Merge branch 'fixup-log-upload' into calamares

Adriaan de Groot 4 years ago
commit 980e5e13f8

@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
## Core ##
- Uploading your log files (in case of installation failure) has been
expanded and is now more
configurable. Users should still take care when uploading logs,
and distro's should configure a URL with no public viewing
for the uploading of those logs. (Thanks Anubhav)
expanded and is now more configurable. Users should still take care
when uploading logs, and distro's should configure a URL with
no public viewing of those logs. (Thanks Anubhav)
## Modules ##
- A new QML-based *finishedq* module has been added. (Thanks Anke)

@ -220,15 +220,13 @@ slideshowAPI: 2
# These options are to customize online uploading of logs to pastebins:
# - type : Defines the kind of pastebin service to be used.Currently
# it accepts two values:
# - none : disables the pastebin functionality
# - fiche : use fiche pastebin server
# - url : Defines the address of pastebin service to be used.
# Takes string as input
# - port : Defines the port number to be used to send logs. Takes
# integer as input
# - type : Defines the kind of pastebin service to be used. Currently
# it accepts two values:
# - none : disables the pastebin functionality
# - fiche : use fiche pastebin server
# - url : Defines the address of pastebin service to be used.
# Takes string as input. Important bits are the host and port,
# the scheme is not used.
uploadServer :
type : "fiche"
url : ""
port : 9999
url : ""

@ -138,6 +138,32 @@ loadStrings( QMap< QString, QString >& map,
static Branding::UploadServerInfo
uploadServerFromMap( const QVariantMap& map )
using Type = Branding::UploadServerType;
// clang-format off
static const NamedEnumTable< Type > names {
{ "none", Type::None },
{ "fiche", Type::Fiche }
// clang-format on
QString typestring = map[ "type" ].toString();
QString urlstring = map[ "url" ].toString();
if ( typestring.isEmpty() || urlstring.isEmpty() )
return Branding::UploadServerInfo( Branding::UploadServerType::None, QUrl() );
bool bogus = false; // we don't care about type-name lookup success here
return Branding::UploadServerInfo( names.find( typestring, bogus ),
QUrl( urlstring, QUrl::ParsingMode::StrictMode ) );
/** @brief Load the @p map with strings from @p config
* If os-release is supported (with KF5 CoreAddons >= 5.58) then
@ -227,11 +253,7 @@ Branding::Branding( const QString& brandingFilePath, QObject* parent )
} );
loadStrings( m_style, doc, "style", []( const QString& s ) -> QString { return s; } );
const QVariantMap temp = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc[ "uploadServer" ] );
for ( auto it = temp.constBegin(); it != temp.constEnd(); ++it )
m_uploadServer.insert( it.key(), it.value().toString() );
m_uploadServer = uploadServerFromMap( CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc[ "uploadServer" ] ) );
catch ( YAML::Exception& e )
@ -292,12 +314,6 @@ Branding::imagePath( Branding::ImageEntry imageEntry ) const
return m_images.value( s_imageEntryStrings.value( imageEntry ) );
Branding::uploadServer( Branding::UploadServerEntry uploadServerEntry ) const
return m_uploadServer.value( s_uploadServerStrings.value( uploadServerEntry ) );
Branding::image( Branding::ImageEntry imageEntry, const QSize& size ) const

@ -83,13 +83,16 @@ public:
Q_ENUM( StyleEntry )
enum UploadServerEntry : short
/** @brief Supported log-upload servers.
* 'None' is here as a fallback.
enum UploadServerType : short
Q_ENUM( UploadServerEntry )
Q_ENUM( UploadServerType )
/** @brief Setting for how much the main window may expand. */
enum class WindowExpansion
@ -218,6 +221,14 @@ public:
///@brief Which navigation flavor is configured
PanelFlavor navigationFlavor() const { return m_navigationFlavor; }
/** @brief Upload server configuration
* This is both the type (which may be none, in which case the URL
* is irrelevant and usually empty) and the URL for the upload.
using UploadServerInfo = QPair< UploadServerType, QUrl >;
UploadServerInfo uploadServer() const { return m_uploadServer; }
* Creates a map called "branding" in the global storage, and inserts an
* entry for each of the branding strings. This makes the branding
@ -234,7 +245,6 @@ public slots:
QString styleString( StyleEntry styleEntry ) const;
QString imagePath( ImageEntry imageEntry ) const;
QString uploadServer( UploadServerEntry uploadServerEntry ) const;
PanelSide sidebarSide() const { return m_sidebarSide; }
PanelSide navigationSide() const { return m_navigationSide; }
@ -252,7 +262,7 @@ private:
QMap< QString, QString > m_strings;
QMap< QString, QString > m_images;
QMap< QString, QString > m_style;
QMap< QString, QString > m_uploadServer;
UploadServerInfo m_uploadServer;
/* The slideshow can be done in one of two ways:
* - as a sequence of images

