[libcalamares] Special case sr@latin

QLocale::name() doesn't include script information, and if it did
it would probably use sr_RS@Latin; when searching for translation
files it won't consider dropping just the country.
Adriaan de Groot 7 years ago
parent a9ffd3351d
commit b9ed96d4f8

@ -147,6 +147,12 @@ installTranslator( const QLocale& locale,
if ( localeName == "C" )
localeName = "en";
// Special case of sr@latin
if ( locale.language() == QLocale::Language::Serbian && locale.script() == QLocale::Script::LatinScript )
localeName = QStringLiteral( "sr@latin" );
cDebug() << "Looking for translations for" << localeName;
QTranslator* translator = nullptr;
// Branding translations
@ -167,11 +173,11 @@ installTranslator( const QLocale& locale,
brandingTranslationsDir.absolutePath() ) )
cDebug() << "Translation: Branding using locale:" << localeName;
cDebug() << " .. Branding using locale:" << localeName;
cDebug() << "Translation: Branding using default, system locale not found:" << localeName;
cDebug() << " .. Branding using default, system locale not found:" << localeName;
translator->load( brandingTranslationsPrefix + "en" );
@ -190,11 +196,11 @@ installTranslator( const QLocale& locale,
translator = new QTranslator( parent );
if ( translator->load( QString( ":/lang/calamares_" ) + localeName ) )
cDebug() << "Translation: Calamares using locale:" << localeName;
cDebug() << " .. Calamares using locale:" << localeName;
cDebug() << "Translation: Calamares using default, system locale not found:" << localeName;
cDebug() << " .. Calamares using default, system locale not found:" << localeName;
translator->load( QString( ":/lang/calamares_en" ) );
