[packagechooser] Complete parsing of AppData

- Document all the static inline methods that do the work
 - Fill up a QVariantMap from <name>, <summary> and <description><p>
   elements, and use that to initialize the PackageItem.
Adriaan de Groot
parent 431c4de77f
commit fb547364c7

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#ifdef HAVE_XML
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QDomNodeList>
#include <QFile>
@ -98,7 +99,12 @@ PackageItem::PackageItem::PackageItem( const QVariantMap& item_map )
#ifdef HAVE_XML
/** @brief try to load the given @p fileName XML document
* Returns a QDomDocument, which will be valid iff the file can
* be read and contains valid XML data.
static inline QDomDocument
loadAppData( const QString& fileName )
QFile file( fileName );
@ -116,12 +122,138 @@ loadAppData( const QString& fileName )
return doc;
/** @brief gets the text of child element @p tagName
static inline QString
getChildText( const QDomNode& n, const QString& tagName )
QDomElement e = n.firstChildElement( tagName );
return e.isNull() ? QString() : e.text();
/** @brief Gets a suitable screenshot path
* The <screenshots> element contains zero or more <screenshot>
* elements, which can have a *type* associated with them.
* Scan the screenshot elements, return the <image> path
* for the one labeled with type=default or, if there is no
* default, the first element.
static inline QString
getScreenshotPath( const QDomNode& n )
QDomElement shotsNode = n.firstChildElement( "screenshots" );
if ( shotsNode.isNull() )
return QString();
const QDomNodeList shotList = shotsNode.childNodes();
int firstScreenshot = -1; // Use which screenshot node?
for ( int i = 0; i < shotList.count(); ++i )
if ( !shotList.at( i ).isElement() )
QDomElement e = shotList.at( i ).toElement();
if ( e.tagName() != "screenshot" )
// If none has the "type=default" attribute, use the first one
if ( firstScreenshot < 0 )
firstScreenshot = i;
// But type=default takes precedence.
if ( e.hasAttribute( "type" ) && e.attribute( "type" ) == "default" )
firstScreenshot = i;
if ( firstScreenshot >= 0 )
return shotList.at( firstScreenshot ).firstChildElement( "image" ).text();
return QString();
/** @brief Returns language of the given element @p e
* Transforms the attribute value for xml:lang to something
* suitable for TranslatedString (e.g. [lang]).
static inline QString
getLanguage( const QDomElement& e )
QString language = e.attribute( "xml:lang" );
if ( !language.isEmpty() )
language.replace( '-', '_' );
language.prepend( '[' );
language.append( ']' );
return language;
/** @brief Scan the list of @p children for @p tagname elements and add them to the map
* Uses @p mapname instead of @p tagname for the entries in map @p m
* to allow renaming from XML to map keys (in particular for
* TranslatedString). Also transforms xml:lang attributes to suitable
* key-decorations on @p mapname.
static inline void
fillMap( QVariantMap& m, const QDomNodeList& children, const QString& tagname, const QString& mapname )
for ( int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i )
if ( !children.at( i ).isElement() )
QDomElement e = children.at( i ).toElement();
if ( e.tagName() != tagname )
m[ mapname + getLanguage( e ) ] = e.text();
/** @brief gets the <name> and <description> elements
* Builds up a map of the <name> elements (which may have a *lang*
* attribute to indicate translations and paragraphs of the
* <description> element (also with lang). Uses the <summary>
* elements to supplement the description if no description
* is available for a given language.
* Returns a map with keys suitable for use by TranslatedString.
static inline QVariantMap
getNameAndSummary( const QDomNode& n )
QVariantMap m;
const QDomNodeList children = n.childNodes();
fillMap( m, children, "name", "name" );
fillMap( m, children, "summary", "description" );
const QDomElement description = n.firstChildElement( "description" );
if ( !description.isNull() )
fillMap( m, description.childNodes(), "p", "description" );
return m;
@ -129,7 +261,7 @@ PackageItem::fromAppData( const QString& fileName )
#ifdef HAVE_XML
cDebug() << "Loading AppData XML from" << fileName;
QDomDocument doc = loadAppData( fileName );
if ( doc.isNull() )
@ -140,13 +272,23 @@ PackageItem::fromAppData( const QString& fileName )
if ( !componentNode.isNull() && componentNode.tagName() == "component" )
QString id = getChildText( componentNode, "id" );
cDebug() << "Got AppData id" << id;
if ( id.isEmpty() )
return PackageItem();
QString screenshotPath = getScreenshotPath( componentNode );
QVariantMap map = getNameAndSummary( componentNode );
map.insert( "id", id );
map.insert( "screenshot", screenshotPath );
return PackageItem( map );
return PackageItem();
cWarning() << "Loading AppData XML is not supported.";
return PackageItem();