@ -111,3 +111,12 @@ foreach( subdir modulesystem utils viewpages widgets )
file( GLOB subdir_headers "${subdir}/*.h" )
install( FILES ${subdir_headers} DESTINATION include/libcalamares/${subdir} )

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <QApplication>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QFile>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QMetaObject>
@ -142,8 +143,8 @@ ViewManager::insertViewStep( int before, ViewStep* step )
ViewManager::onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& details )
QString serverType = Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer( Calamares::Branding::Type );
bool shouldOfferWebPaste = CalamaresUtils::UploadServersList.contains( serverType );
bool shouldOfferWebPaste
= Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer().first != Calamares::Branding::UploadServerType::None;
cError() << "Installation failed:" << message;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "- message:" << message;
@ -189,25 +190,26 @@ ViewManager::onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& detail
connect( msgBox, &QMessageBox::buttonClicked, [msgBox]( QAbstractButton* button ) {
if ( msgBox->buttonRole( button ) == QMessageBox::ButtonRole::YesRole )
QString pasteUrlMsg;
QString serverType = Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer( Calamares::Branding::Type );
if ( serverType == "fiche" )
QString pasteUrl = CalamaresUtils::Paste::doLogUpload( msgBox );
QString pasteUrlMessage;
if ( pasteUrl.isEmpty() )
pasteUrlMsg = CalamaresUtils::ficheLogUpload( msgBox );
pasteUrlMessage = tr( "The upload was unsuccessful. No web-paste was done." );
pasteUrlMsg = QString();
QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
clipboard->setText( pasteUrl, QClipboard::Clipboard );
if ( clipboard->supportsSelection() )
clipboard->setText( pasteUrl, QClipboard::Selection );
QString pasteUrlFmt = tr( "Install log posted to\n\n%1\n\nLink copied to clipboard" );
pasteUrlMessage = pasteUrlFmt.arg( pasteUrl );
QString pasteUrlTitle = tr( "Install Log Paste URL" );
if ( pasteUrlMsg.isEmpty() )
pasteUrlMsg = tr( "The upload was unsuccessful. No web-paste was done." );
// TODO: make the URL clickable, or copy it to the clipboard automatically
QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, pasteUrlTitle, pasteUrlMsg );
QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, tr( "Install Log Paste URL" ), pasteUrlMessage );
} );

