Adriaan de Groot afb0b36f58 CMake: simplify QRC generation
Use configure_file() to avoid stomping on timestamps: if the list
of translations doesn't change, we don't need to rebuild the
translated QRC.
BoostPython3.cmake CMake: fix boost.python detection on FreeBSD
CMakeColors.cmake CMake: also follow CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE settings
CMakeDateStamp.cmake CMake skeleton.
CMakeVersionSource.cmake CMake skeleton.
CalamaresAddBrandingSubdirectory.cmake CMake: stop overwriting branding settings in the build dir
CalamaresAddLibrary.cmake CMake: switch to autorcc from manual futzing
CalamaresAddModuleSubdirectory.cmake CMake: handle Python modules built from subdirectory a/b
CalamaresAddPlugin.cmake [CMakeModules] Update SPDX identifiers.
CalamaresAddTest.cmake [CMakeModules] Update SPDX identifiers.
CalamaresAddTranslations.cmake CMake: simplify QRC generation
CalamaresAutomoc.cmake CMake: switch to autorcc from manual futzing
FindCrypt.cmake Check for crypt(3), also on FreeBSD
FindLIBPARTED.cmake CMake: collect all the Find-modules at top-level
FindLibPWQuality.cmake [users] Use libpwquality for additional password checks
FindPythonQt.cmake [libcalamaresui] Use PYTHONQT_INCLUDE_DIRS
FindYAMLCPP.cmake CMake: give yamlcpp a proper imported target
IncludeKPMCore.cmake CMake: remove unused module