@ -50,53 +50,6 @@ CreateUserJob::prettyStatusMessage() const
return m_status.isEmpty() ? tr( "Creating user %1." ).arg( m_config->loginName() ) : m_status;
groupsInTargetSystem( const QDir& targetRoot )
QFileInfo groupsFi( targetRoot.absoluteFilePath( "etc/group" ) );
QFile groupsFile( groupsFi.absoluteFilePath() );
if ( !groupsFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
return QStringList();
QString groupsData = QString::fromLocal8Bit( groupsFile.readAll() );
QStringList groupsLines = groupsData.split( '\n' );
QStringList::iterator it = groupsLines.begin();
while ( it != groupsLines.end() )
if ( it->startsWith( '#' ) )
it = groupsLines.erase( it );
int indexOfFirstToDrop = it->indexOf( ':' );
if ( indexOfFirstToDrop < 1 )
it = groupsLines.erase( it );
it->truncate( indexOfFirstToDrop );
return groupsLines;
static void
ensureGroupsExistInTarget( const QList< GroupDescription >& wantedGroups, const QStringList& availableGroups )
for ( const auto& group : wantedGroups )
if ( group.isValid() && !availableGroups.contains( group.name() ) )
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
CalamaresUtils::System::instance()->targetEnvCall( { "pw", "groupadd", "-n", group.name() } );
CalamaresUtils::System::instance()->targetEnvCall( { "groupadd", group.name() } );
static Calamares::JobResult
createUser( const QString& loginName, const QString& fullName, const QString& shell )
@ -166,28 +119,6 @@ CreateUserJob::exec()
reuseHome = gs->value( "reuseHome" ).toBool();
cDebug() << "[CREATEUSER]: preparing groups";
m_status = tr( "Preparing groups for user %1" ).arg( m_config->loginName() );
emit progress( 0.1 );
// loginName(), fullName().isEmpty() ? loginName() : fullName(), doAutoLogin(), groupNames );
const auto& defaultGroups = m_config->defaultGroups();
QStringList groupsForThisUser = std::accumulate(
[]( const QStringList& l, const GroupDescription& g ) { return QStringList( l ) << g.name(); } );
QStringList availableGroups = groupsInTargetSystem( destDir );
ensureGroupsExistInTarget( defaultGroups, availableGroups );
if ( m_config->doAutoLogin() && !m_config->autologinGroup().isEmpty() )
const QString autologinGroup = m_config->autologinGroup();
groupsForThisUser << autologinGroup;
ensureGroupsExistInTarget( QList< GroupDescription >() << GroupDescription( autologinGroup ), availableGroups );
// If we're looking to reuse the contents of an existing /home.
// This GS setting comes from the **partitioning** module.
if ( reuseHome )
@ -219,7 +150,7 @@ CreateUserJob::exec()
m_status = tr( "Configuring user %1" ).arg( m_config->loginName() );
emit progress( 0.8 );
auto usergroupsResult = setUserGroups( m_config->loginName(), groupsForThisUser );
auto usergroupsResult = setUserGroups( m_config->loginName(), m_config->groupsForThisUser() );
if ( !usergroupsResult )
return usergroupsResult;