Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue-1701' into calamares

FIXES #1701

There's now a check in place that suppresses the GPT-for-BIOS
message if the user is going to follow its advice already.
Adriaan de Groot 4 years ago
commit e2d6e63fe6

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
// KPMcore
#include <kpmcore/core/device.h>
#include <kpmcore/core/partition.h>
#include <QComboBox>
@ -148,28 +149,39 @@ BootLoaderModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
return QStandardItemModel::data( index, role );
namespace Calamares
findBootloader( const QAbstractItemModel* model, const QString& path )
std::pair< int, Device* >
BootLoaderModel::findBootLoader( const QString& path ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); ++i )
int r = 0;
for ( Device* d : m_devices )
const auto index = model->index( i, 0, QModelIndex() );
if ( !index.isValid() )
if ( d && d->deviceNode() == path )
return std::make_pair( r, d );
QVariant var = model->data( index, BootLoaderModel::BootLoaderPathRole );
if ( var.isValid() && var.toString() == path )
Partition* partition = KPMHelpers::findPartitionByMountPoint( m_devices, path );
if ( partition )
const QString partition_device_path = partition->deviceNode();
r = 0;
for ( Device* d : m_devices )
return i;
if ( d && d->deviceNode() == partition_device_path )
return std::make_pair( r, d );
return -1;
return std::make_pair( -1, nullptr );
namespace Calamares
restoreSelectedBootLoader( QComboBox& combo, const QString& path )
@ -180,12 +192,16 @@ restoreSelectedBootLoader( QComboBox& combo, const QString& path )
int r = -1;
if ( path.isEmpty() )
cDebug() << "No path to restore, choosing default";
combo.setCurrentIndex( 0 );
else if ( ( r = findBootloader( model, path ) ) >= 0 )
const BootLoaderModel* bmodel = qobject_cast< const BootLoaderModel* >( model );
int r = bmodel ? bmodel->findBootLoader( path ).first : -1;
if ( r >= 0 )
combo.setCurrentIndex( r );

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class BootLoaderModel : public QStandardItemModel
using DeviceList = QList< Device* >;
BootLoaderPathRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,
@ -39,13 +41,19 @@ public:
* Init the model with the list of devices. Does *not* take ownership of the
* devices.
void init( const QList< Device* >& devices );
void init( const DeviceList& devices );
void update();
QVariant data( const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const override;
using DeviceList = QList< Device* >;
/** @brief Looks up a boot-loader by device-name @p path (e.g. /dev/sda)
* Returns a row number (index) in the model and a Device*: if there **is** a
* device for the given @p path, index will be in range of the model and
* Device* non-null. Returns (-1, nullptr) otherwise.
std::pair< int, Device* > findBootLoader( const QString& path ) const;
DeviceList m_devices;
@ -57,13 +65,6 @@ private:
namespace Calamares
/** @brief Returns the row number of boot-loader @p path (e.g. /dev/sda)
* Assuming the @p model is a BootLoaderModel, will return a row number
* in the model. Returns -1 otherwise.
int findBootloader( const QAbstractItemModel* model, const QString& path );
/** @brief Tries to set @p path as selected item in @p combo
* Matches a boot-loader install path (e.g. /dev/sda) with a model

@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ PartitionCoreModule::deviceModel() const
return m_deviceModel;
PartitionCoreModule::bootLoaderModel() const
return m_bootLoaderModel;

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public:
* The single BootLoaderModel instance belongs to the PCM.
* @return the BootLoaderModel.
QAbstractItemModel* bootLoaderModel() const;
BootLoaderModel* bootLoaderModel() const;
void createPartitionTable( Device* device, PartitionTable::TableType type );

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "gui/PartitionViewStep.h"
#include "core/BootLoaderModel.h"
#include "core/Config.h"
#include "core/DeviceModel.h"
#include "core/KPMHelpers.h"
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
#include "utils/NamedEnum.h"
#include "utils/QtCompat.h"
#include "utils/Retranslator.h"
#include "utils/Units.h"
#include "utils/Variant.h"
#include "widgets/WaitingWidget.h"
@ -395,6 +397,44 @@ PartitionViewStep::onActivate()
static bool
shouldWarnForGPTOnBIOS( const PartitionCoreModule* core )
if ( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() )
return false;
auto [ r, device ] = core->bootLoaderModel()->findBootLoader( core->bootLoaderInstallPath() );
if ( device )
auto* table = device->partitionTable();
cDebug() << "Found device for bootloader" << device->deviceNode();
if ( table && table->type() == PartitionTable::TableType::gpt )
// So this is a BIOS system, and the bootloader will be installed on a GPT system
for ( const auto& partition : qAsConst( table->children() ) )
using CalamaresUtils::Units::operator""_MiB;
if ( ( partition->activeFlags() & PartitionTable::Flag::BiosGrub )
&& ( partition->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Unformatted )
&& ( partition->capacity() >= 8_MiB ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Partition" << partition->devicePath()
<< partition->partitionPath()
<< "is a suitable bios_grub partition";
return false;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "No suitable partition for bios_grub found";
cDebug() << "Found no device for" << core->bootLoaderInstallPath();
return true;
@ -462,24 +502,25 @@ PartitionViewStep::onLeave()
cDebug() << "device: BIOS";
// TODO: this *always* warns, which might be annoying, so it'd be
// best to find a way to detect that bios_grub partition.
QString message = tr( "Option to use GPT on BIOS" );
QString description = tr( "A GPT partition table is the best option for all "
"systems. This installer supports such a setup for "
"BIOS systems too."
"To configure a GPT partition table on BIOS, "
"(if not done so already) go back "
"and set the partition table to GPT, next create a 8 MB "
"unformatted partition with the "
"<strong>bios_grub</strong> flag enabled.<br/><br/>"
"An unformatted 8 MB partition is necessary "
"to start %1 on a BIOS system with GPT." )
.arg( branding->shortProductName() );
QMessageBox::information( m_manualPartitionPage, message, description );
if ( shouldWarnForGPTOnBIOS( m_core ) )
QString message = tr( "Option to use GPT on BIOS" );
QString description = tr( "A GPT partition table is the best option for all "
"systems. This installer supports such a setup for "
"BIOS systems too."
"To configure a GPT partition table on BIOS, "
"(if not done so already) go back "
"and set the partition table to GPT, next create a 8 MB "
"unformatted partition with the "
"<strong>bios_grub</strong> flag enabled.<br/><br/>"
"An unformatted 8 MB partition is necessary "
"to start %1 on a BIOS system with GPT." )
.arg( branding->shortProductName() );
QMessageBox::information( m_manualPartitionPage, message, description );
Partition* root_p = m_core->findPartitionByMountPoint( "/" );
@ -593,7 +634,7 @@ PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap )
// because it could take a while. Then when it's done, we can set up the widgets
// and remove the spinner.
m_future = new QFutureWatcher< void >();
connect( m_future, &QFutureWatcher< void >::finished, this, [this] {
connect( m_future, &QFutureWatcher< void >::finished, this, [ this ] {
this->m_future = nullptr;
