@ -6,14 +6,18 @@ website will have to do for older versions.
# 3.2.26 (unreleased) #
This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
- No external contributors yet
- Pablo Ovelleiro Corral
## Core ##
- No core changes yet
- External modules can now be built again, outside of the Calamares
source and build-tree.
## Modules ##
- No module changes yet
- *locale* put some more places into the correct timezone **visually**;
for instance Norfolk Island gave up UTC+11.5 in 2015 and is now
UTC+11, but Calamares still showed it in a zone separate from UTC+11.
- *packages* gained support for the Void Linux package manager,
*xbps*. (thanks Pablo)
# 3.2.25 (2020-06-06) #