@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include "utils/Retranslator.h"
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QLabel>
@ -42,13 +41,26 @@ TrackingPage::TrackingPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent )
ui->noneCheckBox->setChecked( true );
connect( ui->noneCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &TrackingPage::buttonNoneChecked );
connect( ui->installCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &TrackingPage::buttonChecked );
connect( ui->machineCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &TrackingPage::buttonChecked );
connect( ui->userCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &TrackingPage::buttonChecked );
connect( ui->installCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [ this ]( int s ) { cDebug() << "Checkbox install changed" << s; } );
connect( config->installTracking(), &TrackingStyleConfig::trackingChanged, [ config ]() { cDebug() <<
"Install tracking configuration changed to " << config->installTracking()->isEnabled(); } ) ;
// Each "panel" of configuration has the same kind of setup,
// where the xButton and xCheckBox is connected to the xTracking
// configuration object; that takes macro-trickery, unfortunately.
#define trackingSetup(x) { \
connect( ui->x ## CheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, \
this, &TrackingPage::buttonChecked ); \
connect( ui->x ## CheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, \
config->x ## Tracking(), QOverload<bool>::of( &TrackingStyleConfig::setTracking ) ); \
connect( config->x ## Tracking(), &TrackingStyleConfig::trackingChanged, \
this, [ this, config ]() { this->trackerChanged( config->x ## Tracking(), this->ui->x ## Group, this->ui->x ## CheckBox);} ); \
connect( ui->x ## PolicyButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, \
config, [ config ] { QString url( config->x ## Tracking()->policy() ); if ( !url.isEmpty() ) { QDesktopServices::openUrl( url ); } } ); \
trackingSetup( install )
trackingSetup( machine )
trackingSetup( user )
#undef trackingSetup
connect( config, &Config::generalPolicyChanged, [ this ]( const QString& url ) {
this->ui->generalPolicyLabel->setVisible( !url.isEmpty() );
@ -119,3 +131,10 @@ void TrackingPage::buttonChecked(int state)
TrackingPage::trackerChanged(TrackingStyleConfig* config, QWidget* panel, QCheckBox* check)
panel->setVisible( config->isConfigurable() );
check->setChecked( config->isEnabled() );