/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Dominic Hayes * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Gabriel Craciunescu * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. * */ #include "ViewManager.h" #include "Branding.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Paste.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "viewpages/BlankViewStep.h" #include "viewpages/ExecutionViewStep.h" #include "viewpages/ViewStep.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( name, value ) \ { \ m_##name = value; \ emit name##Changed( m_##name ); \ } namespace Calamares { ViewManager* ViewManager::s_instance = nullptr; ViewManager* ViewManager::instance() { return s_instance; } ViewManager* ViewManager::instance( QObject* parent ) { Q_ASSERT( !s_instance ); s_instance = new ViewManager( parent ); return s_instance; } ViewManager::ViewManager( QObject* parent ) : QAbstractListModel( parent ) , m_currentStep( -1 ) , m_widget( new QWidget() ) , m_panelSides( Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical ) { Q_ASSERT( !s_instance ); QBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_widget->setObjectName( "viewManager" ); m_widget->setLayout( mainLayout ); m_stack = new QStackedWidget( m_widget ); m_stack->setObjectName( "viewManagerStack" ); m_stack->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); mainLayout->addWidget( m_stack ); updateButtonLabels(); connect( JobQueue::instance(), &JobQueue::failed, this, &ViewManager::onInstallationFailed ); connect( JobQueue::instance(), &JobQueue::finished, this, &ViewManager::next ); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE_SLOT( &ViewManager::updateButtonLabels ) } ViewManager::~ViewManager() { m_widget->deleteLater(); s_instance = nullptr; } QWidget* ViewManager::centralWidget() { return m_widget; } void ViewManager::addViewStep( ViewStep* step ) { insertViewStep( m_steps.size(), step ); // If this is the first inserted view step, update status of "Next" button if ( m_steps.count() == 1 ) { m_nextEnabled = step->isNextEnabled(); emit nextEnabledChanged( m_nextEnabled ); } } void ViewManager::insertViewStep( int before, ViewStep* step ) { emit beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), before, before ); m_steps.insert( before, step ); connect( step, &ViewStep::ensureSize, this, &ViewManager::ensureSize ); connect( step, &ViewStep::nextStatusChanged, this, &ViewManager::updateNextStatus ); if ( !step->widget() ) { cError() << "ViewStep" << step->moduleInstanceKey() << "has no widget."; } else { QLayout* layout = step->widget()->layout(); if ( layout ) { const auto margins = step->widgetMargins( m_panelSides ); layout->setContentsMargins( margins.width(), margins.height(), margins.width(), margins.height() ); } m_stack->insertWidget( before, step->widget() ); m_stack->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); step->widget()->setFocus(); } emit endInsertRows(); } void ViewManager::onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& details ) { bool shouldOfferWebPaste = Calamares::Branding::instance()->logUploadEnable(); // TODO: config var cError() << "Installation failed:"; cDebug() << "- message:" << message; cDebug() << "- details:" << details; QString heading = Calamares::Settings::instance()->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Setup Failed" ) : tr( "Installation Failed" ); QString pasteMsg = tr( "Would you like to paste the install log to the web?" ); QString text = "

" + message + "

"; if ( !details.isEmpty() ) { text += "

" + details + "

"; } if ( shouldOfferWebPaste ) { text += "

" + pasteMsg + "

