AlongsidePageChoose partition to shrink:請選擇要縮減的磁區:Allocate drive space by dragging the divider below:拖曳以下的分界線以分配裝置空間With this operation, the partition <b>%1</b> which contains %4 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %5.將會執行以下操作:縮減原容量為 %4 的分割區 <b>%1</b> 為 %2MB 並新建一個新的 %3MB 分割區以容納 %5 。ApplyProgressDetailsWidgetBaseSave儲存Open in External Browser以外部瀏覽器開啟ApplyProgressDialogWidgetBaseOperations and Jobs操作與工作Time Elapsed經過時間Total Time: 00:00:00總時間:00:00:00Operation: %p%操作: %p%Status狀態Total: %p%共: %p%BaseInstaller安裝程式<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Installation</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Configuration</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">設置</span></p></body></html>Reboot重新啟動Language語言User Info使用者資訊Summary總覽Keyboard鍵盤Disk Setup磁碟設定<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Preparation</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">準備動作</span></p></body></html>BootLoaderModelMaster Boot Record of %1%1 的主要開機紀錄 (MBR)Boot Partition開機磁區System Partition系統磁區Calamares::InstallationViewStepInstall安裝Calamares::JobThreadDone完成Calamares::ProcessJobRun command %1執行命令 %1External command crashed外部指令崩潰Command %1 crashed.
%2指令 %1 崩潰。
%2External command failed to start無法開始外部指令Command %1 failed to start.無法開始指令 %1Internal error when starting command開始指令時發生內部錯誤Bad parameters for process job call.呼叫行程的參數無效。External command failed to finish無法完成外部指令Command %1 failed to finish in %2s.
%3指令 %1 無法在 %2 秒內完成。
%3External command finished with errors外部指令以錯誤方式完成Command %1 finished with exit code %2.
%3指令 %1 以退出狀態 %2 完成。
%3Calamares::PythonJobRun script %1執行指令稿 %1Bad working directory path不良的工作目錄路徑Working directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable.Python 行程 %2 作用中的目錄 %1 不具讀取權限。Bad main script file錯誤的主要腳本檔Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable.Python 行程 %2 的主要腳本檔 %1 無法讀取。Boost.Python error in job "%1".行程 %1 中 Boost.Python 錯誤。Calamares::ViewManager&Back返回 (&B)&Next下一步 (&N)&Quit離開 (&Q)Error錯誤Installation Failed安裝失敗CalamaresPython::HelperUnknown exception type未知的例外型別unparseable Python error無法解析的 Python 錯誤unparseable Python traceback無法解析的 Python 回溯紀錄Unfetchable Python error.無法讀取的 Python 錯誤。CalamaresWindow%1 Installer%1 安裝程式CheckFileSystemJobChecking file system on partition %1.正在檢查分割區 %1 上的檔案系統。The file system check on partition %1 failed.在分割區 %1 上的檔案系統檢查失敗。ChoicePageThis computer currently does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?目前似乎沒有任何作業系統安裝在這台電腦上。您打算怎麼做?<b>Erase disk and install %1</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will delete all of your programs, documents, photos, music, and any other files.<b>抹除磁碟病安裝 %1</b><br/><font color="red">警告:</font>這將會刪除所有軟體、文件、相片、音樂以及其他任何檔案!This computer currently has %1 on it. What would you like to do?目前這台電腦裝有 &1 。您打算怎麼做?<b>Install %2 alongside %1</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Replace %1 with %2</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will erase the whole disk and delete all of your %1 programs, documents, photos, music, and any other files.This computer already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?這台電腦已經裝有作業系統。您打算怎麼做?