#! /bin/sh # # Travis CI script for use on every-commit: # - build and install Calamares # test -n "$BUILDDIR" || { echo "! \$BUILDDIR not set" ; exit 1 ; } test -n "$SRCDIR" || { echo "! \$SRCDIR not set" ; exit 1 ; } test -d $BUILDDIR || { echo "! $BUILDDIR not a directory" ; exit 1 ; } test -d $SRCDIR || { echo "! $SRCDIR not a directory" ; exit 1 ; } test -f $SRCDIR/CMakeLists.txt || { echo "! Missing $SRCDIR/CMakeLists.txt" ; exit 1 ; } cd $BUILDDIR || exit 1 echo "###" echo "### cmake $CMAKE_ARGS $SRCDIR" echo "###" cmake $CMAKE_ARGS $SRCDIR || { echo "! CMake failed" ; exit 1 ; } echo -e "###\n### make\n###" make -j2 || { make -j1 VERBOSE=1 ; echo "! Make failed" ; exit 1 ; } echo -e "###\n### make install\n###" echo "# Build results" find "$BUILDDIR" -name '*.so' echo "# Install" DESTDIR=/build/INSTALL_ROOT mkdir -p "$DESTDIR" result=true make install VERBOSE=1 DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" || result=false echo "# Install results" find "$DESTDIR" -type f $result # Result of make install, above