@ -10,49 +10,36 @@
#include "Paste.h"
#include "Branding.h"
#include "DllMacro.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStringList>
namespace CalamaresUtils
QStringList UploadServersList = {
// In future more serverTypes can be added as Calamares support them
// "none" serverType is explicitly not mentioned here
ficheLogUpload( QObject* parent )
/** @brief Reads the logfile, returns its contents.
* Returns an empty QByteArray() on any kind of error.
const QString& ficheHost = Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer( Calamares::Branding::URL );
quint16 fichePort = Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer( Calamares::Branding::Port ).toInt();
QString pasteUrlFmt = parent->tr( "Install log posted to\n\n%1\n\nLink copied to clipboard" );
QFile pasteSourceFile( Logger::logFile() );
if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
cError() << "Could not open log file";
return QString();
return QByteArray();
// TODO: read the **last** 16kiB?
return 16384 /* bytes */ );
QByteArray pasteData;
while ( !pasteSourceFile.atEnd() )
pasteData += pasteSourceFile.readLine();
ficheLogUpload( const QByteArray& pasteData, const QUrl& serverUrl, QObject* parent )
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket( parent );
socket->connectToHost( ficheHost, fichePort );
socket->connectToHost(, serverUrl.port() );
if ( !socket->waitForConnected() )
@ -61,7 +48,7 @@ ficheLogUpload( QObject* parent )
return QString();
cDebug() << "Connected to paste server";
cDebug() << "Connected to paste server" <<;
socket->write( pasteData );
@ -72,7 +59,7 @@ ficheLogUpload( QObject* parent )
return QString();
cDebug() << "Paste data written to paste server";
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Paste data written to paste server";
if ( !socket->waitForReadyRead() )
@ -81,35 +68,52 @@ ficheLogUpload( QObject* parent )
return QString();
cDebug() << "Reading response from paste server";
char resp[ 1024 ];
resp[ 0 ] = '\0';
qint64 nBytesRead = socket->readLine( resp, 1024 );
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Reading response from paste server";
QByteArray responseText = socket->readLine( 1024 );
QUrl pasteUrl = QUrl( QString( resp ).trimmed(), QUrl::StrictMode );
QString pasteUrlStr = pasteUrl.toString();
QRegularExpression pasteUrlRegex( "^http[s]?://" + ficheHost );
QString pasteUrlMsg = QString( pasteUrlFmt ).arg( pasteUrlStr );
if ( nBytesRead >= 8 && pasteUrl.isValid() && pasteUrlRegex.match( pasteUrlStr ).hasMatch() )
QUrl pasteUrl = QUrl( QString( responseText ).trimmed(), QUrl::StrictMode );
if ( pasteUrl.isValid() && == )
QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
clipboard->setText(pasteUrlStr, QClipboard::Clipboard);
if (clipboard->supportsSelection())
clipboard->setText(pasteUrlStr, QClipboard::Selection);
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Paste server results:" << pasteUrl;
return pasteUrl.toString();
cError() << "No data from paste server";
return QString();
cDebug() << "Paste server results:" << pasteUrlMsg;
return pasteUrlMsg;
CalamaresUtils::Paste::doLogUpload( QObject* parent )
auto [ type, serverUrl ] = Calamares::Branding::instance()->uploadServer();
if ( !serverUrl.isValid() )
cWarning() << "Upload configure with invalid URL";
return QString();
if ( type == Calamares::Branding::UploadServerType::None )
// Early return to avoid reading the log file
return QString();
QByteArray pasteData = logFileContents();
if ( pasteData.isEmpty() )
// An error has already been logged
return QString();
switch ( type )
case Calamares::Branding::UploadServerType::None:
cWarning() << "No upload configured.";
return QString();
case Calamares::Branding::UploadServerType::Fiche:
return ficheLogUpload( pasteData, serverUrl, parent );
return QString();
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
#include <QString>
class QObject;
class QString;
namespace CalamaresUtils
namespace Paste
/** @brief Send the current log file to a pastebin
* Returns the (string) URL that the pastebin gives us.
QString ficheLogUpload( QObject* parent );
extern QStringList UploadServersList;
QString doLogUpload( QObject* parent );
} // namespace Paste
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Adriaan de Groot <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "Paste.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
extern QByteArray logFileContents();
extern QString ficheLogUpload( const QByteArray& pasteData, const QUrl& serverUrl, QObject* parent );
class TestPaste : public QObject
TestPaste() {}
~TestPaste() override {}
private Q_SLOTS:
void testGetLogFile();
void testFichePaste();
// This test assumes nothing **else** has set up logging yet
QByteArray b = logFileContents();
QVERIFY( b.isEmpty() );
Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG );
b = logFileContents();
QVERIFY( !b.isEmpty() );
QString blabla( "the quick brown fox tested Calamares and found it rubbery" );
QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QByteArray d = ( blabla + now.toString() ).toUtf8();
QString s = ficheLogUpload( d, QUrl( "" ), nullptr );
cDebug() << "Paste data to" << s;
QVERIFY( !s.isEmpty() );
#include "utils/moc-warnings.h"
#include "TestPaste.moc"