BootInfoWidget The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. BootLoaderModel Master Boot Record of %1 %1:n MBR Boot Partition Käynnistysosio System Partition Järjestelmäosio Do not install a boot loader %1 (%2) Calamares::DebugWindow Form Lomake GlobalStorage JobQueue Modules Moduulit Type: Tyyppi: none Interface: Käyttöliittymä: Tools Työkalut Debug information Calamares::ExecutionViewStep Install Asenna Calamares::JobThread Done Valmis Calamares::ProcessJob Run command %1 %2 Suorita komento %1 %2 Running command %1 %2 Suoritetaan komentoa %1 %2 Calamares::PythonJob Running %1 operation. Suoritetaan %1 toimenpidettä. Bad working directory path Epäkelpo työskentelyhakemiston polku Working directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable. Työkansio %1 pythonin työlle %2 ei ole luettavissa. Bad main script file Huono pää-skripti tiedosto Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable. Pääskriptitiedosto %1 pythonin työlle %2 ei ole luettavissa. Boost.Python error in job "%1". Boost.Python virhe työlle "%1". Calamares::ViewManager &Back &Takaisin &Next &Seuraava &Cancel &Peruuta Cancel installation without changing the system. Cancel installation? Peruuta asennus? Do you really want to cancel the current install process? The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Oletko varma että haluat peruuttaa käynnissä olevan asennusprosessin? Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. &Yes &Kyllä &No &Ei &Close &Sulje Continue with setup? The %1 installer is about to make changes to your disk in order to install %2.<br/><strong>You will not be able to undo these changes.</strong> &Install now &Asenna nyt Go &back &Done &Valmis The installation is complete. Close the installer. Asennus on valmis. Sulje asennusohjelma. Error Virhe Installation Failed Asennus Epäonnistui CalamaresPython::Helper Unknown exception type Tuntematon poikkeustyyppi unparseable Python error jäsentämätön Python virhe unparseable Python traceback jäsentämätön Python jäljitys Unfetchable Python error. Python virhettä ei voitu hakea. CalamaresWindow %1 Installer %1 Asennusohjelma Show debug information CheckerWidget This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a> This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled. This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer. For best results, please ensure that this computer: Saadaksesi parhaan lopputuloksen, tarkista että tämä tietokone: System requirements ChoicePage Form Lomake After: Jälkeen: <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself. Boot loader location: %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4. Select storage de&vice: Current: Reuse %1 as home partition for %2. <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong> <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong> An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1. The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2. EFI system partition: This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device. <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device. This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device. <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1. <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1. This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device. This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device. ClearMountsJob Clear mounts for partitioning operations on %1 Poista osiointitoimenpiteitä varten tehdyt liitokset kohteesta %1 Clearing mounts for partitioning operations on %1. Cleared all mounts for %1 Kaikki liitokset poistettu kohteesta %1 ClearTempMountsJob Clear all temporary mounts. Poista kaikki väliaikaiset liitokset. Clearing all temporary mounts. Cannot get list of temporary mounts. Cleared all temporary mounts. Poistettu kaikki väliaikaiset liitokset. CommandList Could not run command. No rootMountPoint is defined, so command cannot be run in the target environment. ContextualProcessJob Contextual Processes Job CreatePartitionDialog Create a Partition Luo levyosio MiB Partition &Type: Osion &Tyyppi: &Primary &Ensisijainen E&xtended &Laajennettu Fi&le System: LVM LV name Flags: Liput: &Mount Point: &Liitoskohta: Si&ze: K&oko: En&crypt Logical Looginen Primary Ensisijainen GPT GPT Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. CreatePartitionJob Create new %2MB partition on %4 (%3) with file system %1. Create new <strong>%2MB</strong> partition on <strong>%4</strong> (%3) with file system <strong>%1</strong>. Creating new %1 partition on %2. The installer failed to create partition on disk '%1'. Asennusohjelma epäonnistui osion luonnissa levylle '%1'. CreatePartitionTableDialog Create Partition Table Luo Osiotaulukko Creating a new partition table will delete all existing data on the disk. Uuden osiotaulukon luominen poistaa kaikki olemassa olevat tiedostot levyltä. What kind of partition table do you want to create? Minkälaisen osiotaulukon haluat luoda? Master Boot Record (MBR) Master Boot Record (MBR) GUID Partition Table (GPT) GUID Partition Table (GPT) CreatePartitionTableJob Create new %1 partition table on %2. Create new <strong>%1</strong> partition table on <strong>%2</strong> (%3). Creating new %1 partition