are not stringlists
QVariantMap m;
QCOMPARE( getStringList( m, key ), QStringList {} );
m.insert( key, 17 );
QCOMPARE( getStringList( m, key ), QStringList {} );
m.insert( key, QString( "more strings" ) );
QCOMPARE( getStringList( m, key ),
QStringList { "more strings" } ); // A single string **can** be considered a stringlist!
m.insert( key, QVariant {} );
QCOMPARE( getStringList( m, key ), QStringList {} );
// Things that are stringlists
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( key, QStringList { "aap", "noot" } );
QVERIFY( getStringList( m, key ).contains( "aap" ) );
QVERIFY( !getStringList( m, key ).contains( "mies" ) );
using namespace CalamaresUtils;
const QString key( "strings" );
// Looks like a stringlist to me
QTemporaryFile f;
QVERIFY( f.open() );
f.write( R"(---
- aap
- noot
- mies
)" );
bool ok = false;
QVariantMap m = loadYaml( f.fileName(), &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
QCOMPARE( m.count(), 1 );
QVERIFY( m.contains( key ) );
QVERIFY( getStringList( m, key ).contains( "aap" ) );
QVERIFY( getStringList( m, key ).contains( "mies" ) );
QVERIFY( !getStringList( m, key ).contains( "lam" ) );
using namespace CalamaresUtils;
const QString key( "strings" );
// Looks like a stringlist to me
QTemporaryFile f;
QVERIFY( f.open() );
f.write( R"(---
strings: [ aap, noot, mies ]
)" );
bool ok = false;
QVariantMap m = loadYaml( f.fileName(), &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
QCOMPARE( m.count(), 1 );
QVERIFY( m.contains( key ) );
QVERIFY( getStringList( m, key ).contains( "aap" ) );
QVERIFY( getStringList( m, key ).contains( "mies" ) );
QVERIFY( !getStringList( m, key ).contains( "lam" ) );
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG );
using namespace CalamaresUtils;
const QString longString( R"(---
--- src/libcalamares/utils/String.h
+++ src/libcalamares/utils/String.h
@@ -62,15 +62,22 @@ DLLEXPORT QString removeDiacritics( const QString& string );
DLLEXPORT QString obscure( const QString& string );
+/** @brief Parameter for counting lines at beginning and end of string
+ *
+ * This is used by truncateMultiLine() to indicate how many lines from
+ * the beginning and how many from the end should be kept.
+ */
struct LinesStartEnd
- int atStart;
- int atEnd;
+ int atStart = 0;
+ int atEnd = 0;
)" );
const int sufficientLength = 812;
// There's 18 lines in all
QCOMPARE( longString.count( '\n' ), 18 );
QVERIFY( longString.length() < sufficientLength );
// If we ask for more, we get everything back
QCOMPARE( longString, truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 20, 0 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } ) );
QCOMPARE( longString, truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 0, 20 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } ) );
// If we ask for no lines, only characters, we get that
auto s = truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 0, 0 }, CharCount { 4 } );
QCOMPARE( s.length(), 4 );
QCOMPARE( s, QString( "---\n" ) );
auto s = truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 0, 0 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
QCOMPARE( s, longString );
// Lines at the start
auto s = truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 4, 0 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
QVERIFY( s.length() > 1 );
QVERIFY( longString.startsWith( s ) );
cDebug() << "Result-line" << Logger::Quote << s;
QCOMPARE( s.count( '\n' ), 4 );
// Lines at the end
auto s = truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 0, 4 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
QVERIFY( s.length() > 1 );
QVERIFY( longString.endsWith( s ) );
cDebug() << "Result-line" << Logger::Quote << s;
QCOMPARE( s.count( '\n' ), 4 );
// Lines at both ends
auto s = truncateMultiLine( longString, LinesStartEnd { 2, 2 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
QVERIFY( s.length() > 1 );
cDebug() << "Result-line" << Logger::Quote << s;
QCOMPARE( s.count( '\n' ), 4 );
auto firsttwo = truncateMultiLine( s, LinesStartEnd { 2, 0 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
auto lasttwo = truncateMultiLine( s, LinesStartEnd { 0, 2 }, CharCount { sufficientLength } );
QCOMPARE( firsttwo + lasttwo, s );
QVERIFY( longString.startsWith( firsttwo ) );
QVERIFY( longString.endsWith( lasttwo ) );
QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN( LibCalamaresTests )
#include "utils/moc-warnings.h"
#include "Tests.moc"