CMake: turn testing on, following KDE style.

A new option BUILD_TESTING is available; you can turn this off at
CMake-time, but building the tests themselves is harmless (although
it takes some CPU time).

The main advantage of doing this is that running the tests becomes
    make test
Instead of figuring out which tests there are and how to run them
individually. Note that the partition-manager tests will normally
fail, because they require an additional environment variable to
be set to tell them what disk to destroy.
Adriaan de Groot 8 years ago
parent 5a1a02197d
commit d756edfc9a

@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ option( WITH_PYTHON "Enable Python modules API (requires Boost.Python)." ON )
option( WITH_CRASHREPORTER "Build with CrashReporter" ON )
option( INSTALL_CONFIG "Install configuration files" ON)
option( WITH_PYTHONQT "Enable next generation Python modules API (experimental, requires PythonQt)." OFF )
option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the testing tree." ON)
endif ()
if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "arm" OR NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/libcrashreporter-qt/CMakeLists.txt" )
message( STATUS "Build of crashreporter disabled." )