<b>Install %1 alongside your current operating system</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Erase disk and install %1</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will delete all of your Windows 7 programs, documents, photos, music, and any other files.This computer currently has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<b>Install %1 alongside your current operating systems</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Something else</b><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself, or choose multiple partitions for %1.ConfigurePageAdvancedPermissions權限Allow applying operations without administrator privilegesBackend後端Active backend:可啟用的後端:Units單元Preferred unit:建議的單元:ByteByteKiBKiBMiBMiBGiBGiBTiBTiBPiBPiBEiBEiBConfigurePageFileSystemColorsFile Systems檔案系統luks:luks:ntfs:ntfs:ext2:ext2:ext3:ext3:ext4:ext4:btrfs:btrfs:linuxswap:linuxswap:fat16:fat16:fat32:fat32:zfs:zfs:reiserfs:reiserfs:reiser4:reiser4:hpfs:hpfs:jfsjfshfs:hfs:hfsplus:hfsplus:ufs:ufs:xfs:xfs:ocfs2:ocfs2:extended:extended:unformatted:未格式化的:unknown:未知的:exfat:exfat:nilfs2:nilfs2:lvm2 pv:lvm2 pv:ConfigurePageGeneralPartition AlignmentUse cylinder based alignment (Windows XP compatible)Sector alignment: sectors磁柱Align partitions per defaultLogging紀錄中Hide messages below:隱藏以下訊息:DebugDebugInformation資訊Warning警告Error錯誤File Systems檔案系統Default file system:預設的檔案系統:ShreddingOverwrite with:以...覆寫:Random data隨機資料Zeros零 (0)CreatePartitionDialogCreate a Partition建立一個分割區Partition &Type:分割區與類型 (&T):&Primary主要分割區 (&P)E&xtended延伸分割區 (&x)F&ile System:檔案系統 (&i):&Mount Point:掛載點 (&M):///boot/boot/home/home/opt/opt/usr/usr/var/varSi&ze:容量大小 (&z) : MB MBLogical邏輯磁區Primary主要磁區GPTGPTCreatePartitionJobCreate partition (file system: %1, size: %2 MB) on %3.The installer failed to create partition on disk '%1'.Could not open device '%1'.Could not open partition table.The installer failed to create file system on partition %1.The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.CreatePartitionTableDialogCreate Partition Table建立分割區表格Creating a new partition table will delete all existing data on the disk.新增一個分割區表格將會刪除硬碟上所有已存在的資料What kind of partition table do you want to create?Master Boot Record (MBR)主要開機紀錄 (MBR)GUID Partition Table (GPT)GUID 分割區表格 (GPT)CreatePartitionTableJobCreate partition tableThe installer failed to create a partition table on %1.Could not open device %1.CreatePartitionTableWidgetBaseChoose the type of partition table you want to create:GPTGPTMS-DosMS-Dos(icon)(icon)<b>Warning:</b> This will destroy all data on the device!CreateUserJobCreate user %1Sudoers dir is not writable.Cannot create sudoers file for writing.Cannot chmod sudoers file.Cannot open groups file for reading.Cannot create user %1.useradd terminated with error code %1.Cannot set full name for user %1.chfn terminated with error code %1.Cannot set home directory ownership for user %1.chown terminated with error code %1.DecryptLuksDialogWidgetBase&Name:名稱 (&N):&Passphrase:通關密語 (&P):DeletePartitionJobDelete partition %1The installer failed to delete partition %1.Partition (%1) and device (%2) do not match.Could not open device %1.Could not open partition table.DeviceModel%1 - %2 (%3)DevicePropsWidgetBasePartition table:Cylinder alignmentSector based alignmentCapacity:Total sectors:Cylinders/Heads/Sectors:Logical sector size:Physical sector size:Cylinder size:Primaries/Max:SMART status:More...更多...EditExistingPartitionDialogEdit Existing PartitionContent:Keep保持Format格式化Warning: Formatting the partition will erase all existing data.警告:格式化該分割區換抹除所有已存在的資料。&Mount Point:掛載點 (&M):///boot/boot/home/home/opt/opt/usr/usr/var/varSize:EditMountOptionsDialogWidgetBaseEdit Mount OptionsEdit the mount options for this file system:EditMountPointDialogWidgetBasePath:Select...Type:Options:Read-only唯讀Users can mount and unmountNo automatic mountNo update of file access timesSynchronous accessNo update of directory access timesNo binary executionUpdate access times relative to modificationMore...更多...Dump Frequency:Pass Number:Device NodeUUIDUUIDLabel標籤Identify by:EraseDiskPageSelect drive:Before:After:FileSystemSupportDialogWidgetBaseThis table shows which file systems are supported and which specific operations can be performed on them.
Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported. But not all operations can be performed on all file systems, even if all required tools are installed. Please see the documentation for details. File System檔案系統Create新增Grow擴張Shrink縮減Move移動Copy複製Check檢查Read Label讀取標籤Write Label寫入標籤Read Usage讀取使用狀況Backup備份Restore還原Support Tools支援工具Rescan Support@action:button重新掃描FillGlobalStorageJobSet partition informationFailed to find path for boot loaderFormatPartitionJobFormat partition %1 (file system: %2, size: %3 MB) on %4.The installer failed to format partition %1 on disk '%2'.Could not open device '%1'.Could not open partition table.The installer failed to create file system on partition %1.The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.GreetingPage<h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.GreetingViewStepWelcome歡迎KeyboardPageSet keyboard model to %1.<br/>Set keyboard layout to %1/%2.KeyboardViewStepKeyboard鍵盤LocalePageRegion:地區Zone:時區Set timezone to %1/%2.<br/>LocaleViewStepLoading location data...讀取位置資料 ...Location位置MainWindowBaseKDE Partition Manager@title:windowKDE 磁碟分割區管理員Devices@title:window裝置Pending Operations@title:window佇列的操作Information@title:window資訊Log Output@title:window日誌輸出MoveFileSystemJobMove file system of partition %1.Could not open file system on partition %1 for moving.Could not create target for moving file system on partition %1.Moving of partition %1 failed, changes have been rolled back.Moving of partition %1 failed. Roll back of the changes have failed.Updating boot sector after the moving of partition %1 failed.The logical sector sizes in the source and target for copying are not the same. This is currently unsupported.Source and target for copying do not overlap: Rollback is not required.Could not open device %1 to rollback copying.Page_KeyboardForm型式Keyboard Model:鍵盤型號:Type here to test your keyboard在此輸入以測試您的鍵盤Page_UserSetupForm型式What is your name?尊姓大名?What name do you want to use to log in?您想使用何種登入名稱?font-weight: normal<small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can set up multiple accounts after installation.</small>Choose a password to keep your account safe.輸入密碼以確保帳號的安全性。<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small>What is the name of this computer?這部電腦叫什麼名字?<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small>Choose a password for the administrator account.替系統管理員帳號設定一組密碼<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>Log in automatically自動登入Require my password to log in密碼登入PartPropsWidgetBaseFile system:@label:listbox檔案系統:Label:@label標籤:This file system does not support setting a label.@labelRecreate existing file system@action:buttonMount point:@labelPartition type:@labelStatus:@labelUUID:@labelUUID:Size:@labelAvailable:@label partition capacity availableUsed:@label partition capacity usedFirst sector:@labelLast sector:@labelNumber of sectors:@labelFlags:@labelPartitionManagerWidgetBaseKDE Partition Manager@title:windowKDE 磁碟分割區管理員PartitionTypeMount PointLabelUUIDUUIDSizeUsedAvailableFirst SectorLast SectorNumber of SectorsFlagsPartitionModelFree Space剩餘空間New partition新分割區Name名稱File System檔案系統Mount Point掛載點Size大小PartitionPageForm型式&Disk:磁碟 (&D):&Revert All ChangesNew Partition &Table&Create&Edit&Delete&Install boot loader on:Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?PartitionViewStepGathering system information...PartitionsBefore:After:PreparePageFor best results, please ensure that this computer:This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
Installation cannot continue.This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.PrepareViewStepGathering system information...蒐集系統資訊中...has at least %1 GB available drive spacehas at least %1 GB working memoryis plugged in to a power source已插入外接電源is connected to the Internet已連上網際網路Prepare準備中ProgressTreeModelPrepare準備中Finish完成QObjectDefault Keyboard Model預設鍵盤型號Default預設值ReleaseDialogKDE Release BuilderApplication應用程式Name:名稱:&Version:版本 (&V):Repository and Revision&Checkout From:從何處提出 (&C) :trunktrunkbranchesbranchestags標籤Ta&g/Branch:Ta&g/Branch:&SVN Access:&SVN Access:anonsvnhttpshttpssvn+sshsvn+ssh&User:使用者 (&U):Options選項Get &DocumentationGet &TranslationsC&reate TagS&kip translations below completion: % %Create Tar&ballApply &fixesResizeFileSystemJobResize file system on partition %1.Parted failed to resize filesystem.Failed to resize filesystem.ResizePartitionJobResize partition %1.The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.Could not open device '%1'.SetHostNameJobSet hostname %1Internal Error內部錯誤Cannot write hostname to target systemSetPartGeometryJobUpdate geometry of partition %1.Failed to change the geometry of the partition.SetPasswordJobSet password for user %1Bad destination system path.rootMountPoint is %1Cannot set password for user %1.usermod terminated with error code %1.SetTimezoneJobSet timezone to %1/%2Cannot access selected timezone path.Bad path: %1Cannot set timezone.Link creation failed, target: %1; link name: %2SizeDetailsWidgetBaseFirst sector:@label:listboxLast sector:@label:listboxAlign partitionSizeDialogWidgetBasePartition type:@label:listboxPrimaryExtendedLogicalFile system:@label:listbox檔案系統:Label:@label標籤:This file system does not support setting a label.@labelMinimum size:@labelMaximum size:@labelFree space before:@label:listboxSize:@label:listboxFree space after:@label:listboxSmartDialogWidgetBaseSMART status:Model:Serial number:Firmware revision:Temperature:Bad sectors:Powered on for:Power cycles:IdAttributeFailure TypeUpdate TypeWorstCurrentThresholdRawAssessmentValue值Overall assessment:Self tests:自我檢測:SummaryViewStepSummary總覽TreeLogBaseSev.@title:column Severity of a log entry / log level. Text must be very short.SeverityTime@title:column a time stamp of a log entry時間Message@title:column the text message of a log entry訊息UsersPageYour username contains an invalid character '%1'您的使用者名稱含有無效的字元 「%1」Your username contains invalid characters!您的使用者名稱含有無效的字元!Your hostname contains an invalid character '%1'您的主機名稱含有無效的字元「%1」Your hostname contains invalid characters!您的主機名稱含有無效的字元!Your passwords do not match!密碼不符!UsersViewStepUsers使用者