"; } QMessageBox* msgBox = new QMessageBox(); msgBox->setIcon( QMessageBox::Critical ); msgBox->setWindowTitle( tr( "Error" ) ); msgBox->setText( "" + heading + "" ); msgBox->setInformativeText( text ); if ( shouldOfferWebPaste ) { msgBox->setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ); msgBox->setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No ); msgBox->button( QMessageBox::Yes )->setText( tr( "&Yes" ) ); msgBox->button( QMessageBox::No )->setText( tr( "&No" ) ); } else { msgBox->setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Close ); msgBox->setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Close ); msgBox->button( QMessageBox::Close )->setText( tr( "&Close" ) ); } msgBox->show(); cDebug() << "Calamares will quit when the dialog closes."; connect( msgBox, &QMessageBox::buttonClicked, [msgBox]( QAbstractButton* button ) { if ( msgBox->buttonRole( button ) == QMessageBox::ButtonRole::YesRole ) { QString pasteURLHost = Calamares::Branding::instance()->logUploadURL(); int pasteURLPort = Calamares::Branding::instance()->logUploadPort(); QString pasteUrlMsg = CalamaresUtils::sendLogToPastebin( msgBox, pasteURLHost, pasteURLPort ); QString pasteUrlTitle = tr( "Install Log Paste URL" ); if ( pasteUrlMsg.isEmpty() ) { pasteUrlMsg = tr( "The upload was unsuccessful. No web-paste was done." ); } // TODO: make the URL clickable, or copy it to the clipboard automatically QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, pasteUrlTitle, pasteUrlMsg ); } QApplication::quit(); } ); } void ViewManager::onInitFailed( const QStringList& modules ) { // Because this means the installer / setup program is broken by the distributor, // don't bother being precise about installer / setup wording. QString title( tr( "Calamares Initialization Failed" ) ); QString description( tr( "%1 can not be installed. Calamares was unable to load all of the configured modules. " "This is a problem with the way Calamares is being used by the distribution." ) ); QString detailString; if ( modules.count() > 0 ) { description.append( tr( "
The following modules could not be loaded:" ) ); QStringList details; details << QLatin1String( "
    " ); for ( const auto& m : modules ) { details << QLatin1String( "
  • " ) << m << QLatin1String( "
  • " ); } details << QLatin1String( "
" ); detailString = details.join( QString() ); } insertViewStep( 0, new BlankViewStep( title, description.arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->productName() ), detailString ) ); } void ViewManager::onInitComplete() { m_currentStep = 0; // Tell the first view that it's been shown. if ( m_steps.count() > 0 ) { m_steps.first()->onActivate(); } } void ViewManager::updateNextStatus( bool status ) { ViewStep* vs = qobject_cast< ViewStep* >( sender() ); if ( vs && currentStepValid() ) { if ( vs == m_steps.at( m_currentStep ) ) { m_nextEnabled = status; emit nextEnabledChanged( m_nextEnabled ); } } } ViewStepList ViewManager::viewSteps() const { return m_steps; } ViewStep* ViewManager::currentStep() const { return currentStepValid() ? m_steps.value( m_currentStep ) : nullptr; } int ViewManager::currentStepIndex() const { return m_currentStep; } /** @brief Is the given step at @p index an execution step? * * Returns true if the step is an execution step, false otherwise. * Also returns false if the @p index is out of range. */ static inline bool stepIsExecute( const ViewStepList& steps, int index ) { return ( 0 <= index ) && ( index < steps.count() ) && ( qobject_cast< ExecutionViewStep* >( steps.at( index ) ) != nullptr ); } static inline bool isAtVeryEnd( const ViewStepList& steps, int index ) { // If we have an empty list, then there's no point right now // in checking if we're at the end. if ( steps.count() == 0 ) { return false; } // .. and if the index is invalid, ignore it too if ( !( ( 0 <= index ) && ( index < steps.count() ) ) ) { return false; } return ( index >= steps.count() ) || ( index == steps.count() - 1 && steps.last()->isAtEnd() ); } void ViewManager::next() { if ( !currentStepValid() ) { return; } ViewStep* step = m_steps.at( m_currentStep ); bool executing = false; if ( step->isAtEnd() ) { const auto* const settings = Calamares::Settings::instance(); // Special case when the user clicks next on the very last page in a view phase // and right before switching to an execution phase. // Depending on Calamares::Settings, we show an "are you sure" prompt or not. if ( settings->showPromptBeforeExecution() && stepIsExecute( m_steps, m_currentStep + 1 ) ) { QString title = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Continue with setup?" ) : tr( "Continue with installation?" ); QString question = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "The %1 setup program is about to make changes to your " "disk in order to set up %2.
You will not be able " "to undo these changes." ) : tr( "The %1 installer is about to make changes to your " "disk in order to install %2.
You will not be able " "to undo these changes." ); QString confirm = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "&Set up now" ) : tr( "&Install now" ); const auto* branding = Calamares::Branding::instance(); int reply = QMessageBox::question( m_widget, title, question.arg( branding->shortProductName(), branding->shortVersionedName() ), confirm, tr( "Go &back" ), QString(), 0 /* default first button, i.e. confirm */, 1 /* escape is second button, i.e. cancel */ ); if ( reply == 1 ) { return; } } m_currentStep++; m_stack->setCurrentIndex( m_currentStep ); // Does nothing if out of range step->onLeave(); if ( m_currentStep < m_steps.count() ) { m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->onActivate(); executing = qobject_cast< ExecutionViewStep* >( m_steps.at( m_currentStep ) ) != nullptr; emit currentStepChanged(); } else { // Reached the end in a weird state (e.g. no finished step after an exec) executing = false; UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextEnabled, false ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backEnabled, false ) } updateCancelEnabled( !settings->disableCancel() && !( executing && settings->disableCancelDuringExec() ) ); updateBackAndNextVisibility( !