table on %2. The installer failed to create a partition table on %1. Asennusohjelma epäonnistui osiotaulukon luonnissa kohteeseen %1. CreateUserJob Create user %1 Luo käyttäjä %1 Create user <strong>%1</strong>. Creating user %1. Sudoers dir is not writable. Ei voitu kirjoittaa Sudoers -hakemistoon. Cannot create sudoers file for writing. Ei voida luoda sudoers -tiedostoa kirjoitettavaksi. Cannot chmod sudoers file. Ei voida tehdä käyttöoikeuden muutosta sudoers -tiedostolle. Cannot open groups file for reading. Ei voida avata ryhmätiedostoa luettavaksi. Cannot create user %1. Käyttäjää %1 ei voi luoda. useradd terminated with error code %1. useradd päättyi virhekoodilla %1. Cannot add user %1 to groups: %2. usermod terminated with error code %1. usermod päättyi virhekoodilla %1. Cannot set home directory ownership for user %1. Ei voida asettaa kotihakemiston omistusoikeutta käyttäjälle %1. chown terminated with error code %1. chown päättyi virhekoodilla %1. DeletePartitionJob Delete partition %1. Delete partition <strong>%1</strong>. Deleting partition %1. The installer failed to delete partition %1. Asennusohjelma epäonnistui osion %1 poistossa. DeviceInfoWidget The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. This device has a <strong>%1</strong> partition table. This is a <strong>loop</strong> device.<br><br>It is a pseudo-device with no partition table that makes a file accessible as a block device. This kind of setup usually only contains a single filesystem. This installer <strong>cannot detect a partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The device either has no partition table, or the partition table is corrupted or of an unknown type.<br>This installer can create a new partition table for you, either automatically, or through the manual partitioning page. <br><br>This is the recommended partition table type for modern systems which start from an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment. <br><br>This partition table type is only advisable on older systems which start from a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment. GPT is recommended in most other cases.<br><br><strong>Warning:</strong> the MBR partition table is an obsolete MS-DOS era standard.<br>Only 4 <em>primary</em> partitions may be created, and of those 4, one can be an <em>extended</em> partition, which may in turn contain many <em>logical</em> partitions. DeviceModel %1 - %2 (%3) %1 - %2 (%3) DracutLuksCfgJob Write LUKS configuration for Dracut to %1 Skip writing LUKS configuration for Dracut: "/" partition is not encrypted Failed to open %1 DummyCppJob Dummy C++ Job EditExistingPartitionDialog Edit Existing Partition Muokkaa olemassa olevaa osiota Content: Sisältö: &Keep Format Alusta Warning: Formatting the partition will erase all existing data. Varoitus: Osion alustus tulee poistamaan kaikki olemassa olevat tiedostot. &Mount Point: &Liitoskohta: Si&ze: K&oko: MiB Fi&le System: Flags: Liput: Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. EncryptWidget Form Lomake En&crypt system Passphrase Confirm passphrase Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. FillGlobalStorageJob Set partition information Aseta osion tiedot Install %1 on <strong>new</strong> %2 system partition. Set up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong>. Install %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong>. Set up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong>. Install boot loader on <strong>%1</strong>. Setting up mount points. FinishedPage Form Lomake <html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style=" font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the installer.</p></body></html> &Restart now &Käynnistä uudelleen <h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the %2 Live environment. <h1>Kaikki tehty.</h1><br/>%1 on asennettu tietokoneellesi.<br/>Voit joko uudelleenkäynnistää uuteen kokoonpanoosi, tai voit jatkaa %2 live-ympäristön käyttöä. <h1>Installation Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been installed on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2. FinishedViewStep Finish Valmis Installation Complete The installation of %1 is complete. FormatPartitionJob Format partition %1 (file system: %2, size: %3 MB) on %4. Alusta osio %1 (tiedostojärjestelmä: %2, koko: %3 MB) levyllä %4 Format <strong>%3MB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> with file system <strong>%2</strong>. Formatting partition %1 with file system %2. The installer failed to format partition %1 on disk '%2'. Levyn '%2' osion %1 alustus epäonnistui. InteractiveTerminalPage Konsole not installed Please install KDE Konsole and try again! Executing script: &nbsp;<code>%1</code> InteractiveTerminalViewStep Script KeyboardPage Set keyboard model to %1.<br/> Aseta näppäimiston malli %1.<br/> Set keyboard layout to %1/%2. Aseta näppäimiston asetelmaksi %1/%2. KeyboardViewStep Keyboard Näppäimistö LCLocaleDialog System locale setting Järjestelmän maa-asetus The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. &Cancel &Peruuta &OK LicensePage Form Lomake I accept the terms and conditions above. <h1>License Agreement</h1>This setup procedure will install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms. Please review the End User License Agreements (EULAs) above.