@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ fi
BUILDDIR = $( mktemp -d --suffix= -build --tmpdir= .)
KEY_ID = "CFDDC96F12B1915C"
# Try to make gpg cache the signing key, so we can leave the process
# to run and sign.
rm -f CHANGES.gpg
gpg -s -u $KEY_ID CHANGES
### Build with default compiler
@ -124,7 +130,6 @@ test -n "$V" || { echo "Could not obtain version in $BUILDDIR ." ; exit 1 ; }
# This is the signing key ID associated with the GitHub account adriaandegroot,
# which is used to create all "verified" tags in the Calamares repo.
KEY_ID = "CFDDC96F12B1915C"
git tag -u " $KEY_ID " -m " Release v $V " " v $V " || { echo " Could not sign tag v $V . " ; exit 1 ; }
### Create the tarball
@ -145,6 +150,7 @@ test -d "$TMPDIR" || { echo "Could not create tarball-build directory." ; exit 1
tar xzf " $TAR_FILE " -C " $TMPDIR " || { echo "Could not unpack tarball." ; exit 1 ; }
test -d " $TMPDIR / $TAR_V " || { echo "Tarball did not contain source directory." ; exit 1 ; }
( cd " $TMPDIR / $TAR_V " && cmake . && make -j4 && make test ) || { echo " Tarball build failed in $TMPDIR . " ; exit 1 ; }
gpg -s -u $KEY_ID --detach --armor $TAR_FILE # Sign the tarball
### Cleanup
@ -157,7 +163,6 @@ rm -rf "$TMPDIR" # From tarball
cat <<EOF
# Next steps for this release:
git push origin v$V
gpg -s -u $KEY_ID --detach --armor $TAR_FILE # Sign the tarball
# Upload tarball $TAR_FILE and the signature $TAR_FILE.asc
# Announce via https://github.com/calamares/calamares/releases/new
# SHA256: $SHA256