( executing && settings->hideBackAndNextDuringExec() ) ); } else { step->next(); } if ( m_currentStep < m_steps.count() ) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextEnabled, !executing && m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->isNextEnabled() ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backEnabled, !executing && m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->isBackEnabled() ) } updateButtonLabels(); } void ViewManager::updateButtonLabels() { const auto* const settings = Calamares::Settings::instance(); QString nextIsInstallationStep = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "&Set up" ) : tr( "&Install" ); QString quitOnCompleteTooltip = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Setup is complete. Close the setup program." ) : tr( "The installation is complete. Close the installer." ); QString cancelBeforeInstallationTooltip = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Cancel setup without changing the system." ) : tr( "Cancel installation without changing the system." ); // If we're going into the execution step / install phase, other message if ( stepIsExecute( m_steps, m_currentStep + 1 ) ) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextLabel, nextIsInstallationStep ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextIcon, "run-install" ) } else { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextLabel, tr( "&Next" ) ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextIcon, "go-next" ) } // Going back is always simple UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backLabel, tr( "&Back" ) ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backIcon, "go-previous" ) // Cancel button changes label at the end if ( isAtVeryEnd( m_steps, m_currentStep ) ) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitLabel, tr( "&Done" ) ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitTooltip, quitOnCompleteTooltip ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitVisible, true ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitIcon, "dialog-ok-apply" ) updateCancelEnabled( true ); if ( settings->quitAtEnd() ) { quit(); } } else { if ( settings->disableCancel() ) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitVisible, false ) } updateCancelEnabled( !settings->disableCancel() && !( stepIsExecute( m_steps, m_currentStep ) && settings->disableCancelDuringExec() ) ); UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitLabel, tr( "&Cancel" ) ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitTooltip, cancelBeforeInstallationTooltip ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitIcon, "dialog-cancel" ) } } void ViewManager::back() { if ( !currentStepValid() ) { return; } ViewStep* step = m_steps.at( m_currentStep ); if ( step->isAtBeginning() && m_currentStep > 0 ) { m_currentStep--; m_stack->setCurrentIndex( m_currentStep ); step->onLeave(); m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->onActivate(); emit currentStepChanged(); } else if ( !step->isAtBeginning() ) { step->back(); } else { return; } UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( nextEnabled, m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->isNextEnabled() ) UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backEnabled, ( m_currentStep == 0 && m_steps.first()->isAtBeginning() ) ? false : m_steps.at( m_currentStep )->isBackEnabled() ) updateButtonLabels(); } void ViewManager::quit() { if ( confirmCancelInstallation() ) { qApp->quit(); } } bool ViewManager::confirmCancelInstallation() { const auto* const settings = Calamares::Settings::instance(); // When we're at the very end, then it's always OK to exit. if ( isAtVeryEnd( m_steps, m_currentStep ) ) { return true; } // Not at the very end, cancel/quit might be disabled if ( settings->disableCancel() ) { return false; } if ( settings->disableCancelDuringExec() && stepIsExecute( m_steps, m_currentStep ) ) { return false; } // Otherwise, confirm cancel/quit. QString title = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Cancel setup?" ) : tr( "Cancel installation?" ); QString question = settings->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Do you really want to cancel the current setup process?\n" "The setup program will quit and all changes will be lost." ) : tr( "Do you really want to cancel the current install process?\n" "The installer will quit and all changes will be lost." ); QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Question, title, question, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, m_widget ); mb.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No ); mb.button( QMessageBox::Yes )->setText( tr( "&Yes" ) ); mb.button( QMessageBox::No )->setText( tr( "&No" ) ); int response = mb.exec(); return response == QMessageBox::Yes; } void ViewManager::updateCancelEnabled( bool enabled ) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( quitEnabled, enabled ) emit cancelEnabled( enabled ); } void ViewManager::updateBackAndNextVisibility( bool visible) { UPDATE_BUTTON_PROPERTY( backAndNextVisible, visible ) } QVariant ViewManager::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const { if ( !index.isValid() ) { return QVariant(); } if ( ( index.row() < 0 ) || ( index.row() >= m_steps.length() ) ) { return QVariant(); } const auto* step = m_steps.at( index.row() ); if ( !step ) { return QVariant(); } switch ( role ) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return step->prettyName(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: if ( Calamares::Settings::instance()->debugMode() ) { auto key = step->moduleInstanceKey(); QString toolTip( "Debug information" ); toolTip.append( "
Type:\tViewStep" ); toolTip.append( QString( "
Pretty:\t%1" ).arg( step->prettyName() ) ); toolTip.append( QString( "
Status:\t%1" ).arg( step->prettyStatus() ) ); toolTip.append( QString( "
Source:\t%1" ).arg( key.isValid() ? key.toString() : QStringLiteral( "built-in" ) ) ); return toolTip; } else { return QVariant(); } case ProgressTreeItemCurrentIndex: return m_currentStep; default: return QVariant(); } } int ViewManager::rowCount( const QModelIndex& parent ) const { if ( parent.column() > 0 ) { return 0; } return m_steps.length(); } } // namespace Calamares