<br/>If you do not agree with the terms, the setup procedure cannot continue. <h1>License Agreement</h1>This setup procedure can install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms in order to provide additional features and enhance the user experience. Please review the End User License Agreements (EULAs) above.<br/>If you do not agree with the terms, proprietary software will not be installed, and open source alternatives will be used instead. <strong>%1 driver</strong><br/>by %2 %1 is an untranslatable product name, example: Creative Audigy driver <strong>%1 graphics driver</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font> %1 is usually a vendor name, example: Nvidia graphics driver <strong>%1 browser plugin</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font> <strong>%1 codec</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font> <strong>%1 package</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font> <strong>%1</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font> <a href="%1">view license agreement</a> LicenseViewStep License LocalePage The system language will be set to %1. The numbers and dates locale will be set to %1. Region: Alue: Zone: Vyöhyke: &Change... &Vaihda... Set timezone to %1/%2.<br/> Aseta aikavyöhyke %1/%2.<br/> %1 (%2) Language (Country) LocaleViewStep Loading location data... Ladataan sijainnin tietoja... Location Sijainti NetInstallPage Name Nimi Description Network Installation. (Disabled: Unable to fetch package lists, check your network connection) Network Installation. (Disabled: Received invalid groups data) NetInstallViewStep Package selection PWQ Password is too short Password is too long Password is too weak Memory allocation error when setting '%1' Memory allocation error The password is the same as the old one The password is a palindrome The password differs with case changes only The password is too similar to the old one The password contains the user name in some form The password contains words from the real name of the user in some form The password contains forbidden words in some form The password contains less than %1 digits The password contains too few digits The password contains less than %1 uppercase letters The password contains too few uppercase letters The password contains less than %1 lowercase letters The password contains too few lowercase letters The password contains less than %1 non-alphanumeric characters The password contains too few non-alphanumeric characters The password is shorter than %1 characters The password is too short The password is just rotated old one The password contains less than %1 character classes The password does not contain enough character classes The password contains more than %1 same characters consecutively The password contains too many same characters consecutively The password contains more than %1 characters of the same class consecutively The password contains too many characters of the same class consecutively The password contains monotonic sequence longer than %1 characters The password contains too long of a monotonic character sequence No password supplied Cannot obtain random numbers from the RNG device Password generation failed - required entropy too low for settings The password fails the dictionary check - %1 The password fails the dictionary check Unknown setting - %1 Unknown setting Bad integer value of setting - %1 Bad integer value Setting %1 is not of integer type Setting is not of integer type Setting %1 is not of string type Setting is not of string type Opening the configuration file failed The configuration file is malformed Fatal failure Unknown error Page_Keyboard Form Lomake Keyboard Model: Näppäimistön malli: Type here to test your keyboard Kirjoita tähän testaksesi näppäimistöäsi. Page_UserSetup Form Lomake What is your name? Mikä on nimesi? What name do you want to use to log in? Mitä nimeä haluat käyttää sisäänkirjautumisessa? font-weight: normal fontin koko: normaali <small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can set up multiple accounts after installation.</small> <small>jos enemmän kuin yksi henkilö käyttää tätä tietokonetta, voit lisätä lisää tilejä asennuksen jälkeen.</small> Choose a password to keep your account safe. Valitse salasana pitääksesi tilisi turvallisena. <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small> <small>Syötä salasana kahdesti välttääksesi kirjoitusvirheitä. Hyvän salasanan tulee sisältää sekoitetusti kirjaimia, numeroita ja erikoismerkkejä. Salasanan täytyy olla vähintään kahdeksan merkin mittainen ja tulee vaihtaa säännöllisin väliajoin.</small> What is the name of this computer? Mikä on tämän tietokoneen nimi? <small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small> <small>Tätä nimeä tullaan käyttämään mikäli asetat tietokoneen näkyviin muille verkossa.</small> Log in automatically without asking for the password. Use the same password for the administrator account. Choose a password for the administrator account. Valitse salasana pääkäyttäjän tilille. <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small> <small>Syötä salasana kahdesti välttääksesi kirjoitusvirheitä.