@ -37,13 +37,9 @@ using CommandList = CalamaresUtils::CommandList;
using std::operator""s;
ShellProcessTests::ShellProcessTests() {}
ShellProcessTests::~ShellProcessTests() {}
@ -66,16 +62,16 @@ ShellProcessTests::testProcessListSampleConfig()
CommandList cl(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl.count(), 3 );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).timeout(), CalamaresUtils::CommandLine::TimeoutNotSet() );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(2).timeout(), 3600s ); // slowloris
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).timeout(), CalamaresUtils::CommandLine::TimeoutNotSet() );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 2 ).timeout(), 3600s ); // slowloris
void ShellProcessTests::testProcessListFromList()
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
@ -83,8 +79,7 @@ script:
- "ls /nonexistent"
- "/bin/false"
)" );
CommandList cl(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl.count(), 3 );
@ -95,52 +90,51 @@ script:
- false
- "ls /nonexistent"
)" );
CommandList cl1(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl1( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl1.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl1.count(), 2 ); // One element ignored
void ShellProcessTests::testProcessListFromString()
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
script: "ls /tmp"
)" );
CommandList cl(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl.count(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).timeout(), 10s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).timeout(), 10s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
// Not a string
doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
script: false
)" );
CommandList cl1(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl1( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( cl1.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl1.count(), 0 );
void ShellProcessTests::testProcessFromObject()
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
command: "ls /tmp"
timeout: 20
)" );
CommandList cl(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl.count(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).timeout(), 20s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).timeout(), 20s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
void ShellProcessTests::testProcessListFromObject()
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
@ -148,34 +142,36 @@ script:
timeout: 12
- "-/bin/false"
)" );
CommandList cl(
CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
CommandList cl( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" ) );
QVERIFY( !cl.isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( cl.count(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).timeout(), 12s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(0).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
QCOMPARE( cl.at(1).timeout(), CalamaresUtils::CommandLine::TimeoutNotSet() ); // not set
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).timeout(), 12s );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 0 ).command(), QStringLiteral( "ls /tmp" ) );
QCOMPARE( cl.at( 1 ).timeout(), CalamaresUtils::CommandLine::TimeoutNotSet() ); // not set
void ShellProcessTests::testRootSubstitution()
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( R"(---
- "ls /tmp"
)" );
QVariant plainScript = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap().value( "script" );
QVariant rootScript = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant(
YAML::Load( R"(---
QVariant rootScript = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( YAML::Load( R"(---
- "ls @@ROOT@@"
)" ) ).toMap().value( "script" );
QVariant userScript = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant(
YAML::Load( R"(---
)" ) )
.value( "script" );
QVariant userScript = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( YAML::Load( R"(---
- mktemp -d @@ROOT@@/calatestXXXXXXXX
- "chown @@USER@@ @@ROOT@@/calatest*"
- rm -rf @@ROOT@@/calatest*
)" ) ).toMap().value( "script" );
)" ) )
.value( "script" );
if ( !Calamares::JobQueue::instance() )
(void)new Calamares::JobQueue( nullptr );
@ -188,29 +184,29 @@ script:
qDebug() << "Expect WARNING, ERROR, WARNING";
// Doesn't use @@ROOT@@, so no failures
QVERIFY( bool(CommandList(plainScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( bool( CommandList( plainScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );
// Doesn't use @@ROOT@@, but does chroot, so fails
QVERIFY( !bool(CommandList(plainScript, true, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( !bool( CommandList( plainScript, true, 10s ).run() ) );
// Does use @@ROOT@@, which is not set, so fails
QVERIFY( !bool(CommandList(rootScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( !bool( CommandList( rootScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );
// .. fails for two reasons
QVERIFY( !bool(CommandList(rootScript, true, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( !bool( CommandList( rootScript, true, 10s ).run() ) );
gs->insert( "rootMountPoint", "/tmp" );
// Now that the root is set, two variants work .. still can't
// chroot, unless the rootMountPoint contains a full system,
// *and* we're allowed to chroot (ie. running tests as root).
qDebug() << "Expect no output.";
QVERIFY( bool(CommandList(plainScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( bool(CommandList(rootScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( bool( CommandList( plainScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );
QVERIFY( bool( CommandList( rootScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );
qDebug() << "Expect ERROR";
// But no user set yet
QVERIFY( !bool(CommandList(userScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( !bool( CommandList( userScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );
// Now play dangerous games with shell expansion
gs->insert( "username", "`id -u`" );
QVERIFY( bool(CommandList(userScript, false, 10s ).run()) );
QVERIFY( bool( CommandList( userScript, false, 10s ).run() ) );