@ -154,6 +154,26 @@ ModuleManager::moduleInstance( const QString& instanceKey )
* @brief Search a list of instance descriptions for one matching @p module and @p id
* @return -1 on failure, otherwise index of the instance that matches.
static int findCustomInstance( const Settings::InstanceDescriptionList& customInstances,
const QString& module,
const QString& id )
for ( int i = 0; i < customInstances.count(); ++i )
const auto& thisInstance = customInstances[ i ];
if ( thisInstance.value( "module" ) == module &&
thisInstance.value( "id" ) == id )
return i;
return -1;
@ -196,25 +216,11 @@ ModuleManager::loadModules()
auto findCustomInstance =
[ customInstances ]( const QString& module,
const QString& id) -> int
for ( int i = 0; i < customInstances.count(); ++i )
auto thisInstance = customInstances[ i ];
if ( thisInstance.value( "module" ) == module &&
thisInstance.value( "id" ) == id )
return i;
return -1;
if ( moduleName != instanceId ) //means this is a custom instance
if ( findCustomInstance( moduleName, instanceId ) > -1 )
if ( int found = findCustomInstance( customInstances, moduleName, instanceId ) > -1 )
configFileName = customInstances[ findCustomInstance( moduleName, instanceId ) ].value( "config" );
configFileName = customInstances[ found ].value( "config" );
else //ought to be a custom instance, but cannot find instance entry