</small> PartitionLabelsView Root Home Boot EFI system Swap New partition for %1 New partition Uusi osiointi %1 %2 PartitionModel Free Space Vapaa tila New partition Uusi osiointi Name Nimi File System Tiedostojärjestelmä Mount Point Liitoskohta Size Koko PartitionPage Form Lomake Storage de&vice: &Revert All Changes &Peru kaikki muutokset New Partition &Table Uusi osiointi&taulukko &Create &Luo &Edit &Muokkaa &Delete &Poista Install boot &loader on: Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Oletko varma, että haluat luoda uuden osion %1? PartitionViewStep Gathering system information... Kerätään järjestelmän tietoja... Partitions Osiot Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system. <strong>Erase</strong> disk and install %1. <strong>Replace</strong> a partition with %1. <strong>Manual</strong> partitioning. Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3). <strong>Erase</strong> disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) and install %1. <strong>Replace</strong> a partition on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) with %1. <strong>Manual</strong> partitioning on disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2). Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2) Current: After: Jälkeen: No EFI system partition configured An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>To configure an EFI system partition, go back and select or create a FAT32 filesystem with the <strong>esp</strong> flag enabled and mount point <strong>%2</strong>.<br/><br/>You can continue without setting up an EFI system partition but your system may fail to start. EFI system partition flag not set An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>A partition was configured with mount point <strong>%2</strong> but its <strong>esp</strong> flag is not set.<br/>To set the flag, go back and edit the partition.<br/><br/>You can continue without setting the flag but your system may fail to start. Boot partition not encrypted A separate boot partition was set up together with an encrypted root partition, but the boot partition is not encrypted.<br/><br/>There are security concerns with this kind of setup, because important system files are kept on an unencrypted partition.<br/>You may continue if you wish, but filesystem unlocking will happen later during system startup.<br/>To encrypt the boot partition, go back and recreate it, selecting <strong>Encrypt</strong> in the partition creation window. PlasmaLnfJob Plasma Look-and-Feel Job Could not select KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel package PlasmaLnfPage Form Lomake Placeholder Please choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is installed. PlasmaLnfViewStep Look-and-Feel ProcessResult There was no output from the command. Output: External command crashed. Command <i>%1</i> crashed. External command failed to start. Command <i>%1</i> failed to start. Internal error when starting command. Bad parameters for process job call. Huonot parametrit prosessin kutsuun. External command failed to finish. Command <i>%1</i> failed to finish in %2 seconds. External command finished with errors. Command <i>%1</i> finished with exit code %2. QObject Default Keyboard Model Oletus näppäimistömalli Default Oletus unknown extended unformatted swap Unpartitioned space or unknown partition table ReplaceWidget Form Lomake Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition. Valitse minne %1 asennetaan.<br/><font color="red">Varoitus: </font>tämä poistaa kaikki tiedostot valitulta osiolta. The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition. Valitsemaasi kohta ei näytä olevan kelvollinen osio. %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition. %1 ei voi asentaa tyhjään tilaan. Valitse olemassa oleva osio. %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition. %1 ei voida asentaa jatketun osion. Valitse olemassa oleva ensisijainen tai looginen osio. %1 cannot be installed on this partition. %1 ei voida asentaa tähän osioon. Data partition (%1) Data osio (%1) Unknown system partition (%1) Tuntematon järjestelmä osio (%1) %1 system partition (%2) %1 järjestelmäosio (%2) <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB. <strong>%2</strong><br/><br/>An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1. <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition %2 will be lost. The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2. EFI system partition: RequirementsChecker Gathering system information... Kerätään järjestelmän tietoja... has at least %1 GB available drive space sisältää vähintään %1 GB käytettävissä olevaa asematilaa There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required. has at least %1 GB working memory sisältää vähintään %1 GB muistia The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required. is plugged in to a power source on yhdistetty virtalähteeseen The system is not plugged in to a power source. is connected to the Internet on yhdistetty internetiin The system is not connected to the Internet. The installer is not running with administrator rights. The screen is too small to display the installer. ResizePartitionJob Resize partition %1. Muuta osion kokoa %1. Resize <strong>%2MB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>%3MB</strong>. Resizing %2MB partition %1 to %3MB. The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'. Asennusohjelma epäonnistui osion %1 koon muuttamisessa levyllä '%2'. ScanningDialog Scanning storage devices... Partitioning SetHostNameJob Set hostname %1 Aseta isäntänimi %1 Set hostname <strong>%1</strong>. Setting hostname %1. Internal Error Sisäinen Virhe Cannot write hostname to target system Ei voida kirjoittaa isäntänimeä kohdejärjestelmään. SetKeyboardLayoutJob Set keyboard model to %1, layout to %2-%3 Aseta näppäimistön malliksi %1, asetelmaksi %2-%3 Failed to write keyboard configuration for the virtual console. Virtuaalikonsolin näppäimistöasetuksen tallentaminen epäonnistui. Failed to write to %1 Kirjoittaminen epäonnistui kohteeseen %1 Failed to write keyboard configuration for X11. X11 näppäimistöasetuksen tallentaminen epäonnistui. Failed to write keyboard configuration to existing /etc/default directory. SetPartFlagsJob Set flags on partition %1. Set flags on %1MB %2 partition. Set flags on new partition. Clear flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>. Clear flags on %1MB <strong>%2</strong> partition. Clear flags on new partition. Flag partition <strong>%1</strong> as <strong>%2</strong>. Flag %1MB <strong>%2</strong> partition as <strong>%3</strong>. Flag new partition as <strong>%1</strong>. Clearing flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>. Clearing flags on %1MB <strong>%2</strong> partition. Clearing flags on new partition. Setting flags <strong>%2</strong> on partition <strong>%1</strong>. Setting flags <strong>%3</strong> on %1MB <strong>%2</strong> partition. Setting flags <strong>%1</strong> on new partition. The installer failed to set flags on partition %1. SetPasswordJob Set password for user %1 Aseta salasana käyttäjälle %1 Setting password for user %1. Bad destination system path. Huono kohteen järjestelmäpolku rootMountPoint is %1 rootMountPoint on %1 Cannot disable root account. passwd terminated with error code %1. Cannot set password for user %1. Salasanaa ei voi asettaa käyttäjälle %1. usermod terminated with error code %1. usermod päättyi virhekoodilla %1. SetTimezoneJob Set timezone to %1/%2 Aseta aikavyöhykkeeksi %1/%2 Cannot access selected timezone path. Ei pääsyä valittuun aikavyöhykkeen polkuun. Bad path: %1 Huono polku: %1 Cannot set timezone. Aikavyöhykettä ei voi asettaa. Link creation failed, target: %1; link name: %2 Linkin luominen kohteeseen %1 epäonnistui; linkin nimi: %2 Cannot set timezone, Cannot open /etc/timezone for writing ShellProcessJob Shell Processes Job SummaryPage This is an overview of what will happen once you start the install procedure. SummaryViewStep Summary Yhteenveto TrackingInstallJob Installation feedback Sending installation feedback. Internal error in install-tracking. HTTP request timed out. TrackingMachineNeonJob Machine feedback Configuring machine feedback. Error in machine feedback configuration. Could not configure machine feedback correctly, script error %1. Could not configure machine feedback correctly, Calamares error %1. TrackingPage Form Lomake Placeholder <html><head/><body><p>By selecting this, you will send <span style=" font-weight:600;">no information at all</span> about your installation.</p></body></html> TextLabel ... <html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Click here for more information about user feedback</span></a></p></body></html> Install tracking helps %1 to see how many users they have, what hardware they install %1 to and (with the last two options below), get continuous information about preferred applications. To see what will be sent, please click the help icon next to each area. By selecting this you will send information about your installation and hardware. This information will <b>only be sent once</b> after the installation finishes. By selecting this you will <b>periodically</b> send information about your installation, hardware and applications, to %1. By selecting this you will <b>regularly</b> send information about your installation, hardware, applications and usage patterns, to %1. TrackingViewStep Feedback UsersPage Your username is too long. Käyttäjänimesi on liian pitkä. Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed. Your hostname is too short. Isäntänimesi on liian lyhyt. Your hostname is too long. Isäntänimesi on liian pitkä. Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed. Isäntänimesi sisältää epäkelpoja merkkejä. Vain kirjaimet, numerot ja väliviivat ovat sallittuja. Your passwords do not match! Salasanasi eivät täsmää! UsersViewStep Users Käyttäjät WelcomePage Form Lomake &Language: &Release notes &Known issues &Support &About &Tietoa <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1> <h1>Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1.</h1> About %1 installer Tietoa %1 asennusohjelmasta <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac &lt;;<br/>Copyright 2017 Adriaan de Groot &lt;;<br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Lisa Vitolo, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini, Rohan Garg and the <a href="">Calamares translators team</a>.<br/><br/><a href="">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software. %1 support WelcomeViewStep Welcome Tervetuloa