@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ struct PackageItem
CalamaresUtils::Locale::TranslatedString name;
CalamaresUtils::Locale::TranslatedString description;
QPixmap screenshot;
QStringList packageNames;
/// @brief Create blank PackageItem
@ -50,16 +51,21 @@ struct PackageItem
* @p screenshotPath, which may be a QRC path (:/path/in/qrc) or
* a filesystem path, whatever QPixmap understands.
PackageItem( const QString& id,
const QString& name,
const QString& description,
const QString& screenshotPath );
PackageItem( const QString& id, const QString& name, const QString& description, const QString& screenshotPath );
/** @brief Creates a PackageItem from a QVariantMap
* This is intended for use when loading PackageItems from a
* configuration map. It will look up the various keys in the map
* and handle translation strings as well.
* The following keys are used:
* - *id*: the identifier for this item; if it is the empty string
* then this is the special "no-package".
* - *name* (and *name[lang]*): for the name and its translations
* - *description* (and *description[lang]*)
* - *screenshot*: a path to a screenshot for this package
* - *packages*: a list of package names
PackageItem( const QVariantMap& map );