@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ contributors are listed. Note that Calamares does not have a historical
changelog -- this log starts with version 3.2.0. The release notes on the
website will have to do for older versions.
# 3.2.13 (unreleased) #
# 3.2.13 (2019-08-30) #
This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
- Arnaud Ferraris
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
- The *welcome* module can have URLs for the various buttons configured
directly in the module configuration (rather than in `branding.desc`).
# 3.2.12 (2019-08-07) #
This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):