@ -20,9 +20,13 @@
# include "FinishedViewStep.h"
# include "FinishedPage.h"
# include "Branding.h"
# include "JobQueue.h"
# include "Settings.h"
# include "utils/Logger.h"
# include "utils/NamedEnum.h"
# include "utils/Variant.h"
# include <QtDBus/QDBusConnection>
@ -30,8 +34,20 @@
# include <QtDBus/QDBusReply>
# include <QVariantMap>
# include "Branding.h"
# include "Settings.h"
static const NamedEnumTable < FinishedViewStep : : RestartMode > &
modeNames ( )
using Mode = FinishedViewStep : : RestartMode ;
static const NamedEnumTable < Mode > names {
{ QStringLiteral ( " never " ) , Mode : : Never } ,
{ QStringLiteral ( " user-unchecked " ) , Mode : : UserUnchecked } ,
{ QStringLiteral ( " user-checked " ) , Mode : : UserChecked } ,
{ QStringLiteral ( " always " ) , Mode : : Always }
} ;
return names ;
FinishedViewStep : : FinishedViewStep ( QObject * parent )
: Calamares : : ViewStep ( parent )
@ -157,13 +173,26 @@ FinishedViewStep::onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& d
FinishedViewStep : : setConfigurationMap ( const QVariantMap & configurationMap )
bool restartNowEnabled = CalamaresUtils : : getBool ( configurationMap , " restartNowEnabled " , false ) ;
m_widget - > setRestartNowEnabled ( restartNowEnabled ) ;
RestartMode mode = RestartMode : : Never ;
QString restartMode = CalamaresUtils : : getString ( configurationMap , " restartNowMode " ) ;
if ( restartMode . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( configurationMap . contains ( " restartNowEnabled " ) )
cWarning ( ) < < " Configuring the finished module with deprecated restartNowEnabled settings " ;
bool restartNowEnabled = CalamaresUtils : : getBool ( configurationMap , " restartNowEnabled " , false ) ;
bool restartNowChecked = CalamaresUtils : : getBool ( configurationMap , " restartNowChecked " , false ) ;
if ( ! restartNowEnabled )
mode = RestartMode : : Never ;
mode = restartNowChecked ? RestartMode : : UserChecked : RestartMode : : UserUnchecked ;
bool restartNowChecked = restartNowEnabled & & CalamaresUtils : : getBool ( configurationMap , " restartNowChecked " , false ) ;
m_widget - > setRestartNowChecked ( restartNowChecked ) ;
m_widget - > setRestart ( mode ) ;
if ( restartNowEnabled )
if ( mode ! = RestartMode : : Never )
QString restartNowCommand = CalamaresUtils : : getString ( configurationMap , " restartNowCommand " ) ;
if ( restartNowCommand . isEmpty ( ) )